Mohamed Milanoo


Al Khums, Libya

Casual: 4x02 The Missing Piece

F%&# off. Alex, that's hurtful. lol Ova?

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This show keeps me interested, and that's saying a lot the way TV is now. But sometimes I feel like its trying to do too much. I've never met real people who have this many awkward and uncomfortable issues and problems happening to them every day. Their lives are like a train wreck that goes on 24/7/365. Is it so crammed with stuff because it has to be more entertaining than real life, or are there actual people with lives like theirs

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Casual: 1x08 Bottles

Very end is heartbreaking. I love how much pop psychology this show has.

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UnREAL: 4x05 No Limit

and I thought the Handmaids Tail f'ed me up. This will screw with me for awhile. I'd hate to seen Quinn and Rachel going to their depth of their darkness at the same time.

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UnREAL: 3x06 Transference

There is absolutely no one to root for

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Castle Rock: 1x02 Habeas Corpus

Glad these were released back to back, the opening of this episode is the hook that was missing from the last one. It would have been better pacing for this to have been all one longer episode instead of broken into two. But now it feels like we're going somewhere.

Still don't know where it's going but at least it picked a direction.

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The Shield: 5x11 Post Partum

This episode crushed me! Such a crazy episode that will give you every variation of every emotion every next second. Great acting, excellent season, and a brilliant TV series.

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With a couple of power house writers like Sharon Horgan and Graham Linham on board then you expect Motherland to be good and I'm pleased to report it's every bit as good as there previous work. I'm guessing the writers have based the material on there own experiences bringing up young kids, trying to juggle jobs between the school run and a lazy ex husband and a mother who would rather be socialising than looking after her gran kids. Anna Maxwell Smith is terrific as the frustrated mother who seems permanently on the point of a nervous breakdown and Diane Morgan is very funny as The worldly wise mother who knows every trick in the book when it comes to parenting on the cheap and who to avoid and befriend in the world of Motherhood!

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Cobra Kai: 1x02 Strike First

“What’s Guns N’ Roses?”
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.”

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Black Mirror: 4x05 Metalhead

Don't listen to the complainers here - this episode is worth watching. Like USS Callister it does feel different to most Black Mirror episodes, but that shouldn't be seen as a bad thing. The black and white cinematography is well suited to this episode which has a feeling reminiscent of The Road - both post-apocalyptic with no mention of what the 'apocalypse' was, both tightly focused on one or two characters. The episode isn't a neat package but again, this is Black Mirror we're talking about - expecting a clear lesson or meaning out of it is to misunderstand the point of the show. We don't know the details of what led to this apparently post-apocalyptic world, but that doesn't matter. That isn't the focus of the episode. Maxine Peake's almost solo performance as Bella is excellent, and what she was looking for or why is never really relevant. What is relevant is her fear and determination. We know nothing about her, but we feel the tension and desperation. While some episodes of Black Mirror feel like I only observe the characters, with Metalhead I was there with Bella in the desolate unknown countryside, invested in her plight.

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Ronny Chieng: International Student

Wow, amazing Australian show There are a heap of things I love about this: + shot in Melbourne, showcasing Melbourne Uni. I love seeing Melbourne represented raw on television. It's not dressed up and air-brushed, it's a university campus, warts and all. + yeah, some of the characters are stereotypes, we all knew that guy who was about forty but was still studying (why?). But it's an accurate part of uni life. + the comedy is on point, and topical. + cheaply made, but well polished I really hope this show gets multiple seasons so we can enjoy Ronny's epic adventures in law school.

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Sons of Anarchy: 6x13 A Mother’s Work

I think we all need to take a minute to acknowledge Maggie Siff. She's done an incredible job of keeping us watching over six seasons. A beautiful woman and an amazing actress. I'm really gonna miss her.
Also Rockmond Dunbar! (Rosavelt) And to think we all hated you within your first two minutes of screen time! An awesome actor. He'll be missed too.
EDIT: And Ron Pearlman! Didn't mean to leave him out. It's crazy how someone can act so well that I went by in my normal life and actually scolded Clay's guts. Though I did feel a little sorry for him in the end. I'll miss him, but I'm really looking forward to the possibility of another Hellboy!

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At times the humour falls a bit flat and I'm not sure that the longer season was a good idea, but overall it's still lots of fun. The "timeline" plot device is kinda confusing but also really fascinating and the whole drama element works beautifully, with great character development.

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Full Metal Jacket

Although ostensibly following Modine's character, Kubrick's detached style makes it difficult to care about him or any of the principal characters. Instead, the characters exist to serve a series of vignettes detailing the nature of war and the cost to the soldiers that are trained. This could be any war - substitute the jungle for the desert and you could also have the Iraq war. There are some memorable moments in this film which also feel disturbingly horrific and beautiful at the same time - the reveal of an enemy sniper, D'Onofrio's greeting in the bathroom, and the final shots of soldiers walking through a burning city - but then Kubrick certainly knows how to frame a shot. The occasional voiceover from Modine, however, feels completely unnecessary.

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The Intouchables

A truly amazing film! . Funny and heart-warming. Fantastic performances from the two male leads.

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3 Idiots

Amazing, full of laughs, full of tears. The music and atmosphere product was fun

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