

Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Invisible Guest

"Focus on the details."
Absolutely amazing!! My mind was blown by the ending, when everything fell into place I actually screamed at the screen. If you're into mysteries, this is the movie for you. Incredible!

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I, too, would infiltrate a gang to rescue my kitten.

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Marriage Story

Not a fan of dramas, so I've been kind of avoiding this one, but oh boy, was I wrong for doing so. It was so good! Shows a deep, personal story, you see perspectives of both characters, and you can't take sides - you actually understand where both of them are coming from. Shows how complex relationships are, and that you can still care deeply about someone even after your relationship is over. The whole cast was great, but Driver for me was absolutely sensational!

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The Witcher

I thought it was pretty good, Cavill is great as Geralt.
The time jumps were a bit confusing at first, but once you pick up on it, it's pretty clear what order everything is happening in.
I'm confused why Jaskier is not aging, I thought he's supposed to be human with no magical enhancements. Also, slightly upset Triss is not a redhead. Fight scene at Blaviken was art, can't tell me otherwise.
Yennefer for me is the least liked character on the show, I can't stand her whining, "oh boo hoo, poor me, had a tough life" ffs just get over yourself already, ugh.
Overall, good season, I'm excited for next one, I just hope Yennefer is less annoying then.

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One of the darkest movies I've seen recently, dealing with a sensitive topic, so well written and marvelously executed. Phoenix was absolutely brilliant here, he gave an Oscar worthy performance.

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Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks

Sansa is officially the worst secret keeper of the Seven f*ckin' kingdoms. Couldn't last even a day. How anyone likes her is beyond me. Daenerys now has every right to go full on Mad King and just burn everyone. F*ck it.

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Bohemian Rhapsody

Left me in tears. Absolutely amazing. The cast was brilliant, their chemistry was perfect. A truly wonderful way to tell the story of a legend. Loved it!

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Gabriel Iglesias: I'm Sorry for What I Said When I Was Hungry

This was great, I laughed so hard, actually ran out of breath a few times :')

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The Walking Dead: 9x05 What Comes After

Did I seriously get traumatized to the point of getting a headache from crying only for him to make it in the end?

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A Quiet Place

I can't get over how amazing this was! Super intense, Krasinski did a fantastic job for a first time horror director. Literally the only thing I kinda disliked was the lack of backstory. I'd like to know how those creatures came to Earth, what caused all of that. And why was there no one else around? Other than that, it was amazing, I loved it.

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Westworld: 2x05 Akane No Mai

Is it just me, or is Dolores becoming more and more annoying with each episode?
Maeve, on the other hand, has my entire heart.

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Supernatural: 13x23 Let the Good Times Roll

The last couple of minutes made my heart stop. It was kinda predictable - coz let's be real, how can you trust Michael - and it still managed to get me to go "WHOOOOOOA" at the screen. The fighting scene was cringy as hell, though. I enjoyed Lucifer's character, but I'm glad he's finally gone for good, it was high time it happened.
On a side note, Dean looks good with wings. And that whole outfit at the end was on point.

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The Big Bang Theory: 11x24 The Bow Tie Asymmetry

This was the cutest thing I've seen in a while! :D

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Fear the Walking Dead: 4x03 Good Out Here

Well, I literally have no more reasons to watch this show. They were off to a good start, then kinda went downhill, Nick's character was carrying the story for me, and now this...

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Avengers: Infinity War

A question for MCU: How f*cking dare you?

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

I really enjoyed it! It was entertaining, guaranteed to make you laugh! Jack Black was amazing in particular. :')

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Supernatural: 13x16 ScoobyNatural

My childhood and my adolescence together in an episode - it was amazing!

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Criminal Minds: 13x15 Annihilator

Never in my life have I wanted to punch someone through the screen more than Barnes.

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The Walking Dead: 8x09 Honor

I didn't realize I actually cared for Carl til this episode. Surprised myself with how much I actually cried.

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Wow, this was terrifying! When I watched the 90s miniseries, it was kinda meh, made me more uncomfortable than scared, but Skarsgård seriously made me look away or cover my eyes. Curry has nothing on Skarsgård. I love it! Loved the kids too, they played their parts really really well. I especially liked how they haven't changed much of it, as in, they didn't take away much from the book. I'm really excited about chapter 2, I'm sure it's gonna be amazing.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

For me, it was better than TFA.

Yeah, at moments it was all over the place, but in the end everything came together really well. I did think the romance thing between Finn and Rose was awkward, I mean c'mon, we don't need romance everywhere. It brought nothing to the plot.
Kylo/Ben story line was an emotional roller coaster, had me torn between wanting to protect him and punching him in the face.
The Kylo and Rey vs. Snoke's guards bit was great, I liked how they worked so well as a team. I also enjoyed the scenes where they connected and talked through the Force.

Overall, I enjoyed it, it was entertaining. However, for me, Rogue One still takes the title for the best SW movie.

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The Walking Dead: 8x08 How It's Gotta Be

I have mixed feelings about this episode. Rick could've easily killed Negan - more than once, mind you - so I'm not sure what went wrong there. And how much longer do we have to go back and forth with the Saviors-vs-everyone-else-plot line? It's getting annoying.
And what the hell happened to the junkyard people, where did they go missing in this episode? Have I not been paying attention??
And the ending? Found Carl annoying since ep.1, and now that the kid finally started to grow on me - that shit happens. Kinda had a feeling he got bitten when they encountered the walkers in the woods, but still... Not cool, AMC, not cool.
Like I said, mixed feelings. The episode had my attention the whole time, but left me confused and irritated at some moments.

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Supernatural: 13x09 The Bad Place

Jurassic world, that's where the hell you are :')

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Vikings: 5x03 Homeland

Ivar is an animal, and I love it! Alex's acting is outstanding. This whole episode was amazing, from the battle ( surrounding and cutting off the Saxons like that was genius ), to scenes with Floki, then Ubbe vs. Ivar conflict - it was all so well done, I am in awe of this entire episode!

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Justice League

It wasn't terrible, but for me, this is one of those movies I'll see only once. It was kind of underwhelming for me, I felt like something was missing. Some bits felt like they could've been done better, it was just awkward at times. Ezra Miller was adorable, though, he did well as The Flash. Also, I liked Cyborg's character more than I thought I would.

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Supernatural: 13x06 Tombstone

"Nope, don't wanna." * pauses* "Okay." * crawls into the hole*
Dean is basically me as a hunter. :')

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Westworld: 1x07 Trompe L'Oeil

When he said "What door?" my mind exploded :O
I regret not watching this show sooner.

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V for Vendetta

It became a tradition to watch this every 5th of November. By far one of the greatest films ever made, must've seen it 8 or 9 times by now, always blows my mind. If I could rate it 11, I would.

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The Dark Tower

I actually liked the way the movie was, and yeah, it's not identical to the book series, but come on - what movie is?
Elba made a fine gunslinger, and McConaughey did well as a villain. Sure, some bits could have been executed better, but it's not as bad as people have been saying it was. I set off to see the movie expecting to be disappointed, but ended up enjoying it quite a bit.

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Amazing! And that plot twist - I shrieked.

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