


Portrait of a Lady on Fire

Granted, the actresses are phenomenal, the imagery stunning... and the end sequence was very moving. However, the pacing was too slow for me, the whole abortion sequence, while maybe fitting with the general theme of women in those times and certainly very moving on its own, felt stuffed in to add some kind of action. So, given all the hype surrounding this movie, it left me disappointed.

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Shetland: Season 7

Interesting case although the investigation seemed pretry slow at times. Why not ask the sister for the location of her brother's favourite place? Why focus so much on the father's past drug investigation problems? Why exaggerate the mother's reactions?

But it had some good moments! Mugh tune in again or look for previous seasons.

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Grace: 1x01 Dead Simple

Good opening episode. The case with all the acting of grief while actually serial-killing her partners (after relieving them of their money)... Grace being introduced as disgraced officer for having used a fortune teller for a case... might keep watching.

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Grace: 2x04 Dead Tomorrow

Grim topic, well executed. But Roy's girlfriend's annoying.

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Grace: 2x03 Dead Man’s Footsteps

Goid episode, but that visiting getective was a piece of work... trying to put suspicion on Grace for his wife's disappearance. Good riddance at the end.

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Good movie about a clash of personalities that force each other to extremes.

Honestly, the best moment was Hunt hitting that reporter, who had the gall to ask Lauda what his wife said to his fire-devastated face. And of course the conversation at the end.

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Hold Me Tight

Interesting concept to tell the story in various layers, be it time or vision-based... but at points the underlying grief and pain comes across as too exaggerated and thus involuntarily funny.

And what really happened is too easy to guess... that doesn't take away from the grief itself, but maybe the impact of the reveal is lessened a bit.

Anyway, good movie.

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Fire Country: 2x06 Alert the Sheriff

So, the whole town is a family business as Sharon's sister pops up. And Gen turns out not to be Bode's daughter after all - but the Leone's don't care.

Overall, good episode. I just think that Gen's taking her mother's death a bit too easily while Jake's still struggling. And Gabriella's distributing fortune cookie wisdom. I like Baccarin, though.

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Law & Order: 23x09 Family Ties

I'm starting to have some issues with Samantha... as Price says, she has a job to do... if she can't then she should change jobs.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x04 Destroy Malevolence

Honestly, too much of a copy from the beginning of Revenge of the Sith for my taste...

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Grey's Anatomy: 20x05 Never Felt So Alone

I know I'm repeating myself - but what's Meredith still doing there? And all that, OMG I'm having a flashback to Derek? Please! If I were Nick I'd be pretty severely pissed off.

Then there's the suicidal medstudent: I'm not quite sure why they didn't just grab the guy? And I loved it that Griffith talked so much nonsense with him and Kwan got through to him so quickly. BTW, please give Griffith something to do!! She's just uselessly pining.

Liked Millin standing up to Winston - and at least Maggie stays gone. And I liked that Adams pushed for a more intense approach than just "let's hope for the best".

And Jo and Link's baby threat? Urgh.

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The Rookie: 6x06 Secrets and Lies

So, Tim tries to catch Ray while committing a crime - and Lopez involves herself in this... Later on, Lucy as well, after Ray shows up unannounced at her home. Anyway, what exactly was Ray's plan there? Showing up at Lucy's didn't make much sense. Neither does Tim breaking up with Lucy in the end...

After last week's foster kid, Bailey decides she wants to have kids - which Nolan hesitatingly agrees to. Urgh... is the actress pregnant? Or why do they force that issue that strongly?

I definitely enjoyed Harper and Thorsen's case - and the fact that the prosecutor (who runs for DA) did the right thing without hesitating too much.

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Will Trent: 2x06 We Are Family

I liked this episode - okay, it was pretty obvious who killed the judge, but I liked the way the drag queens were shown, I liked the little scenes such as the wig-expert (who taught Ormewood how to braid his daughter's hair) and the lawyer.

And of course, there's Trent and his uncle who finally meet and pretty much hit it off - even if there are quite a few unresolved issues.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x12 Juggernaut

So, Omega joins the children - her blood actually helps transfer midichlorians... so she and the force sensitive kids are going to be used as guinea pigs.

Meanwhile, the batch tries to find Tantiss - Crosshair leads them to a criminal whom they're making a deal with: getting him off a prison colony in exchange for the location of Tantiss. Felt a bit like a filler. And I realize Crosshair has to deal with a lot of issues, but I didn't quite understand why he didn't volunteer that guy before. Maybe he just needs the extra incentive now that Omega's on Tantiss again... but that doesn't feel right.

