


Silver Linings Playbook

This reminds me a lot of David O. Russell's last film, The Fighter, which was also very plain and tedious, and you get no connection from the lead characters. You don't really care.
Half way through I thought about turning it off and finishing it an other time, but I managed to pull through the extra hour and it did get better luckily.
I don't understand all the hype surrounding Jennifer and Bradly in this movie. The best acting came from The Great Robert De Niro. I'm not saying they were bad or anything, but I just couldn't connect with them or believe them in any kind of way. I'm guessing this comes down to the awkward dialog and writing.

There were a few funny scenes, but all in all it was pretty boring and uneventful. It's a decent movie, but nothing to go crazy over which a lot of people are doing.

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Those 2 hours went by extremely fast and the sound was incredible!

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Shout by pody

Great fun! Take it for what it is... Good ol' action!

A lot of sweet action sequences, just like the first one. Very predictable ending of course, but I didn't really care since I was so entertained. :)

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I never even liked Sherlock Holmes or crime-solving shows like these, but this Sherlock truly won me over. Brilliant show!

Cumberbatch > Downey Jr.

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It's a visually stunning film and the soundtrack is just awesome! I thought both the acting and story was solid. Matt Damon did a good job, and Sharlto Copley's character was quite a unique take on a bad guy to say the least. I had a hard time cheering for Matt Damon also, but that was the point as well.
I especially loved all the different types of dialects that was used in the movie. I really like what Neil Blomkamp brings to the table. He has his own type of style.

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The Internship

I managed to get through this 2 hour(!) long movie, but what a waste it was. I liked Google before, now I just want to hate them. The few chuckles there was you've already seen in the trailer.

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Awww...such a cute robot! He just wanted to be his friend. :(
That boy was an obnoxious cunt though, I really wanted to kill him myself.
Thank you Blinky for doing us the favor. :D

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Music Within

Good performances, but so so boring. It felt so pointless to watch.

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The Brave One

A good revenge story with great performances from both Jodie Foster and Terrence Howard.

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Robot & Frank

A sweet little movie. :)

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End of Watch

Yay 4 Trakt! That last comment completely ruined the movie for me and it's no point even seeing it now. The staff really need to do something about the broken spoiler-function. It's the third time this shit happens for me!

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Shout by pody

I hoped I would be more terrified after what I'd been hearing about the movie. A little bit disappointed by that. And I felt unsatisfied with the ending. I thought there would a clear connection between all these tapes. It felt a little pointless. But most of the segments (tapes) were really good though, on an individual basis.

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Men in Black 3

Is it just me that thought Jermaine Clement was phenomenal as the villain? He was one of the best things about this movie. :D

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World War Z

A very tense and exciting movie that manages to grab your attention for the entire two hours.

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Rise of the Guardians

Incredible! I sat with a lump in my throat through most of the movie, a few tears came too. It's amazing how animation can make you feel this way. I had no expectations going into the movie other then seeing the cover. Being completely blown away by the end is an understatement, there isn't a dull moment at all.

The perfect animation movie? This might just be it. Dreamworks is undoubtedly at the level of Pixar now. :)

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Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

Boring movie.

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You're right, Buried was better, but this one is pretty good also. I enjoyed it just as much.

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I just finished watching season one, and what a great show this is!
And it's because of you guys (always trending) that made me watch it in the first place, so thank you!

Now... Off to the next season... :)

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This show really takes you on a roller coaster ride and you just gotta hold on. It has the most diverse and interesting characters on TV, and the most up and downs I've seen on a show. Can go from dead serious to extremely witty over the course of a scene. I love it!

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Django Unchained

That Aussie accent from Tarantino was downright laughable. :P

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This Is 40

A little long but a very funny movie. I didn't think I would enjoy it this much.

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The Tall Man

A good idea, but very poorly executed in the end.

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Beasts of the Southern Wild

What a completely boring and pointless movie! I almost can't believe I watched it until the very end.

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White Collar

I liked the pilot, but episode two just felt like any other crime show on TV and that bores the hell out of me. This show could've been better and a lot more special if they'd left out the agency and just went with a Caffrey storyline.
I always thought it would be cool if Sawyer from Lost had his own show. I thought this could be it, but sadly I was mistaken.

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The Avengers

One word: OMFG!

I almost can't believe what I just watched. It's that good!

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The Cabin in the Woods

Really a new-thinking horror movie. Loved every bit of it!

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Silicon Valley

I was worried it would be like HBO's version of The Internship, luckily it wasn't so.

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Impractical Jokers


January 3rd can't come fast enough!

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Shout by pody

Am I the only one that didn't believe or connected with Maria Bello's character? She does a great job in most movies, but here there seemed to be something missing. It didn't help that her character was a mess as well. All the other characters were great though, especially Jackman and Gyllenhaal. Impressive performances from most of the cast.

The story itself lacked some depth, so it didn't really do it for me. I always feel like someone has to die in these types of movies for me to like it. Happy endings like these are just very unlikely and unrealistic in the real world. Most kidnapped kids never gets found again, not alive at least.

The movie was good entertainment, but lacked a little story-wise for it to top my list.

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Kick-Ass 2

I've been anticipating this movie since the first one, and oh boy, it did not disappoint at all! All of the things you loved from the first one are still there. Kick-Ass is even more kick-ass, and Hit-Girl is no less. I loved Col. Stars and Stripes, and I thought Jim Carrey nailed that role. I just wished there was more of him in the movie. Good to see him back in action doing what he does best. Red Mist, or should I say "The Motherfucker" :D, was even more funny in this one then the previous one. He really brings great humor into the movie. Definitely his best work since the notorious McLovin.

I didn't know that Even Peters had been recast until now so that was a bummer. I actually thought I saw him in the movie in one scene, and wondered why he wasn't more included in the movie. I don't understand why Kick-Ass 2 didn't get priority over other projects of his. I really don't get it. I very much liked him in the first one.


Give me Kick-Ass 3!

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