
1 follower

Newcastle upon Tyne, England

Star Trek: Discovery

It started off okay, apart from the “Klingorcs”. Where the fuck did they come from?
Sadly, it gets worse as the series continues. Star Trek has always tackled social issues, which was great and tried to show us how we as the human race could be. But, fuck me. We must be in a truly awful fucking place if we’re to follow the same logic.
The franchise has always seemed to inspire the more nerdy of us to invent wonderful things such as touch sensitive screens, tablets, mobile phones, WiFi and virtual assistants. The only thing I fear this shit will inspire is the inexplicable and totally unnecessary use of FUCKING WHISPERING.
I can only hope that Discovery does a “Dallas” in the next series (please make it the last) and we find out that all which has gone before was nothing but one of Burnham’s recurrent nightmares, caused by some form of trauma, for which she seeks help from Dr. Culber in 10 weekly appointments.

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Hunter: 4x21 Murder He Wrote

what a load of fucking shit.

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Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased)

I love this show, sadly and criminally there was only one series.

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24: 3x01 Day 3: 1:00 P.M.-2:00 P.M.

This season looks to be starting off well.... everyone's behaving like a cunt.

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Willow: 1x03 The Battle of the Slaughtered Lamb

That fight scene at the end was so dammed dark. I mean, the actors spend hours in make-up, learning the choreograph and the director decides "fuck it, let's make it as hard to see a possible". Bastard

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The Lincoln Lawyer

The perfect palette cleanser for when you've just finished 'Suits'.
I'm glad it's been renewed for a second season.

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Seinfeld: 9x21 The Chronicle (1)

Shout by DryNosedDog
BlockedParent2022-07-19T09:25:39Z— updated 2023-03-08T14:35:11Z

"Clip" episodes are shit. I don't care which series does them.

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I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry

The only thing I found controversial about this was Roy Schneider's character. Everything else was kinda funny.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 3x11 Past Tense (1)

Shout by DryNosedDog
BlockedParent2022-04-11T15:56:08Z— updated 2022-04-17T08:14:47Z

Trek has often been thought of as the original blueprint for many of today's gadgets. Could this be it's first foray into "Simpson predictions" and is this the future we have to look forward to in two short years? I think the way things are going this could be a safe bet. I'm hesitantly looking forward to finding out.

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Hill Street Blues: 4x14 Grace Under Pressure

RIP Michael Conrad.
Phil Esterhaus - the exceptional orator of The Hill.

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Hill Street Blues: 2x17 The Shooter

I laughed like a drain as Belker was getting his driving licence renewed.
'Cmon now Mr Belker. Smile now so I can take your picture' :joy::joy:

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Hill Street Blues

Shout by DryNosedDog
BlockedParent2024-03-07T10:21:41Z— updated 2024-03-21T13:31:32Z

From start to finish this show has it all; great acting, characters and writing.
It gave us some memorable and well beloved characters. Add to the mix the veritable who's who of guest stars.
It swings from ‘Hey, let’s be careful out there’ to ‘Let's go out there and do it to them before they do it to us’ and beyond.
It also proffered a fantastic theme tune and at the time of its release nothing encapsulated the gritty realism of inner city USA like it. Thankfully, comic relief (however unintentional) is nearly always provided by Lieutenant Howard Hunter (James B. Sikking).
It’s an absolute classic and one of the best TV shows to ever grace our screens.

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Hill Street Blues: 2x11 Freedom's Last Stand

Christ. Fay Furillo's a right pain in the arse.

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Mad Men: 4x08 The Summer Man

That Joey's a right cunt.

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Mel Brooks knocks it out of the park again.

May the Schwartz be with you.

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Hunter: 6x15 Unfinished Business

Yay. Alan Arbus. It's always nice to see him in stuff.

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Hunter: 2x18 Death Machine

i pissed myself laughing at this episode.

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Still as fucking terrifying as it was when I first saw it.

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Once Upon a Time: 7x05 Greenbacks

Baron Samedi?

I'll be so glad when this shit is finally over. it's gone from characters in classic fairytales to religious figures of Voodoo. They may as well include every motherfucker at this rate.
The end can't come soon enough.

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Shout by DryNosedDog
BlockedParent2023-06-22T15:39:35Z— updated 2023-07-24T16:54:03Z

It's a live action Gerry Anderson show. The models and diarama's are top notch as per usual.
So what's not to like?
Well, I don't understand why the aliens are coming to earth, nor the human animosity towards them and some of the characters/acting are/is a bit naff.
Overall, it's quite enjoyable.

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Once Upon a Time: 5x22 Only You

That Tom Hardy's Bane wannabe can fuck RIGHT off

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The Hitman's Bodyguard

Fuck me. I could actually feel my brain dying watching this shite.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x03 Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa

Just like in Scooby Doo it's those pesky kids ruining the day.
Which is a shame as I was enjoying it up until they showed their mugs.
Hopefully they'll be on-screen very little going forward.

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Sleepy Hollow

How did this get 4 series? Season 1 was okay, 2 was a bit meh, what I saw of 3 was a complete chore and a bore to watch. Didn't bother at all with 4.

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Alias: 1x13 The Box (2)

McKenas Cole is what you get when you order Hans Gruber from Wish.com

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The Orville

Seasons 1 & 2 are fun and funny; like the perfect ice breaker. Season 3 gets more serious ”there's a war on you know!", so the funnies are minimal. This doesn't detract from the excellent sci-fi drama in the slightest.

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The Good Cop

I watched this so you probably don't have to.
It's not nearly as quirky as 'Monk' and an absolute mile off 'Broklyn 99'.
In essence I really don't know why they bothered. I never laughed once and the police procedure side was laughably (no pun intended) poor.

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Hemlock Grove

Seasons 1&2 are great/good (up until the bat/lizard thing appears). Season 3 is a total bore.

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The Sandman

Shout by DryNosedDog
BlockedParent2022-08-15T16:13:12Z— updated 2022-08-21T20:15:10Z

I have watched it twice and I did enjoy it better the second time around.
The first episode is quite puzzling and ponderous, but they do get better: reaching a crescendo at episode nine, before quickly falling off a cliff for the tenth. Episode eleven is just a weird waste of time and completely unnecessary.
It looks good and has some recognisable names in minor roles.
You may benefit from having read the comics first.
I never noticed owt gay about it; so I don't understand any of the hoo-ha.

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Gosford Park

I'm absolutely positive that this only gets good reviews because of the amount of British acting "royalty" present.
It's unbelievably dull. Nothing happens.
Go watch Upstairs, Downstairs (1971-75) or Downton Abbey (2010-15 & 2019).
Fuck me, You Rang M'Lord was better than this shit.

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