
1 follower

Plano, Texas


A hidden gem. I came for Benicio del Toro because, well, we don’t get enough of him, and stayed for the very well acted scenes. Was pleasantly surprised to see AS, I probably haven’t seen her since my adolescence. Yea it’s a bit long, but there are enough details to make the journey interesting. Not something I could watch again, but 100% happy to have seen it!

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Invasion: 2x10 Old Friends, New Frontiers

Season was promising then sorta took a nosedive. It sure how I feel, there was a lot to tie up in this last episode, and I feel like they kinda failed. Predictable and anticlimactic. These are rather short episodes but even so they feel long and dragged out.

Third time a charm? I for one do want to see where the story goes, and ends, so hoping it’s not cancelled.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x03 Seventeen Seconds

Can’t hold back any longer. Picard was supposed to make the right judgement calls in all cases. That is what I grew up with. Now it’s “because he’s my son”??? Are we just gonna pretend that’s totally okay, risk the lives of “500” crew for his son? Earlier, Riker makes completely out of touch “joke” about “Crash LaForge”? The nebula looks like cartoon special effects, I can create better with MidJourney.

This is a bad joke of a show, I’m so disappointed. I grew up on Trek and I’m disillusioned. There are so many much, much better SciFi shows up there, including the stellar one that was tragically cancelled after season 6.

P.S. The kid is more of a match for being Kirk’s kid than Picard’s.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x07 Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor

I thought it was pretty solid overall, just didn't realize it was the season finale till, well, after it was over and didn't see anything upcoming (I was a few weeks behind). Also, what's up with the aim on those battle bots or whatever they were? They couldn't aim for s__t. As much as I was rooting for the good guys, that part was extremely unrealistic, the aiming is obviously computer controlled and would have made quick work of the entire set. Classic case of imbalanced "oh this thing is so strong," if they were that strong they would have wiped everything out including the rancor. Like, instantly.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x03 Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

What a great episode! This is quality Trek, not that melodramatic melancholic BS from Picard. What amazing character development! What fun characters, and yes this includes not just the now-much-deeper La’an and New Kirk but also secondary characters like Pelia — how fun is her accent? I hate to s*** on Picard again, but that was condescending like it was written for grade schoolers while this is an actual SciFi show with chops to stand on its own. Please, PLEASE keep it up and give is MORE of this awesomeness!

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Silo: 1x10 Outside

3 words: Final. Three. Seconds.

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Doctor Who: 4x05 The Poison Sky (2)

OMG when he said “Are you my mommy?” I considered myself lucky I wasn’t drinking anything at the time :joy::joy::joy:

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x03 Ghosts of Illyria

Love SNW, it really brings back the feel of that core Trek à la TNG. Love the episodic format where there's a full story seen to the end each week. Nothing's perfect and this episode felt a little unpolished but in the end it worked well despite any problems.

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Loki: 2x03 1893

Not sure why y’all rating it so low. Do you not get what you’re in for? If you want it to be something else, it ain’t gonna. I enjoy it for what it is.

Call me a sucker for Ferris wheels :ferris_wheel: and stuttering savants, but I like it. For what it is. And for not hearing “wow” from that guy every time ;)

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Foundation: 2x01 In Seldon's Shadow

Foundation is made to a different standard, if not to closely follow Asimov at least to properly honor his legacy. I was just commenting to a friend into SciFi how this is such a more cerebral series compared to almost everything else. Watching S02E01 made me want to go back and watch all of Season 1 because with the time that has passed since then I don’t remember it as well as I wish I did, and a refresher would help better understand the new season. No time for that unfortunately but I am thoroughly enjoying the new season.

The scene on Synnax with the two of them on the water was surreal, like a dream, a dream that has the potential to become a nightmare but doesn’t cross the line and just creates awe.


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Star Trek: Picard: 3x09 Võx
Star Trek: Picard: 3x04 No Win Scenario

Low point of the season for me so far, I’m posting this after having watched Episode 5 as well and they saved it some in that episode.

