

Kielce, Poland


No plot, no drama, no realism, just dumb fights

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Severance: 1x05 The Grim Barbarity of Optics and Design

What the hell is going on? :D

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Black Mirror: 6x03 Beyond the Sea

This could have been 20 minutes, instead I was forced to watch for 60 minutes knowing how the entire plot would go.

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Succession: 4x10 With Open Eyes

I am still processing.. I was not expecting Shiv to be such an bitch to he point of screwing her own brother out of spite after lying multiple times this season

Not sure what to say except good for Tom. At least I can be happy for him.

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Stargate SG-1: 8x15 Citizen Joe

This is so meta and funny, while also expanding the universe.
Amazing episode

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Better Call Saul: 6x12 Waterworks

Jezus, Kim's fate is worse than death

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Better Call Saul: 6x09 Fun and Games

We get 5 minutes of Saul and I already miss Jimmy

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The Boys: 3x05 The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies

5 episodes in
homelander = trump
cops = racists
crime stats = excuses
antifa = does not exist, an excuse
4chan = nazis

Did I get "the message" right?
Amazon is really proving the point about the media lol

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Top Gun: Maverick

Better than the first one, that's for sure

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Top Gun

I was not aware this is so cringy

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Better Call Saul: 6x07 Plan and Execution

Chuck was right - you can see my comments on s2 and s3 episodes to see how ridiculous that sounds coming from me... But Chuck was right.

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True Detective: Season 3

If you want to see season 1 again, just rewatch season 1. It will be way better than seeing this - slightly modified version with boring characters.
Season 2 was better than this.

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True Detective: 2x08 Omega Station

So depressive :( Definitely not good for my mood, sitting alone watching this all day...

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This is wrong order of episodes, WTF trakt

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Run Hide Fight

Not a biggest fan of action movies(or movies in general), but if you asked me to recommend one, this would be me pick.

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The Sopranos: 4x03 Christopher

Thanks Tony for that monologue at the end, even more relevant today

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x07 The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and The D

What was that...
This was probably the worst episode of the series, even including season 1.

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The Shield: 3x09 Slipknot

Holy shit, Aurora is a bitch.

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The Man in the High Castle: 4x04 Happy Trails

Himmler's wife is terrifying

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Mr. Robot: 4x13 Hello, Elliot


What about whiterose's machine? Why did she kill herself? What was her plan?

What about Angela? How did WR Brainwash her? What did she show her?

What was the point of Tyrell?

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Blade Runner

On the one hand there is nothing special about this movie, I have seen "twists"(if that's what we can call the end scene - talking about 1997 version) like this countless times.
On the other hand it has many great quotes and focuses on important concepts instead of dumb flashy fights.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6x13 New Life

As, always SHIELD ends the season with "WTF is going on" scene and as always I love it. Season 7 will probably wrap abandoned plot-line of "Agent Carter", which is really exciting.

Moving back to the finale... I never criticized this show before, but I have some issues that I want to address.
Just kill some main character please! For the low of God...
We are at the point that I am watching technically dead May sword fighting evil Demon and I am 100% sure she will be okay. The only people I was concerned about were this season was Davis/Piper, and of course I was right to do that...

Writers is this show have a pattern of introducing new characters that become semi main characters and then killing them.
Examples include Trip, Lincoln, Radcliffe, Aida, Mace and now Davis, But it's not the same and is kind of easy to predict after so many episodes. The longer you stay on this show the less probable it is you will die. Maybe it will change in season 7, because it's final season?

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Money Heist: Season 2

Almost everything is disappointing compared to season 1

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6x09 Collision Course (2)

Don't even try to kill Davis. #DavisLives

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6x09 Collision Course (2)

I was expecting something unexpected at the end, SHIELD style.
But in the end it wasn't what I expected. Love it!

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Black Mirror: 5x03 Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too

That was too optimistic for a Black Mirror... but I enjoyed it a lot for some reason. It was fun

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6x04 Code Yellow

[Fitz voice] What. The. Hell

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6x03 Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson

I wasn't sure if I would love or hate this episode.
Now I know.

Daisy and Jemma on drugs was totally unexpected and totally awesome, so much fun :D

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Gotham: 2x17 Wrath of the Villains: Into The Woods

60%? Are serious? 60%? Nice math

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Gotham: 2x11 Rise of the Villains: Worse Than a Crime

To think I wasted so much time watching CW DC garbage shows...
This is definitely much, much better.

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