

To the left of your body, to the right of your mind, lost in a riddle.

Darkest Hour

I have no idea why people are raving about this film, it's a bit crap, it's probably Oldman weakest performance to date, and the cinematography is terrible. Churchill with Brian Cox in the lead role is a FAR superior film on the subject.

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Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers

Really interesting topic, but sadly the documentary maker doesn't have the first idea on how to make a good documentary, he seems more interested in appearing on screen himself, than asking relevant questions, following interesting avenues, or even just letting the story tell itself. There is almost nothing here that people who know the Bob Lazar story won't already be familiar with, but for anybody new to the subject, it is an OK (if rather one-sided) introduction.

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Murder on the Orient Express

Sadly nowhere nearly as good as it should have been. The film had a fantastic cast (and Johnny Depp too), a great director at the helm, and wonderful source material, but somehow it managed to almost completely fall flat. Odd things from the original story were changed apparently just for the sake of it, I could see no other reason for the changes. Although there were some good performances, there was nothing that stood out, which, as I said, with a cast like that, seems rather odd. Somewhat of a wasted opportunity really.

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Derek DelGaudio's In & of Itself

Finally got around to watching In & Of Itself, wow, what a huge disappointment. From all the rave reviews I've been hearing I was expecting something quite fantastic rather than the dragged out self-indulgence I got. Fortunately there was some good magic and a couple of entertaining bits squeezed in, I still wouldn't recommend it to anybody.

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The Circle

Shout by Mex5150
BlockedParent2017-11-12T17:39:49Z— updated 2018-05-29T17:16:31Z

I can't help but think that this film would have been much better if Emma Watson and Karen Gillan had swapped roles, and if Tom Hanks had swapped roles with Bill Paxton, Oh and the obvious one, the whole thing was rewritten, and refilmed by somebody who knew what the hell they were doing LOL

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Blade Runner 2049

Shout by Mex5150
BlockedParent2017-10-18T14:42:12Z— updated 2017-11-17T12:42:40Z

The film was actually really disappointing. As a film it was /OK/, but as a sequel to Blade Runner, it was terrible. There were some nice in-jokes and references, but overall low-brow junk masquerading as high-brow gold (it was directed by Villeneuve, so I really shouldn't have expected better, the only thing he's good at is making stupid people think they are clever). Everything seemed forced and unnatural. The plot was trite and cliched, and everything was very predictable. Totally a wasted opportunity ;^<

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What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

What a fantastic blast from the past, if only they could still write Star Trek as good as DS9 was.

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Star Trek: Short Treks: 1x02 Calypso

Very average sci-fi short, but it has nothing to do with Star Trek (just like the show it's a spun from). Somewhat surprising that they can fit so many plot holes and clichés into the eighteen minutes this episode takes. No wonder NetFlix refused to pay for this nonsense.

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Blade Runner: Black Out 2022

OK, but easily the weakest of the three shorts created to advertise Blade Runner 2049

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Billions: 7x12 Admirals Fund

Really surprised, and somewhat confused, by the positive reviews of this episode. It was actually pretty bad. Predictable plot line, poor dialogue, and far too many endings. The show used to be great, but each season was a drop in quality from what went before, and this episode was the worst episode of the worst season. Such a shame they couldn't come up with something more creative to end the show.

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Star Trek: Short Treks: 2x02 The Trouble with Edward

Terrible, STD is trying so hard to be the Orville, but just as the hack writers don't understand Trek, it seems they also don't understand humour.

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Bohemian Rhapsody

Went to see Bohemian Rhapsody yesterday. I was quite surprised that Malek's weird eyes didn't bother me nearly as much as I had expected, but his acting was really off mark for the first half of the film. Thankfully he found his feet when we got to the 80's and from then on it was great, even if he never did quite get his intonation right. The thing I found really weird about the movie was all the odd changes and omissions (made even more odd considering how closely the remaining band members were involved with the films production). Amongst other things, how the band got together was wrong, how Freddie met Jim was wrong, hell, even the band splitting up was wrong. The casting was spectacular though, practically everybody looked, sounded, and acted just like the people they were portraying. So much so that I actually thought Dermot Murphy who plays Bob Geldof was actually archive footage of Geldof cut into the movie when he first appeared. If you are a die-hard Queen fan (like I am) you will be a bit annoyed at the discrepancies, but regardless it's still well worth checking out.

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2048: Nowhere to Run

Really nice character piece, only five minutes long, but it gives you a great introduction to 'Sapper' played by Dave Bautista. Probably my favourite of the three shorts made to advertise Blade Runner 2049.

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Babylon 5: The Road Home

Wow, I had forgotten just how much I loved Babylon 5! It was great to have the team back together. After seeing what had been done to Star Wars, Star Trek, and many others I was VERY worried this was going to be woke garbage, fortunately that was a dodged bullet. The only real negative was the drawing style for the animation, it's next to impossible to to tell who is who (with a couple of obvious exceptions like Londo and G'Kar) until their names are mentioned. I hear this is the first step to a new B5 series, as long as they keep to this standard, I'm all for it!

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My Son Hunter

Not as good as some people are claiming, but also nowhere near as bad as others say. The issue is most people aren't evaluating a movie, they are ignoring it entirely and voting purely on partisan political grounds. I normally dislike Laurence Fox, but was very impressed with his work here. I don't think John James was a good casting choice though. I'm not even going to mention where I stand politically, but judging this movie as a movie and nothing more, I think it's a fair seven out of ten.