I’m blown away to hear people think this is “Star Trek for Grownups.” The spoon feeding is unbelievable, as are the characters, and the plot(s) are ridiculous. You know how you can tell what advertisers think of you by the type of ads you’re being shown? Well, it’s telling what the creators of this show think of its target audience. Cheap sci-fi, a cheap humor, gimmicks — check out the big brains on Will, “did you just […] an asteroid […]?” Oh Will you so smart! Wanted to laugh at how bad that was, then wanted to cry..

Again, it got a lot better in Episode 5, but this, this almost made me [redacted].

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Westworld: 2x08 Kiksuya

This was an absolute masterpiece of an episode. This was art. Even with all the blood, I could legit call this high quality art. It was beautiful.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x06 Part VI

Man what a trainwreck this has been. I can’t remember anything this bad. Some thoughts/questions:

:asterisk_symbol: what am I missing, why does Reva want to kill Luke?
:asterisk_symbol: how TF did she survive, and is unscathed?
:asterisk_symbol: it seems like the destroyer just provided constant turbulence to the little ship. for many hours. it was like background noise. kids shows aren’t this unrealistic. coming from Star Trek Strange New Worlds (yes, I said it, I went there — deal with it) this is beyond comical. it’s insulting and a big turnoff. this show in particular has taken the ridiculousness to new heights.
:asterisk_symbol: what’s the point of the show if you know everything that is going to happen? I knew Kenobi wouldn’t kill Vader and it makes no sense and was a pain to watch. I also knew Vader wouldn’t kill Kenobi. terrible.
:asterisk_symbol: the parenting advice. Kenobi is pulling it out of you know where.
:asterisk_symbol: because the show is so bad, even the music seems so cheesy now. it was supposed to be deep and awe-inspiring, now it’s just a reminder of how cheesy the whole charade is.


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Reservation Dogs: 3x03 Deer Lady

With this episode this show went to a whole ‘ other level. This is art, expressing oneself thru a medium and packing a lot of meaning and lessons and time for reflection in it. Not different from a masterful painting where you need to take it in and try to make sense of it. Here, there is in-your-face pain and suffering and sadness that you must absolutely deal with first, before anything else. Then, you can try to derive further meaning from this masterpiece.

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Invasion: 2x09 Breakthrough

Let me guess.. they’re gonna blow up the spire.. together. Everything that is an unknown.. can only help, because why not? Let’s just get in there. It’s a story, I get it, a fantasy, but some of the choices are.. dubious. Those dumb aliens that are a hive mind and traveled all the way here just have no idea what ol’ Casp and Mitsuko are up too, anyone can just enter their most important space and.. what? Use their superior intellect to bring it all down?

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Invasion: 2x07 Down the Rabbit Hole

Just when I thought my man couldn’t look more like Kurt Cobain.. cue Nirvana :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ahsoka: 1x04 Part Four: Fallen Jedi

Dumbass gives map to the enemy even though “you know you can [count on her].” Captain Dumbass brings her child on a dangerous space mission, and then just stares at the enemy “oh, it looks like they are going to jump” and just lets them jump. Jedi training robot cannot defend himself against run of the mill attack robots, and covering his mouth with a metal “hand” keeps him from yelling “help!” Did I miss anything? LOL Still, I’m gonna keep watching, it’s fun despite being written by/for kindergarteners at times. Such seems to be the way of these series.

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Doctor Who: 5x07 Amy's Choice

Well that was different! What a.. trip! ;)

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The Alternate

Surprised what a low rating people are giving this gem in the rough. It was quite amazing to see what could be accomplished on such a low budget, and the story was pretty solid! Sure, it wasn’t without problems, and definitely saw a bunch of it coming, but still, it was plot-centric and captivating. I’ve seen so many terrible big budget sci-fi movies and shows, this was a welcomed diversion! One that wasn’t presumptuous and full of itself, just an honest story told well enough and acted well enough to make you THINK.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x10 The Last Generation

ST:Fanservice is finally over. It was a tough watch, one I’m not glad I watched it. Terrible plots and acting. Season 1 was a lot more interesting and promising, even S2 was somewhat decent. Then came S3 and everything went to absolute ish. Maybe revisiting your childhood heroes (TNG) ISN’T a good idea after all.