And unfortunately we don't (yet?) learn more of that Empire agent whom I'd love to be Tech. But he just delivers Omega to Hemlock, and leaves... unsatisfying.

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Rescue in the Alps: 9x05 Episode 5

9.05 Entscheidung im Eis

Case of the week: Female athlete suddenly collapses during training - is it doping or something else? Honestly, I liked it. Yes, it contained many clichéd moments, the trainer/managers sleeping with their protegées, but it was dramatic enough. But I'd wish that they'd stop simplifying solutions by killing characters off. First of all, there was no immediate need for the guy to let go. Granted, it was a dramatic moment and hung in the balance - but he gave up to quickly. And secondly, I'd like for people to actually face their actions and the consequences - and dying is simply the easy way out.

Drama of the week... actually there was little of that. The usual Katharina "I don't know what I want"-drama, but otherwise pretty focused on the case.

Overall: good episode.

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Rescue in the Alps: 9x04 Episode 4

9.04 Mutterliebe

Case of the week: Young boy learns that his mother isn't his biological mother - the two women learned of that fact just days ago as well. Well done - even if I think that the ending, the biological mother leaving, is not satisfying. Why not find a way to coexist?

Drama of the week: Markus still has trouble connecting with Mia (leading to Mia running away with the boy). And Mia isn't sure if Markus isn't at least in parts culpable in her mother's death. I liked this as well

Katharina drama: So yes, she's pregnant... but somehow doesn't manage to tell Thomas... what exactly does she want?

Funny sidefact: I think now we've seen all the actresses from Bergdoktor here as well - at least the Bergdoktor's girlfriends... pretty amusing, honestly.

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Rescue in the Alps: 9x03 Episode 3

9.03 Ohne Aussicht

Case of the week: Brother plans to kill himself and his sister who has Down-syndrome because of debts and an accident. Good case, pretty emotional (so they can do emotional if they want to! The opposite of Carola in the last 2 episodes...), loved Markus and Frieda. Even the debt collector was a decent human being.

Drama of the week: Markus has difficulties connecting with Mia - and I'd like to know how much time has passed since Carola's death... the way Mia and Markus act it's just been days, but Jessika's broken arm is all healed up, so it must have been weeks. The emphasis on Jessika as the new girl in town gets old quite fast. Oh, and Thomas offers Katharina to stay with him while she's finishing up her education in Munich. First of all, how do her studies work? She's in Ramsau, but has exams in Munich... doesn't she have any pracical studies? Not that I'm starting to like Thomas but I can empathize with his reaction to Katharina's ever-changing cold shoulder/I want to have sex right now treatment. Talk about mixed signals. And by the way, she might be pregnant... urgh.

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Rescue in the Alps: 9x02 Episode 2

9.02 Entzug

Case of the week: Guy suffers from severe alcohol withdrawal while his daughter goes looking for a bottle of alcohol which he threw away the day before. Yawn - workaholic wife doesn't realize her husband's issues... etc.

Drama of the week: Of course, drama ensues as Carola takes a turn for the worse and dies, turning Markus's promise into reality. Again: Who cares about her? No background, no reason to empathize... now there's a little girl running around. I like Mia but her introduction as Markus' quasi-daughter could have been handled far better and with far more emotional impact.

And then there's the on-going Katharina-drama - what exactly does she want? She goes looking for Markus and leaves when she sees him having fun with Mia... and then she's having a relationship with Thomas (who I still don't like - but then again, the two deserve each other, I suppose).

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Fire Country: 2x05 This Storm Will Pass
Rescue in the Alps: 9x01 Episode 1
Will Trent: 2x05 Capt. Duke Wagner's Daughter

So, Amanda's stalker is a serial rapist who went to prison for a faked cocain-charge... and now wants revenge. And why did she fake the charge? Because she didn't want to go on the record as a victim of an attempted rape and the main other witness refused to testify. Shady. And now that the guy's dead, her faking the charge is swept under the carpet as well. Which causes strive amongst the 3 CBI agents. Will's uncle reaches out just as she maybe wants to patch things up with him.

Michael learns that his wife admitted herself to a mental facility and didn't run off with her new boyfriend.

Good episode - not sure what to think about Amanda staying in charge of the CBI, though.

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The Rookie: 6x05 The Vow

It was an okay episode. But honestly, don't Nolan and Bailey have jobs that they can just take care of a foster child without any planning?Honestly, I could do with less Bailey and baby-blues.

And please, turn Celina into a competent police officer quickly, otherwise it gets pretty ridiculous. Checking out all doors in a room is something even I'd know to do. The same goes for Thorsen... stop trying to pair him up with any skirt he comes across. It's getting ridiculous. And don't shove that lawyer at us at every moment. Either develop her more or just drop her.