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Bloody fantastic film. I thought it was just going to be yet another low-brow SFX laden action thing with loads of fight scenes, not really my thing, but Karen Gillan was in it, so I thought I'd give it a go before crashing out. Not at all what I expected. It's actually a really clever dystopian black comedy with fantastic performances from everybody involved. It's getting a lot of hate, seemingly because many others thought it was going to be the same film I thought it was, but unlike me, they were disappointed it wasn't actually that. The interesting thing about it is, it seems designed to have two seemingly open possibilities of how it ended, but in reality depending on which people choose to accept, you can see how closely they paid attention and thought deeply (or not) about the film. If you want an action movie, give it a miss, but if you like cerebral black comedies, watch it ASAP!

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Just watched Old, and Wow! What a terrible movie. Like so many of Shyamalan's movies, the core premise is quite interesting, but the execution is just horrendous. The rules of the world-building are applied or not applied randomly, depending totally on what the story needs at the time. The dialogue is embarrassingly bad; unrealistic, clunky, and more often than not being nothing more than clumsy attempts at foreshadowing. And there are potholes so wide you could drive a bus (sideways) through them. Don’t bother with this one.

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Playing God

Watched Playing God last night, for a con trick comedy, there was surprisingly little of either comedy or con tricks. Both Michael McKean and Alan Tudyk did their best, but the material just wasn't there. Things didn't happen in a natural logical way, they only happened because they needed to happen for the next bit to start. The writer clearly started at where he wanted the movie to end and worked backward so he could set the next part up. Shame, with two better leads and a writer/director who knew what he was doing, this could have worked really well.

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Persona: The Dark Truth Behind Personality Tests

I had never thought these types of of tests were good for use in the way they are used when reducing applications for job positions. However, if the people who are complaining about how bad these tests are in this documentary are good examples of the type of people being rejected, my mind is changed. If I was hiring somebody, I'd hate to have any of them waste my time interviewing them. They are the type of people who will never rest until they have found something 'problematic' about everything, and they will always interpret it as an institutionalised bias against them personally.

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Assassin 33 A.D.

Hilariously bad, I don't know exactly what it is about Christianity, but for some reason, it seems it's just impossible for them to make a good movie. The odd film (like this one) that does something well (comedy) it happens purely by accident and really isn't meant to be there, I mean if they actually wanted this to be funny, there wouldn't be any humour at all, but as they don't, it's a total laugh riot.

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Altered Carbon: 1x07 Nora Inu

Wow! What a terrible episode, I was enjoying the series up to here, but this terrible episode very nearly made me give up. Not give up watching Altered Carbon, but totally give up watching ANY TV ever again.

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Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

There is NOTHING here that would cause people who understand science to even raise an eyebrow (well ignoring all the godidit claims obviously LOL), however, I would still recommend everybody (people who accept evolution, and science deniers alike) watch it, but ONLY with the freely downloadable subtitle track debunking all the lies, straw-men, and disinformation put forward in this joke of a documentary. It just shows how willing creationist are to lie to further their agenda.

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Take Back Your Power
Octavio Is Dead

Very few of the cast and crew were stand out bad at their jobs, but they just couldn't hold it together and the whole thing came off as rather silly and amateurish. And nobody for a single second would actually believe that Sarah Gadon was a guy. With a better director at the helm and a bit of a rewrite, it could have been quite good, but sadly, that's not what we got.

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Wizard of the Desert: An Alexander Vesely Film

I got very worried at the start when the filmmaker came on and said Rasputin was a great hypnotist, but fortunately that goof wasn't a sign of things to come. Most fans of Erickson will already know a lot of what is on offer here, but it's still great to revisit and there may be some stuff people aren't familiar with. There were some really famous names from the field here too. I highly recommend giving it a watch.

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Q: Into the Storm

If this was done well, it could have been a really interesting series, sadly it wasn't. It was slapped together with either very poor research or things just left out as they didn't happen to fit the story the filmmaker decided he was going to tell. If you are already familiar with the many events and personalities involved, it's nice to get a closer look at some of the people, but please don't treat it as a history lesson and before you watch make sure you have plenty of Lott's wife on hand to take it all with.

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I watched Hypnotic ( ) last night, well technically this morning. I was expecting a mediocre movie filled with 'Hollywood hypnosis' but actually got a terrible movie with no hypnosis at all (real or Hollywood), It's actually a crappy B-move about psychics and a government funded organisation hunting for them. Ben Affleck has been in some good movies (he was the bomb in "Phantoms", yo) but most are pretty bad, this is without doubt the worst of them all though. Seemingly it was being developed for over 20 years, however if you told me it was in development for twenty minutes, I'd think you were exaggerating. If you are thinking of going to see it (or even downloading), don't bother.

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Weird: The Al Yankovic Story

Just watched this. I was expecting the miscasting of Harry Potter in the lead role to be too off putting, but it didn't annoy me nearly as much as I expected. My wife isn't as big a Weird Al fan as me, so it was fun watching her trying to work out what was real and what was parody. Although it lost its way a bit (mainly with the some of the Madonna stuff), if you are a fan or just want a bit of fun, it's well worth a look.

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