S3’s only decent major characters were Jack & Shaw. The rest were terrible, some more than others. Why did they do Worf in like that? “Do you even hear yourself?” was so bad it was funny, in a laugh at the writers and at what stupid task I’m doing by watching this garbage. That speech Seven gave to like 4-5 crew members on the bridge at the end is emblematic of the utter stupidity of this show.

Farewell Jean-Luc, I’ll try to forget this transgression and remember TNG with rose-colored glasses. As of now, those glasses are tainted :(

I guess there will be more, if you stayed past the credits. Hopefully more of the quality of SNW and not this pile of hot dog ish.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x06 The Bounty

Shout by mtrak

So nobody on the Titan knew that the fleet is now “integrated,” did I get that right? They needed to come all the way to Geordi’s manchild of a character to be told so?

What a trainwreck of an episode. It’s ruining all of ST for me, they are really pulling all the stops on the gimmicks, kitsch, terrible characters, and bad acting. Most of the time the horrendously written, timed and delivered humor makes the set seem like a particularly bad sketch of SNL, you know, the ones where they can’t keep a straight face. Any chance the outlandish plots and subplots had to hold the illusion are shattered by these new lows of any ST franchise I can think of.

It boggles the mind such a project can get financed, and it’s seriously having me reconsider if the entire ST universe is like this and I just never saw it. I sure don’t remember shows like DS9, Voy or even TNG being anywhere near this kitsch and lame, not even their worst episodes, but now I’m almost afraid to revisit them.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x05 Imposters

I had lost all hope in Ep. 4, and I was blown away by the amazing save made by this episode! While not perfect, I’m not expecting that of anything, and this was actually quite a good time! They did pull the ol’ ST “spoon feed them then turn it on its head” like it’s the 90s again, but we had action and lots of solid story and old ST threads resurfaced and even getting closure on some old matters, which more than made up for any imperfections.

By far my favorite episode this season, and a standout of the entire series thus far.

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Doctor Who: 3x02 The Shakespeare Code

This was super interesting to watch! Unfortunately, as the saying goes, “never meet your heroes,” so did this feel, with both WS and the HP references which did not age well. I feel like the WS stuff was handled pretty poorly in some respects, and it amazes me this was done by a British show — I think if an American show had done this, some of it would have been seen as poor humor. A fun overall experience for a sci-fi fan who’s also a theater fan, and a good teaching episode for my daughter about WS.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x01 Part I

Solid overall save for the Leia chase scene. Reminded me of the battle bots scene in Boba Fett — unbelievable. Almost like it’s a trademark of these series. Regardless, solid start and intriguing story — excited for this!

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Counterpart: 2x01 Inside Out

The acting by Olivia Williams in this episode was absolutely superb! There were two scenes in particular which transcended the show and it was pure (acting) art — the sensibility, the tenderness, the fragility, simply WOW!

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Doctor Who: 6x10 The Girl Who Waited

As a sci-fi junkie, it’s brilliant episodes like this which set Dr. Who and, to a larger extent, other quality British shows apart. When Rory was walking around holding the large magnifying glass with old Amy, that was more like theater than TV show. And I mean this in the best possible way. Fantastic!

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

While interesting, could have been a lot better. Some of the acting is atrocious, with a single exception — the actor portraying Dr. Majaba is fantastic, so charismatic! Sadly, it’s nowhere near enough to make this worth watching unless, like me, you’re on a 13 hour flight and have already watched 4 other movies ;)

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x04 Among the Lotus Eaters

This had a very TNG feel, random story completely contained and constrained to one episode. Can’t say we learned much about the characters, and can’t say that it was very believable outside of a what-if sci-fi though exercise. A good time that took me back, while also felt a little dated as a concept. Don’t mind having some like this in the mix, because THE MIX is so awesome! Love this series and this season so far.

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