And Tim's vendetta against that old army buddy who cost other buddies their lives... I hope he'll just catch that guy in some kind of criminal activity and fesses up - and not take matters into his own hands. And Lucy's getting ever more annoying. (And yes, she spent 36 hours worrying - what a pity we saw her teasing Aaron half that time...)

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x11 Point of No Return

So, the lone agent discovers the batch's refuge, and attacks. Omega sacrifices herself and surrenders - but the plan to have Crosshair tag the agent's ship fails.

I see a major conflict between Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair in the future. And just who is the agent? I think it's Tech, honestly, a thoroughly brainwashed Tech. With no way to follow Omega now, is she going to end up like the children on Tantiss and has to rely on Emerie developing heart and conscience?

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x10 Identity Crisis

It's back to Tantiss where Emerie discovers that force-sensitive children (there aren't many adult ones around and anyway they're much more trouble) are used for experiments in project "Necromancer". But I still don't quite understand what's the plan there. Anyway, Emerie appears to develop a conscience, but I wouldn't count too much on that.

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Grey's Anatomy: 20x04 Baby Can I Hold You

So, this time Arizona returns to perform medical miracles... well, Amelia does the work really, she's just there to inject a baby in utero with an anaesthetic. Honestly, do we need those former colleagues to tell Bailey how much better she was in the past? I, at least, don't.

Then there's the usual intern drama - don't care. Please get rid of Griffith - she's only there to add more drama to Adams anyway, as she has zero personality. Focus more on Mika please.

I really think this show has outlived itself.

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Rescue in the Alps: 8x06 Episode 6

8.06 Schneeblind

Case of the week - Daughter and biological father are missing in the mountains. And the mother didn't tell her husband that he wasn't the woman's father... boring.

Drama of the week - Markus and Lisa want to move in together... but Katharina returns from Munich (why??? And looking at Markus like he betrayed her because he didn't wait for her open-ended return?). And Verena and Michael face some relationship issues. Equally boring.

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Rescue in the Alps: 8x05 Episode 5

8.05 Zu kurz gekommen

While the team is searching for a missing person after an avalanche, Peter returns from Munich and decides not to continue his treatments.

Case of the week: usual family jealousy over the succession in a firm including attempted murder... nothing we haven't seen before.

Team drama: Just how long did Peter stay in the hospital without surgery? I mean he has prostate cancer, so surgery usually comes first in a course of treatment - but last episode clearly still was set in the summer, now we're back in winter. Doesn't quite fit. Secondly, no one talked about whether the cancer's already metastasized - so why does everyone talk about him being almost dead? Granted, it's major surgery (if you have to radically remove the prostate), and granted it could end with a colostomy, and every surgery comes with risks, but don't exaggerate it.

Markus hooks up with former girlfriend Lisa from decades ago. And Katharina is still in Munich (yeah!!!) although she makes a quick visit when Peter flees to Ramsau (urgh). Tobias decides to leave the team because he's far too busy with the hotel.

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Rescue in the Alps: 8x04 Episode 4

8.04 Der Termin

A family has an accident with an emergency gun and decides to hide it in order to not put an adoption in danger. Meanwhile, Katharina decides to continue with her medical studies in Munich where Peter has his cancer treatment (and her ex Thomas is working).

Case and drama of the week are pretty intertwined in this one since Markus takes the involvement of child services pretty personally and goes solo in trying to find the missing husband (the victim of the gun accident). In the end, everything works out but shouldn't there by consequences for 1. hiding the accident (worse than being upfront with it, I guess, in the adoption process) and 2. needlessly using the time and efforts of the rescue team. Markus' reaction is understandable, still, it is a stupid decision.

Katharina's leaving for Munich... to finish up her medical degree... ah, why can't she just stay there? But I did like Franz and Peter.

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Foundation: Season 2

Very uneven season - the first half drags on, but the second half really delivers. I think I'll keep watching.

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Foundation: 2x09 Long Ago, Not Far Away

Salvor manages to save Gaal - no real surprise there.

Dusk and Rue discover Demerzel's history (and programming).

Day confronts vault!Hari - and Demerzel manages to steal a radiant. Then Day orders the destruction of Terminus, meaning Riose has to kill his boyfriend who's stranded there (which would have more impact if I'd actually cared about them)... in short, Day's sadistical, diabolic attitude comes to the forefront one last time.

Overall, interesting episode, not quite as good as some of the more recent ones, though. Mainly, the whole Ignis plotline drags out a bit - and I actually wonder about the purpose of it.

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