Angela Mens



Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3

Wow what a ride. So much to process. Good laughs and also some tears. Will need to watch it again. Thank you James Gunn for the Guardians of the Galaxy

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Top Gun: Maverick

Having been around for the 1st top gun I was afraid about this one. But it did not disappoint I heard people say it's better than the original... Well it definitely is!! The casting of Rooster is amazing. Also seeing Val Kilmer again brought a tear to my eye. What a movie and the music of Hans Zimmer is epic as always!!

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Free Guy

Free guy is every gamers / nerds wet dream! The jokes, the scenes it's so familiar and the acting is amazing. Also a few bonuses but I won't spoiler them for you. Go see it, you won't be disappointed!!

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Jurassic World Dominion

Not the best movie from the series but still enjoyable. Especially seeing the old and new generation together is nice.

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Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

I honestly think they could have done a better job with this movie. Not sure why it is nominated for best picture, but it's not my cup of tea. The plot is weak and some acting is even weaker, which makes it funny because it's about a play. The dialog is long and sometimes lots of words have been used but nothing is said.

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Doctor Who: Special 4 Christmas Special: The Church on Ruby Road

I'm loving this new doctor who and Ruby. Really laughed at the end. Hope spring will be here soon. It's been a while since I've been excited for doctor who. Thanks Russel for coming back!

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This Is Us: 2x14 Super Bowl Sunday

Oh the writers did it again, lots of tissues needed in this one. I'm happy the way Jack died, I was afraid that he'd burn to death, not that his death wasn't hard but I would've hated it so much more. The whole episode was so good and even the little hints to the real Super Bowl were great. Also loved that they played us again, showing us the grown woman and the little boy and making us believe he's the next foster kid for Randall. I do hope we get so see some more flashbacks with Jack. This is still one of the best shows on TV right now, it makes you cry, laugh and shout at the TV all in those 45 minutes.

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American Sniper

People who find this movie patriotic obviously cant read the title...its called AMERICAN from Europe and cant see why americans are so against this movie. Its a tribute to the man and all those who didn't make it out of various wars. I find this an amazing movie. Not the best picture I've seen from the Oscar movies but its so much more than that

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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

This movie starts off emotional and ends emotional and the ride in between is epic! Luckily I'm in the Netherlands so I could see it before and no actions here. This movie should be watched by all people no matter the color of their skin. Wakanda forever!

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Breaking Bad: 2x08 Better Call Saul

I just LOVE Saul he is so bad its good

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This Is Us: 4x14 The Cabin

Although this season has been amazing so far, this is one of the best episodes ever. Finally they made me cry's been too long writers!! The last minutes of this episode are so heartwarming that we know this is us can be. Also glad we're done with marc or at least i hope so... Also old Kevin looks freaking HAWT can they please stop making him look so hot haha...Can't wait to see where the story will go to next

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Doctor Who: Special 3 The Giggle

Handy we can always keep DT on call if it doesn't work. However the new doctor got off on a good start. Also loved NPH in it he's always amazing. It should've lasted longer haha. Can't wait for the next one

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The New Mutants

I have to say i enjoyed the movie, it's of course not the best one in the X-men range, but still it was enjoyable, with a couple of well known stars in it. For me the big bonus was BUFFY!!! I will see it again maybe not in theaters but defo watchable again. Loved the end battle with Illyana she was my fav one

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x22 Jake & Amy

Luckily we know it will get another season with this cliffhanger. Loved this episode it was amazing

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This Is Us: 1x01 Pilot

Loved the pilot, it doesn't happen a lot that i love a show from the start and that it had me fooled. I did not see this one coming. Can't wait to see how this show will go.

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1x04 Is This Not Real Magic?

I love the shows that Wong watches haha. I love the sopranos and this is us too! I really love she-hulk so much fun.

Also people if you are annoyed by spoilers of the sopranos it's been done since 2007 can't call it spoilers if you haven't watched it yet that's on you

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This Is Us: 4x01 Strangers

I love it how in the end everything falls into place...can't wait what stories they will tell..and i'm in love with Katoby's kid! haha

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Get Out

Honestly dont know why this one is for best movie, the story is weak and predictable and racist in a way too. The acting is good but that's it. It's not even scary, it's supposed to be a horror / thriller but i found myself bored along the way. Maybe it's because i've seen many horror movies that this one doesn't do anything for me.

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What the Health

I suggest you watch it and hopefully learn something from it

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The Crown: 6x10 Sleep, Dearie Sleep

Well the finale was bad. They did do the death of Margaret but nothing about Philip or Elizabeth? Like they lived happily ever after? They could've handled the final episodes so much better. Really sad about the missed opportunity. The series was great but it deserved a way better ending

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Doctor Who: Special 2 Wild Blue Yonder

Loved this episode also Wilfred :purple_heart: hope he'll be in the next one too.

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The Peripheral: 1x08 The Creation of a Thousand Forests

Keep watching there's an extra scene!

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The Crown: 5x10 Decommissioned

Not the finale I was expecting. The finale was a bit boring. All the other episodes were good just not this one. Can't wait for next season!

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The Vampire Diaries: 6x22 I'm Thinking of You All the While

Such a sad episode, but a wonderful way to say goodbye to Elena, I loved the way they let all her friends say goodbye to her. I feel for Alaric poor guy has lost everything again his 3rd love gone. Do hope they will give him a happier season next year. Looking forward to next season and to see what they will do without Elena cause she was one of the main players, not really sad to see her go she was getting annoying at some point throughout the seasons. Loved it that Jeremy was back in it even if only for a little while.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x13 What We're Fighting For

I;ve been a fan from day 1 and i was dreading the end cause many shows have failed to produce an ending worthy of an amazing show. I am so happy this did NOT disappoint!! For fans from the 1st day so many emotions and thrills. It was well written and i'm sad to see this show go, but glad they gave it an ending worthy of it!! And very happy to see Lola again <3

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Marvel's Daredevil: 3x13 A New Napkin

BEST SEASON EVER!!! really do hope disney will not fuck us fans up and make Netflix cancel this show too like they did iron fist and luke cage...really love Fisk as a villain. But a new season is needed cause we need to know how they go from here

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Loki: 2x06 Glorious Purpose

Can I kill Sylvie so we can get Loki back? I mean like her but not as much as Loki!

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The Outpost

What an impressive movie, you're on the edge of your seat a lot of times. Humor and grief so close together. Also stay for the end credits you'll get real interviews with survivors!

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Pokémon Detective Pikachu

Omg I really loved this movie. It's not a typical Pokémon movie that's probably because of Ryan Reynolds he's so awesome in this one. It has some adult humor too and us just a great watch. The only bad thing is that it's a bit short haha.

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Lucifer: 3x25 Boo Normal

People please realize that episode 25 and 26 where never meant to be in season 3 but in season 4 and since Fox cancelled Lucifer they were going to waist but Fox then decided to air them anyway as an olive branch towards the fans. They weren't supposed to be the next 2 episodes of season 4 but just episodes that would come in that season.

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