


Child's Play 3

It went south when they introduced romance. Not every movie needs it.

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Thai Cave Rescue

this show undid the crimes of thirteen lives by focusing on the locals. rest in peace P'Beam.

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It gives 2000's movie making techniques. Not too much fluff just diving into the story.

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Thirteen Lives

This is a great movie from start to finish. It leaves no stone unturned showing how much thought and work went into rescuing the thirteen. I wouldn't call it a miracle, I'd call it hard work, science, resilience and a bit of luck.

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What a missed opportunity. The whole film feels like scenes competing to be seen or like a boulder that has no option but to roll downhill. Even with the names Blum, Bacon and John Logan, it feels like it's made by amateurs. I hope to see more Queer horror films bu this ain't it.

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Westworld: Season 4

This was a really intruguing season as far as Westworld is concerned. Cool twists and revelations.

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The Sandman

This is signature Neil. Very intruguing and entertaining. Very inclusive and gloriously gay. Hoping for more seasons.

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Another great one from Baz. This movie stands out because of the director and the lead actor. In his signature filmmaking style, Baz manages to keep the viewer interested and entertained for the whole duration. This role cements Austin as a very talented performer, contrary to his pretty boy charm.

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My Beautiful Man

Great concept, even more, excellent execution. This is easily my favorite Japanese MLM lead show right after Cherry Magic.

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Tom Swift

Oh the hopes I had for you. While everyone brings their A game as actors, the characters and the story is too bland to save them. I could think of a million ways to do it better. The CW however set this show up for failure. By CW standards, a show needs atleast 18 episodes to fully establish itself. See you later if 10 years down the line someone does a reboot.

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This show feels a bit dated. We don't do comedy like that anymore. A few laugh worthy moments but overall it's not a show I would miss if it was cancelled.

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Minions: The Rise of Gru

The story was whack. The reason for sitting through it was the jokes found not in the lines but the scenery. Overall forgettable.

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Everything in this movie is bad. The story, the insane camera action and even a much worse action sequence. Normally I love me a lot of action p*rn (which is what was promised) but this was too much and too unbelievable. Please no one gives a f*ck about your geographical politics, much less the d*ck measuring contest.

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Flowers in the Attic: The Origin

Despite the narrative taking place at neck breaking speed, the show is surprisingly entertaining. It manages to establish itself and the characters as soon as they appear leaving no room for confusion.

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Nairobi Half Life

This dark take on Nairobi is a reality for many people who find themselves in the land of cool waters. The biggest plus for this movie is it's realism and acting.

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Honor Society

It was an alright movie with some strong and important messages. However, it is still a high school coming-of-age movie, and these usually end up being movies alright. It was saved by the twist.

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The Untamed

I wish more of these were made. I ran through the episodes like a wrecking ball. Everything from the story to the characters is well thought out and fleshed out. I am having withdrawal symptoms. I hope China becomes more accepting of LGBT people so that the MLM romance that was integral to a show like this doesn't get censored.

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What is a Woman?

They had to do it. As usual, reactionary stuff. The question is, Who is a woman?

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This is the worst movie of all time and I'm not even kidding. It physically hurt to through one scene.

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Senior Year

i'm not old enough to enjoy 2000's humour

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something warm and fuzzy to pull you up when you are feeling down.

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meh! awakward scenes with no chem btn tom and mark. tom has chemistry with everybody. fell asleep halfway and the most exciting part was, "oh, it over."

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Now this was a great 2 hours. Mind the diziness from all the bird eye shots. otherwise great story action and acting.

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Elite: Season 5

Welcome back Elite. Season 4 was pain and torture but this season is :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Good premise but terrible acting and writing. Where are you rushing to? Cringe Town?

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The Curse of Turandot

so Dylan Sprouse has moved to Chinawood early? Good move that's where all the money is nowadays

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Around the World in 80 Days

i used to be obsessed with the book. played some dumb game and now i love the tv adaptation. this is the first time i've been stoked about capturing childhood nostalgia.

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Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

you will start watching because it has RE in the title, you like Jogia or someone else in the cast, 5 minutes after it starts you'll be like "okay this is a mistake", 10 minutes later "can't do this anymore" you'll fast forward and be like "f*** this s*** glad i didn't waste my time on it". you'll move on with life not knowing what a bullet you dodged. this is the optimum turn of events that will save you time, money and a broken screen

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The Wheel of Time

Kind of a slow start but i find myself anticipating new episodes.

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The Last Ship

The good
Action - 10/10
Story 10/10 season 1 and 2, the rest 3/10

The bad
American Chauvinism, forced patriotic narrative. It's painful to watch

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