Costa San

1 follower

Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto

Bird Box

Expectations were high. I remember when the movie came out, a lot of buzz was generated around it. But I didn't find it anything special.

The first half of the movie, in my point of view, is the best part. In addition to the suspense it has managed to introduce, it has a brief introduction, leading us quickly to the so-called 'action'. The way they were introducing flashbacks was not groundbreaking though, it was nonetheless interesting.

After seeing the movie, it bothered me that we couldn't see the 'creatures' that the characters dealt with. However, after seeing other opinions about the movie, I agree when they say it was a clever way to grab us and create even more suspense.

I liked the performance of the actors in general, notably Bullock, Malkovich (this one seems to me, in his normality, an authentic role) and Howery (this was super funny, I can imagine me in his skin, less in the outcome of his story, eheh).

Although not 100% satisfied, I think it's a good thriller and I recommend it!

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Batman Ninja

I saw a lot of negative comments about this movie, I can't understand why.

The idea of bringing Batman to Japan in a totally different era is fantastic, and it's even better while doing it in anime style. The visuals were stunning! I enjoyed most of the movie, however, there were some things I didn't like:

1. The scene where Joker and Harley are 'cured', the drawings were good, however, why the sudden change of style? I think it was a little misplaced.

2. The transformer-ranger-megaforce battles. I didn't hate it, but it didn't fit in the movie.

3. The dialogues were weak. The story was average, but some dialogues were like: 'seriously?'

Overall it's a good movie, with some aspects they should pay more attention next time. I'd love to see more adaptations to this Japan-Samurai-Anime style with other heroes.

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Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

Expectations for the movie were average / high. I know some of Tarantino's work, and as a fan I was hoping for something to win me over. And it did.

The movie tells the daily life of some characters in the Hollywood universe and does it very well. I wonder how something so simple can make the viewer so clinging to the screen. Camera angles Tarantino style, history Tarantino style, scenes Tarantino style, a Tarantino movie.

Highlight for the fantastic performance of DiCaprio, which played an excellent role. I expected a different role from Robbie, perhaps because I see her a lot like Harley, a completely different role. And as for the performance of Timothy Olyphant, I found it quite mediocre ...

I heard a lot of criticism in general that the film was different from Tarantino's usual record, and even criticism of Bruce Lee's situation. I saw nothing wrong in either situation.

One of the most satisfying movies I've ever seen.

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Four Rooms

When I saw that Four Rooms was a comedy, I was like: 'Ok, you're going to a Tarantino comedy, you don't know what it is like, and you'll probably won't like it.' - But, as I was pumped for Reservoir Dogs and it was kinda disappointing, in this case, it was the opposite.

The opening scene was good, simple.

The first room was the most 'wtf'-one, because I wasn't expecting that. The second was also strange but funnier. The third was the funniest and the fourth one was the best.

The characters were very good! I liked to see how Tim Roth maintained his 'wannabe Mr.Bean' character for so long! Antonio Banderas was thrilling to watch. Jennifer Beals, sexy as hell. And watching Bruce Willis and Tarantino 'in that state' was also an excellent performance - oh and 'till now, it was the best performance I saw from Tarantino.

The only thing I missed was the one and only awesome Tarantino soundtrack, but, since the movie wasn't entirely directed by him, I can accept that.

Would watch again!

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Reservoir Dogs

I must say it bothers me giving an 5/10 to one of the most loved Tarantino movies, but this movie just didn't surprise me.

I am new to Tarantino movies, I have only watched this one and Pulp Fiction, however, I loved Pulp and 'hated' this. And their from the same era, I thought that I would love this one too.

The story was ok, but the development was not so 'ok'. I got the idea of giving us the necessary at the beginning and throughout the rest of the movie, the story was going to complete. But, meh.

The characters were nice. I love their acting, mainly Mr. White. About Tarantino himself, I think he must stay behind the director chair (tho I liked more his role here than in Pulp Fiction).

I'm willing to giving this movie a second chance one day, after I raise my cinematic culture, but rating are always, ALWAYS personal based, so, most of the times if you just don't like something, you don't.

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Pokémon Detective Pikachu


Well, what a movie! I didn't think it would be that good!

First of all, Pokémon. Lots of Pokémon with stunning visuals. And talking about visuals, everything in the movie was beautiful. Lots of vivid colors throughout the movie.

About the cast, my boy Ryan, he was awesome. Honestly I thought that (mostly because of his recent role as Deadpool) he would exaggerate as Pikachu, but no! He was a funny and loyal character. On the other hand, I didn't like Kathryn Newton's Lucy much. It seemed a corny/cheesy character.

I saw a lot of people saying the story was kinda cliché, but I didn't think so. Kept me clinging to the screen during 90% of the movie!

I would definitely watch the movie again! And I think I will re-install Pokémon Go eheh

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Deadpool 2

As a super-hero/deadpool movie, this was a bomb.

Personally, I don't think it was as good as the first movie. Some of the jokes seemed a little too forced while other were on point. And some parts of the movie seemed a little too random, but hey, it is a Deadpool movie.

About the action sequences, ON POINT. Definitely eye catching.

X-Force, well, I must admit the first time I saw the movie, I though that they would actually make something instead of dying like seconds after the jump, funny moment tho.

Ryan and Morena make a super cute couple. Ship on that.

The soundtrack, good, random and funny music, Deadpool style.

I honestly think that a third installment could happen, however, the writers must think/create an awesome script too fulfill the public expectations.

Oh, and 'I'm touching myself tonight'.

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Pulp Fiction

I've always heard about Pulp Fiction. Who didn't? One of Tarantino most acclaimed movies, if not the one most acclaimed.
I loved it. A different style of movie, few but good dialogues, striking characters (Sam L. Jackson, you sir, you rock), a strange story line and an AWESOME soundtrack. I'm listening right now as I write this on spotify and this is sooo good!

Important thing, before reviewing the movie, we must look at the time the movie came out. I wasn't even born, but I can tell that, for the time it came out, I think this blew a lot.

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