

the glade

Peep Show

Unbearable cringe, character regression instead of development, many many poor decisions, and unhappy endings. So so funny

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x03 The Solitary Clone

Shout by Rosie

Good episode :thumbsup: felt conflicted as to whether I should root for the imperial clones or for the separatists :open_mouth:

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Peaky Blinders: 6x03 Gold

it was fun to see ada be the big boss

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Seinfeld: 2x11 The Chinese Restaurant

im a sucker for tv show episodes that take place entirely in one location

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2x21 S.O.S. (1)

Shout by Rosie

That fight scene between Bobbi and Ward?!?!?!!! Bruh

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2x19 The Dirty Half Dozen

Skye’s fight scene in the facility :exploding_head:

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1x09 Repairs

This episode was forgettable because it's not a part of the main plotline but once I did remember it was about, I remembered that it was quite thrilling and fun to watch

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Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
Fruits Basket

I watched the original Fruits Basket anime and read the entire manga over a decade ago and remembered 50% of what happened in the story but damn, while watching this reboot, the storyline still punched me in the gut and gave me the same emotions (suspense, heartbreak, hope, etc.) I had during my first watch :sob: Especially because they were able to animate the entire story from the manga (iirc, the og anime only went up to the end of season 1). Seriously such a great series with interesting and likable characters who all have so much growth and development. My only issue is that I would have liked more Kyo/Tohru episodes and storylines (especially throughout the second and third seasons) but I think that's just me being a hardcore (god I haven't used this word in a while :nauseated_face:) shipper. The other issue I have is that literally everyone in the series is straight (also a handful of relationships with questionable age gaps...) but I guess that's the trade-off to being faithful to the source material :rolling_eyes: Anyways, I think this anime is a must-watch!

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Fruits Basket: 3x09 What's Your Name?

Shout by Rosie

i get that it's part of tohru's character but i personally would not want to shake hands and be friends with somebody who just slashed my arm

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Fruits Basket: 3x07 That's Right, It's Empty

How could they leave us on that ending…. HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Fruits Basket: 3x06 It Was So Foolish

THAT ENDING.... OH FK...... how tf they gonna play that cheery-ass ending theme song after that :sob:

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Fruits Basket: 3x05 I Mean… You Know, Right?

it's so weird to think that momiji had a thing for tohru, when their relationship seems so familial (older sister/younger brother) to me

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Fruits Basket: 3x04 I'm… Home

isuzu deserves so much love :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1x03 The Asset

Nice to see some character development with Skye and Ward, but it felt quite uncharacteristic that Coulson shot the glass beneath the doctor’s feet :thinking:

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Ant-Man and the Wasp

definitely the funniest movie from the MCU, i got some good laughs out of this one! my only complaint is that i felt like they picked 2 extremely meh antagonists (ghost & burch), i think it would've been better if they only did one really good villain instead.

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the only thing i didn't really like about this movie is the villain but other than that this is definitely one of my favorite MCU movies! it's super fun, the FX are really cool, the characters are likable, and the comedy is great.

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Peaky Blinders: Season 3

this season was probably the weirdest one yet but it was still really fun!

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Peaky Blinders: Season 5

glad i'm finally caught up on peaky blinders but this season was such a drag.. felt like nothing made sense and it was messy tbh

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Peaky Blinders: 5x06 Mr. Jones

wow that ending was one of the most stressful and nerve-wracking finales since season 2... also tfw you have to resurrect alfie because he's one of the best characters in the show LOL

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Peaky Blinders: 5x04 The Loop

polly looks so good in a tie

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Captain Marvel

I actually liked this movie a lot more than I expected! It was really fun to see young Fury and Coulson. I also understand why they didn't introduce Carol until after Infinity War because she's super OP loll

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Peaky Blinders: 5x03 Strategy

me: oh my god karl is so grown!! i can't believe he's already 10 years old!
me, 2 seconds later: oh my god i can't believe karl's racist...

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Peaky Blinders: 5x02 Black Cats

there is so much going on...

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Mission: Impossible - Fallout

I love Ghost Protocol but I think Fallout is more suspenseful and fun! I'd give it a full 10 but I'm taking a point off because the TWO Paris car/motorcycle chases were a bit too long and dragged out for my liking :cry:

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Peaky Blinders: 5x01 Black Tuesday
Peaky Blinders: 4x01 The Noose

really awesome to see tommy still getting his hands dirty even in season 4. and omg that ending....

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Peaky Blinders: 3x06 Episode 6

wow, now that was a season finale...

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The Mandalorian: 1x05 Chapter 5: The Gunslinger

Seeing a lot of comments here of people complaining that this episode is just filler, but personally I like the mini adventure-esque nature of the Mandalorian. Just because it's not plot-driven doesn't mean it's not a good episode.

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Star Wars Rebels: 3x14 Trials of the Darksaber

One of my favorite episodes of the season, the ending actually made me tear up

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