Ferris Bueller

1 follower

Brooklyn, NY


Speechless. Very unique film. wow.

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Louie: 2x02 Bummer / Blueberries

This episode easily had one of the greatest comedic buildups of ´ALL TIME.

Masterful work by Louis

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Is that really ryan gosling ? Holy crap
Great film.

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LAPD been foul since forever. Great show for Jolie.

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A Haunting in Venice

Unpopular opinion perhaps. I very much enjoy Branagh's Poirot films. They sort of harken back to films of yore in more ways than one.

I really did enjoy this one.

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The classic American, "I can't afford healthcare treatments for my terminally ill young daughter so to be a good father and not let her die, I need to go ahead and rob a casino".. tale.

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The Thin Red Line

One of my favorite films, and arguably the single greatest war film ever. The acting, writing, photography and score all top notch. Goosebumps with every viewing.

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The Bourne Identity

Jason Bourne is for the children.

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Lest we forget.

Masterful cinema here.

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The Boondocks

Incredible work. An American masterpiece!

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Man this started off great. Super witty dialog. Spoke to my bike messenger, social crusader mixed with commanding heights life. It really started to unravel after a bit. Idk, s06ish. Mike and Donna became super, duper annoying and everything just got thin. Also, If Im not hating louis, what is the point?

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V for Vendetta

Remember, remember to watch this on the fifth of november. Such a fantastic film.

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I enjoyed this and thought it was canceled too soon. Then again, I am from Chicago originally and I also felt like BOSS was canceled too soon. Why can't we have a good political thriller about the Chicago Machine?

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I enjoyed this, but I am from Chicago originally, and felt shows like BOSS were canceled way to hastily.

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Fun, silly, clever show. Excellent change of pace from my usual heavy dramas. Season 3 tails off a bit in writing quality, but still a great show!

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I am not uncertain that this show is great.

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Into the Wild

Baby Boy: Caucasian edition? The privilege.

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