


Jojo Rabbit

You're not a Nazi, Jojo. You're a ten-year-old kid who likes dressing up in a funny uniform and wants to be part of a club.

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Early Man

Who challenges the champions?
We challenge the champions!
We accept the challenge!

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Romancing the Stone

This guy who's following you, he's very
No problem.
My Little Mule is fireproof.
- See that river?
- The one without the bridge?
This is the main water supply for many villages.
Where the hell are you going?
To Lupe's Escape. I used it many times in the

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Day of the Wacko

Mom bought brioches.
Brioches? For the supper?
You've probably lost your mind.
My ass!
You lost it a long time ago! You've always suffered from the womb rabies.
Go buy yourself a pin, and keep sitting on it. Maybe you'll get calmer.
I'm getting married.
With dog.
With shit.

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Dark Water

There's a wet spot on my ceiling, and water dripping down from it.
Well the building is very old, you see.
So it gets a little rickety.
Ok, and so...?
I'll make a note of it in the log.

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Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

PETER GUILLAM Ricki Tarr, sir. One of my scalp-hunters. He’s been on the wanted list for a year. Last job was Istanbul, bit of coat-trailing for a Russian convention.
LACON Why is he on the wanted list?
PETER GUILLAM He killed our man in Istanbul. Cut his throat. Been on the run since then.
LACON My God. In my own home... my family... The bloody animals you people employ!

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The War of the Roses

I hope I'm a better man now than I was.
I know I'm a better lawyer,
when it comes to divorce.
I'll never make another mistake
like I made with Oliver.

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High Hopes

What made this country great was a place for everyone, and everyone in his place. And this is my place.

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Sorry to Bother You

Most people knew calling their congressman wasn’t going to do shit. If you get shown a problem, but have no idea on how to control it, then you just decide to get used to the problem.

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Gangs of Wasseypur - Part 1

There are 2 kinds of people.
Bastards. And dumb fucks.
And they control this entire game.
A dirty game of deceit and disguise.
This game is the twisted tale of Wasseypur.

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The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension

The rest of this rock is actually only empty space. So, back in
1937, Professor Hikita here and Dr. Emilio Lizardo figured that if
solid matter was mostly empty space, then a person should be able
to discover a way to travel inside things.
We at the Banzai Institute have at last found that way. We have
created a device called an "oscillation overthruster" which systematically reorders matter by annihilating electrons, positrons...
Oh, oh, I get it! What you're saying is that oppositely charged
particles collide and blow each other up in a burst of energy. Like
a tiny Big Bang, like a... a... a... b-b-Baby Bang!

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More ruthless than Rambo
More destructive than terminator

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The Stranger

I struggled to make both ends meet
Struggle - a favorite word with the Bengalis
But I don't call it struggle.
I think of is as nutrition.
Nutrition for the brain and for the muscles and ...
as the first step in getting to know your fellow beings

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Rocky Handsome

John Wick goes to India.

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Get Me Roger Stone

We mistake all the fear for respect

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During the filming, Amitabh Bachchan suffered a life-threatening injury when he had his spleen lacerated because of the punch from the villain in the movie. It was accidental. India came to a standstill for the entire period he was in the hospital with prayers across the country everyday. The recovery was miraculous coz they'd given up all hopes back then. He still suffers the after-effects of that injury even now with occasional hospitalizations because of the multiple surgeries he had back then in his abdomen.

After he recovered and completed shooting for the film, the film was released in theaters with the scene stopping for 5 seconds.

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Force Majeure

You cannot run in ski boots

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The Moustache

How would you feel if I shaved off my mustache?

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Virgin Mountain

What I meant to say is that the internet is a magnificent thing. You can practically just download the chicks. You sure couldn't pull tricks like that in my heyday.

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Easy Money

That's how it works. Everyone who does this is a son of a bitch. No one gives a shot about anyone.

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The Taste of Tea

Ya ya ya, yama yama yama Yama yo yama yo, yama yo yama yo Yama wa ikitte iru
Oh My Mountain, Oh My Mountain, The Mountain is alive

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We just tried to change the statistics.

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Over time I've learned to take it easy with the dead, they're tough to handle. But it seems you don't know that.

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My Neighbor Totoro

Everybody, try laughing. Then whatever scares you will go away!

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Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer

That's the problem with these Normans. They're a double-edged sword.

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Nine Queens

And you have another asset that'll make your life easier. Something money can't buy. You look like a nice guy.

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Even though I'm no more than a monster - don't I, too, have the right to live?

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Fox and His Friends

How much I pay ?
He wants to now how much I pay
I pay everything
I always pay everything
I have to pay everything. Always.

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The Secret in Their Eyes

Choose carefully. Memories are all we end up with. At least pick the nice ones.

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