


Star Trek: Discovery: 4x10 The Galactic Barrier

Shout by nicky2910
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-03-06T18:58:39Z— updated 2022-03-09T08:53:39Z

Just to make something clear: We don't need to know every little emotion and thought of everyone on board. And it's a bit ridiculous to argue that Discovery can't work otherwise. Sorry, this is a ship in a military organization... but let's just emo our way through everything. Honestly, I'm with the president: the crew didn't need to know about the threat to the A-quadrant (which doesn't just consist of Earth and Vulcan BTW) at this point because it's distracting and doesn't actually help in the first contact scenario.

I knew Tal was going to return... unfortunately, the daddy-emo-stuff continues. And let's not forget that ridiculous romance or not waste of time surrounding Saru und the Vulcan president, are they teenagers?... Could we just see for once this crew as a focused and grown-up group of people trying to work towards a common goal?

I also found the interaction between Tarka and Book and his engineering friend resp. far more engaging. Doesn't excuse what he's doing but it was a more "human" story than all the psychobabble on Discovery.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x08 Mercy

Honestly, if there's a point to this season, I don't get it. 2 more episodes... maybe they'll arrive at some kind of point at last.

BTW... did anyone else notice that about half of the intro is spent on meticulously citing every supervising/executive/whatever producer? Reminds me about the saying of too many cooks... Maybe they should have spent more time on finding a couple of decent writers.

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Grey's Anatomy: 18x07 Today Was A Fairytale

Urgh... Now, they'll somehow force Link and Jo together? And Amelia and that researcher whose name I didn't catch yet? And please, I didn't miss Maggie at all, for all I care she can permanently stay in Boston (and take her husband with her)...

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The Crown: 6x07 Alma Mater

Urgh, and we're back to the soap opera. Again, of course there always has been the soap-opera element in this show. But in the earlier seasons it was nicely balanced with a glimpse into what's going on in Britain and the world at that time. I'm sick of whiny, privileged boys, lamenting their fate. Of course, it's not fun to be in the news constantly, to be harrassed etc. But viewing yourself as the spare who can't outshine the firstborn... get some therapy. (And Kate's mother should get some therapy as well - although, to be honest, she couldn't have forced that gap year on Kate if she hadn't gone... so...)

But I think what this show's suffering from is that all these events aren't that far in the past. Most of the audience remember reading that in the papers or seeing it on the news. So, it doesn't have that informative aspect that the earlier seasons had, I guess, but is simply repetitive and boring.

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The Night Agent: 1x04 Eyes Only

Don't care about murder couple - really don't care about the vice-president's daughter... and honestly, they keep driving the killed aunt and uncle's car, and no one bothers to check?

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x06 Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach

Shout by nicky2910
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-06-10T18:13:32Z— updated 2022-06-11T22:06:33Z

Well, it was clear where this would go... still, really poignant episode, typical Star Trek. And the helpless anger in the end, knowing that this child is suffering beyond help, and that another one is being groomed to take over in the future, over and over again - well done.

Granted, children suffer now and in the ST-age... but voluntarily send a child to a life of suffering just that the others may live in luxury, no, there's no moral high ground to be found here. But a couple of questions remain, such as those ancestors who built the machine, did they leave plans behind? And why not relocate the whole population if the planet seems inhabitable without that machine? Was the former colony meant as relocation world once upon a time?

I guess, Kirk, especially Trek-09-Kirk, would have blown that machine up. Can't say I'd have minded much... even though I actually prefer the uncomfortable TNG-like non-resolution we got here.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x05 Spock Amok

I liked this episode, it was light-hearted, everyone got good lines... it felt like everyone could let their hair down, loosen up a bit. Again, it's nothing that hasn't been seen in ST so far, but it's delivered with a new/fresh twist. So far, I'm really enjoying this series.

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Grey's Anatomy: 18x08 It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
Grey's Anatomy: 20x02 Keep the Family Close

Honestly, boring - nothing we haven't seen dozens of time before... why I'm still watching? Because every once in a while there's an outstanding episode. But the last one of those has been quite a while ago.

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What If...?: 2x09 What If... Strange Supreme Intervened?

Urgh... Sorry, boring, boring, boring. Super women Kahori and Captain Carter (who for no discernible reason got chosen by the Watcher) against Strange Supreme... yawn.

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Grey's Anatomy: 19x20 Happily Ever After?
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x03 Ghosts of Illyria

Well, this is Star Trek, it's just that simple. It's an amalgamation of TOS, TNG and VOY plot themes, nothing exceptionally new, but it just works.

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The Rookie: 4x22 Day in the Hole

I'm sorry, but what was that? Every single plotthread was ridiculous, the shootout at the diner, the doppelganger/will-they-won't-they Bradford/Chen story. If I didn't like the show anyway this wouldn't incite me to tune in next season.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x10 Farewell
The Rookie: 4x19 Simone

The case was interesting, but the backdoor spin-off protagonist is a bit obnoxious to be honest. And let's not forget superwoman Bailey, this time in her army outfit.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x13 Coming Home
Star Trek: Picard: 2x01 The Star Gazer

Well, Picard easily manages what Discovery fails at time and again - engaging characters whom I actually care about, interactions without emotional striptease... and an exciting storyline. Of course, we've seen almost everything before, Q, Guinan, the Borg, alternate realities. Who cares? I'll take this every time as long as I relate to the characters. And honestly, "Picard" is a shout back to what made the name Star Trek great, what else is there to say?

