Jean van Kasteel



The Expanse

Good characters: a plausible background, evolving yet sticking to their personnality.
Good actors: they're all convincing and incarnate their respective characters without any obvious or annoying flaw. Tip of the hat to the cop.
Good picture: the metal colors and the blackness of space, the touches of hard colors (yellow, orange, violet) here and there. Looks amazing.
Good universe: convincing, with an economic & politic landscape totally making sense.
Good science: every tech gear, items, goods and ships are carefully thought.
Good scenario: we seem to move slowly but everything eventually connects to the big picture.
Good suspens: action, hard decisions, and that mysterious/terrifying thing (blueish stuff, i'll stick to that to avoid spoilers)

Every ingredient is there, and the dish takes: the first season announces a huge sci-fi series. May Syfy and the makers stick to that, and continue to entertain. The future of the show looks great after 10 episodes. 8/10, I almost put a 9/10 but decided to wait a little longer, see if it keeps up.

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Z Nation

It truly is the essence of a Zombie show. Everything is in there : a non-deep yet engaging story, with clear goals; a world filled with zombies of different types, made with inventivity yet respectful of the classics; big guns and bad puns; very stereotyped characters but all touching in their own way.
In one word: badass. If you like zombies, you'll like this.

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Knock Knock

Thinking about watching this? Just don't.

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