

Blackburn, England

Good Omens: 2x06 Chapter 6: Every Day

Amazon, you'd better renew this shit right the fuck now for a third season, you can't fucking leave it there.

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Futurama: 3x10 The Luck of the Fryrish

The highest of highs that Futurama ever reached. Glorious episode.

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Doctor Who: Special 209 Legend of the Sea Devils

Remember that scene from the Half-Blood Prince when Harry forces Dumbledore to drink that cursed liquid to get to the locket? And after every glassful Dumbledore screams "Please stop!" and "Kill me!" to which Harry keeps replying "Just one more, just one more!"?

Yeah. That's how it feels just watching each new Chibnall episode knowing Davies is on the horizon.

What a travesty.

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Top Gear: 31x01 Episode 1

Utterly beautiful tribute to Eddie Kidd. Fantastic.

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Squid Game: 1x06 Gganbu

Fuck this show. Justice for Ali, my boy done dirty by that snake ass Sang Woo.

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Fever Pitch: The Rise of the Premier League

Should be renamed Fever Pitch: The Rise of Manchester United.

Seriously, this documentary, as well as it's made, would have been a lot better had it stuck to telling the story of the Premier League's foundation as a WHOLE instead of through the point of view of Manchester United. Everything within this documentary was told in relation to United, take Blackburn Rovers, Arsenal and Newcastle United, they weren't treated in this documentary as clubs that were trying to win the title for themselves, they were portrayed as the clubs that wanted to beat Manchester United to the title.

It was such a United circlejerk that even Arsenal's crowning moment in 1998 only got what felt like two minutes of airtime, whilst Manchester United's CHAMPIONS LEAGUE win in '99... yep, not Premier League, CHAMPIONS League, got about fifteen minutes airtime.

Shame really. This could have been great.

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South Park: 7x08 South Park is Gay

Really wish there was a "Fabulous" Trakt rating.

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South Park: 5x04 Scott Tenorman Must Die

And to think, the outcome of the episode stemmed from just a dispute over $16.12. Simply legendary.

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Loki: 1x06 For All Time. Always.

We're in the Endgame Multiverse now.

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South Park: 4x11 Fourth Grade

Well, well, well. According to Trakt, there are 79 original episodes of Star Trek, not 72 or 73. Suck my balls.

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Time: 1x02 Episode 2

Mark throwing hands with Johno and biting parts of his ear off is honestly sooo satisfying to watch.

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Taskmaster: 11x10 Activate Jamali

Sarah may have won the series. But Mike won our hearts.

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Frank of Ireland: 1x02 We Need to Talk About Kevin Costner

The first episode of Frank of Ireland was absolutely painful to watch for me. There was nothing I found funny about the pilot. I was beyond ready to immediately drop this series after that one episode, unbelievably, however, episode two was actually really good. Actual funny moments such as the dog and the metaphor, Doofus' character was a vast improvement and a non-scatterbrain story. Hopefully, the remainder of the series is as good as this. Fingers crossed episode one is the only speedbump in Frank of Ireland.

Also, for some reason, episode two and episode three have been mixed up on Trakt. Episode two is called "James Caan't" whilst episode three is "We Need to Talk About Kevin Costner", don't know why it's reversed on here.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

WandaVision found dead and buried.

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Bug Bites: An Ant's Life

Think I'd have a better time drinking gallons of cigarette lighter fluid and swallowing a lit match than watching this shite ever again.

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Shark Tale

It's finally happened, I've finally watched Shark Tale. My life is all downhill from here.

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Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Milo Thatch and Daniel Jackson, both look exactly like each other and both discover Atlantis.

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It's a Sin

It's actually ridiculous how criminally underrated this film is. I was fucking fighting back the tears about five times.

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A Perfect Planet: 1x01 Volcano

I'm pretty sure Sir David Attenborough could talk about sofas or wheelie bins and I'd still be 100% invested.

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

"In the beginning, the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."

I am one of those very angry people.

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This Is England

To some people, this film comes across as glorifying racism, when it is in fact showcasing the complete opposite. Through the eyes of Shaun, an easily-swayed teen, This is England depicts the lead character going through what you can say is a coming-of-age experience where he makes severe choices to appease and fit in with new crowds, some choices he later comes to regret. Hence, making the "glorifying racism" aspect completely contrary.

As someone who was brought up in a multicultural town in Northern England, this film hits deep, as I've experienced and witnessed first-hand the near social-disjointedness between ethnic groups in modern society. Scary to think that in nearly forty years from which This is England is set, real-life England is still suffocating from archaic morals.

Shane Meadows has not made a film with This is England. He's made a statement, a statement which says that this shit happened, this shit still happens and this shit will continue to happen if nothing is done to stop it.

Heart-wrenching to watch, but watch you must.

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Santa with Muscles

Not even the goofy title can save this turkey of a Christmas film.

Rule 327: Chuck Santa with Muscles in the bin along with those leftover Brussels Sprouts

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I went in to this wanting to see Godzilla wipe his arse with cities from the get-go, so you can imagine how pissed off I was having to wait two hours for the main carnage to arrive. Also, why is Godzilla in this movie for what feels like a grand total of ten minutes, I couldn't care less about the storylines revolving around the main human characters, just show me what I signed up for, a giant dinosaur getting smashy.

I'm blue balled, disappointed and my night has been wasted.

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Black Sheep

The stampede scene in this movie is greater than the one in The Lion King and you can't convince me otherwise.

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South Park: 1x06 Death

I guess Kyle's mom was a big, fat bitch right from the start.

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Ripley: Watch me kill this thing.
Dallas: I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
Ash: Yeah science, bitch!
Kane: This food's giving me an upset stomach...
Lambert: I just wanna go home.
Parker: Am I getting paid for this?
Brett: Right.
Jones: Fuck this! I'm outta here!
Also Jones: Haha, yes! Die trash!

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An interesting twist on the vampiric horror genre, I just wish it was better executed.

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28 Weeks Later

Not as great as 28 Days Later but still enjoyable for the most part, minus some mind-numbing scenes, extremely annoying shaky-cam and dated CGI. Also didn't feel as connected to the main characters in this movie as I did with those in 28 Days...

Other than that, if you just wanna kill 90 minutes with some zombie carnage, 28 Weeks does the trick.

Now give us 28 Months goddamn it, it's been 13 years already!

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