Maximilian Litteral



Jojo Rabbit

Taika Waititi is my favorite director, so I was really looking forward to this film, as I am with any of his movies. I have to say this one let me down a bit, but unfairly so. Before I saw the film I heard from people that it's the best film of the year to them, even better than Parasite (which I saw the other day and to me that became my number one of the year), so I was like oh man Jojo Rabbit is better than Parasite, what a great month to get 2 of the best films of the year. So I went in all hyped up. I did like the movie, it was funny in a way that only Taika is, but I was expecting something more, a gut punch, something to happen that made me think a different way. I still think it is a great movie, everyone should check it out if you like Taika's other movies.

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Good Time

Robert Pattinson's performance is incredible. I heard this movie was originally a comedy, but I'm glad they went another direction. What a Good Time!

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Less fun, and more action than I expected, but still a great ridiculous Rock movie.

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Ready Player One

I was very pleased with Ready Player One. I tried reading the book but was thrown off by a very unlikable Wade Watt's. The movie improves his character, and the story as a whole that is perfect for the big screen. For a movie that is mostly just CG it felt incredibly real and tangible. I would highly recommend seeing this movie in theaters; this is a movie made for the big screen.

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Santa Clarita Diet: 2x10 Halibut!

Loved season 2 as much or even more as season 1! Can’t wait for season 3. Still wondering about the spider balls?

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The Cloverfield Paradox

Really enjoyed this film. After hearing reviews I was expecting a non-complete train wreck, but It wasn't. As Han Solo would say "It's Fine, We're fine".

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Geeking Out: 1x01 Comic-Con

Can't wait for Zombieland 2!

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The Flash: 2x20 Rupture

Best episode of the season!

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Supernatural: 11x17 Red Meat

Weakest episode of the season I think. Didn't really care for it at all. Felt like I missed something from last weeks episode, with some characters I didn't care for at all.

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Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

“Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” Review

I have been hearing great reviews about this film for the past few weeks from various people, and I have to say they weren’t wrong. This movie was thoroughly entertaining, and fun throughout. The dark and serious tone of the film contrasted perfectly with the ridiculous premise, creating great humor...

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It was alright. Was expecting a lot more with a movie about a secret organization that has been behind everything, and a villain played by Christoph Waltz. I think they spent too much time on Mr Hinx, which could have been completely written out of the movie. He doesn't even say a word, just kills a guy and then has a instant craving to kill James Bond? Waste of time.

Overall, I did enjoy it a lot. The acting was great, but the story should have been a lot more interesting.

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Fear the Walking Dead

Thought the first episode was pretty interesting. Lots of people were expecting a "how the virus became" show instead of just the start of the end. I can't wait to see where this season goes.

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The Last Man on Earth

Quickly became one of my favorite shows of 2015. He did do some wrong things but by the end of the season I felt really bad about the guy. I can't wait to see what season 2 has in store!

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