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x09 Rubicon

OMG - now they need a minder to make sure Burnham really tries to stop Book. Sorry, but WTF? If one's so unsure of Burnham, then replace her with someone new and don't just put a minder on her bridge. And BTW, this is a military ship, not a majority wins kind of decision making process. So, whatever private ideas anyone might have, they should stay private, and everyone should just act professionally. This ship reminds me of some kind of kindergarten.

And the operation let's dock a shuttle on Book's seemingly airtight ship... okay, so it's not quite airtight. And let's not mention interior sensors, even if the shuttle had docked unnoticed, shouldn't the sensors pick up 4 new life forms on the ship and therefore ruin any surprise?

And surprise, surprise, the DMZ was launched from the outside - wasn't that the whole purpose of that Federation session back a few episodes? And surprise, surprise, when one DMZ/mining facility is destroyed another one's sent. And the owners aren't going to be happy now. Who writes such nonsense?

And please, why is everyone still whispering dramatically on this show?

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The Rookie: 4x11 End Game

Way too easy for the buildup.

And now we've got another pregnant cop storyline, mixed in with a bit of a triangle because even the divorced husband could be the father... It all becomes a bit repetitive. Still: it's a likeable cast.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x04 All Is Possible

Hopefully, Tilly stays gone - and doesn't make a comeback every other episode to save Discovery with her brilliance... But the character wasn't going anywhere, especially since she's been essentially replaced by Adira.

The Vulcan restoration in the Federation... well... let's just be thankful for wooden Burnham for saving the day... again...

This episode was just boring as hell. Sorry to say.

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The Good Fight: 5x09 And the end was violent...

Easily one of the worst episodes this season. The show/mock courts take over, but I'd really like to see some real court action. And the whole firm-situation with racism, power-play, misogynism doesn't resonate at all with me, it just feels too contrived. And let's add the drug king pin trying to make some pot-ice cream... WTF? It feels as if this show runs out of (serious) ideas. Unfortunately, as I still love the setting and the characters.

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The Crown: 6x05 Willsmania

Boring. Honestly, I don't need William's shy gaze to replace Diana's. Could do with more plot. And why did they exchange Harry's actor in the middle of the season? It's not as though there was a time jump... I liked Philip in this.

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Ahsoka: 1x05 Part Five: Shadow Warrior

What exactly was that Anakin vs Ahsoka interlude all about? If I had had the impression that Ahsoka wanted to die and she somehow gained her will to live by this, okay, but she wasn't depressed or borderline suicidal before. She had a mission, and she certainly didn't need Anakin to wake her up. I also didn't think that Ahsoka was somehow walking the line between light and dark... so what exactly did Anakin or the force or whatever BS they came up with want to teach Ahsoka? Wow, now she wears light grey instead of black... okay... if there had been any message that's pertinent to finding Sabine/Thrawn/Ezra, then I'd have swallowed those scene drops/cameo/flashback to the CW... but it was simply pointless.

But maybe that whole force mumbo-jumbo was only to show off Jacen's abilities. No Sabine... pretty much the only good thing about this episode.

Doesn't change the fact that Ahsoka remains a walking valium, there's little to no content (the plot of this episode is summed up in a sentence)... and space whales including mind-melding with them standing outside the ship (why is there no wind?) looks a bit more ridiculous than cute.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x08 Under the Cloak of War
The Night Agent: 1x01 The Call

We have oblivious (but of course, highly competent but misunderstood) agent, oblivious (but very calm considering) almost murder victim whose cyber security background will come into play in the future... and shady chief of staff and jealous FBI head honcho in the White House. Okay, let' see what happens (outside of clichéd writing).

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Grey's Anatomy: 19x09 Love Don't Cost a Thing

Could someone tell Maggie that she's an entitled, priviledged little girl who can't empathize and doesn't even notice that others aren't as lucky as she is (at least regarding money... the patient and her husband had love in spades which I doubt Maggie's even capable of feeling)? Otherwise, don't care about the fiancé-story, don't care about Teddy and Owen. I did like the new love interest for Schmidt, they had more onscreen chemistry in those 3 or 4 minutes than Schmidt ever had with Niko. Honestly, the Link supporting that woman giving birth... all good and well, but how come that Scout doesn't wake up from all the noise around him?

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x06 Stormy Weather
The Rookie: 4x03 In the Line of Fire

I like the Newbie. Don't like the Tim/Chen-angle... why does there have to be any romance within a team? Not so sure about the Wesley situation: I hope that gets resolved quickly.

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The Rookie: 6x06 Secrets and Lies

So, Tim tries to catch Ray while committing a crime - and Lopez involves herself in this... Later on, Lucy as well, after Ray shows up unannounced at her home. Anyway, what exactly was Ray's plan there? Showing up at Lucy's didn't make much sense. Neither does Tim breaking up with Lucy in the end...

After last week's foster kid, Bailey decides she wants to have kids - which Nolan hesitatingly agrees to. Urgh... is the actress pregnant? Or why do they force that issue that strongly?

I definitely enjoyed Harper and Thorsen's case - and the fact that the prosecutor (who runs for DA) did the right thing without hesitating too much.

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The Crown: 6x09 Hope Street

The way William and Kate are portrayed (not the actors, just the relationship, the manipulation by the mother) is still cringeworthy - but I liked the way this is juxtaposed with Elizabeth's festivities.

Honestly, still can't stand Harry. Don't know why he didn't have the guts to really sever all ties with his royal title. I mean, you can't have only the privileges without some obligations. And if he had been truely adverse to standing in the public light... then he wouldn't have made "documentaries", books or interviews. And it's telling that some of the same things he's saying now in real life are written into this show.

And again, I'm not arguing that the situation isn't difficult (for everyone involved, I'd imagine), but there are very different mindsets towards handling it.

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