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Omicron Persei 8

Supergirl: 3x03 Far From the Tree

I'll admit Maggy's story was kinda sad.

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Atlanta: 2x10 FUBU

this was a sad episode to me cause things like this really are happening.

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When They See Us: 1x04 Part Four

I actually cried during thos episode. The fact that these young men never lived a childhood due to a failed system hurts. What really hurts is this is a story that was told....I believe this has happened to plenty unknown.

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The Flash: 7x11 Family Matters (2)

really wasn't feeling the whole "these are our kid's concept"

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The Big Bang Theory

hate to see this show end. I've been watching these guys so long that it felt like I was losing personal friends. I will miss these guy's.

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Dear White People: 1x01 Chapter I

Well after seeing the first episode.I can't see what all the fuss is about. It's only putting the spot light on events that are sadly true. Google college racist parties an see what goes on at some colleges. If we don't confront the issues then they will remain an issue.

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Atlanta: 2x09 North of the Border

lmao that fight was classic

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hate to see this show go. I really enjoyed it.

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9-1-1: 1x10 A Whole New You

man I actually teared up. when the got was on the phone with his son. after being split in half. smh

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I'm seriously wondering why they would cancel this show. There are multiple meaningless show's that at least had 3 or more seasons. Smh

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This show is great.. I've been laughing since season one.. It also has serious topics at times but they still make it funny.. Great show

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I can honestly say i love this show.. It makes me laugh and the topics they choose to base an episode on are great.

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Stargirl: 1x06 The Justice Society

the fight scenes in this episode are awesome :thumbsup:

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Titans: 2x07 Bruce Wayne

I'm confused with this love triangle with dick, dove and, hank. in season one they showed her meeting hank first. now they saying she had a relationship with dick. wtf and when

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Supergirl: 5x07 Tremors

this story line is....ass. they make supergirl so gullible tht she will do whatever to prove her friendship. why show "a friend" your safe zone thts all you got and she let that go. dumbest superhero

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The Titan Games

wow only 1 season. SMH

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iZombie: 5x01 Thug Death

how is this rated an 7.9 an it hasn't released yet? SMDH

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x14 Amazing Grace

Chuck berry actually created rock and roll not elvis

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Maze is absolutely beautiful and this is a great show also

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Justice League

this wasn't a bad movie just came to early. should have done each character individually first. but it's a start.

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good movie. sad that it was true

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The Flash: 4x08 Crisis on Earth-X (III)

man the writer's are really pushing this lbgt thing. SMH

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this wasn't a bad movie. didn't like how it ended thoe.

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black-ish: 4x01 Juneteenth

I honestly love this show. they aren't afraid to say what some ppl are thinking of ever speak about real life situations.

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Black Ink Crew: Chicago

Shout by MarleyT

Ashley is one of the most beautiful dumbest females on this show and Charmaine need to have more class about herself.. SMH

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The Flash: 3x22 Infantino Street

Flash is one of a few shows i watch and actually get emotional. Im soo deep into the characters that i feel the pain also.. Great show with great acting

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Empire: 3x11 Play On

Really don't want to see the male on stuff but besides that I'd say this was interesting.

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The Flash: 7x18 Heart of the Matter (2)

can't say I liked this season. the god speeds from the future, everyone having speed force at one point of time the speed force was the villain. the lost of original cast members etc. I understand the show has been running for a long time but this was the one time I wasn't looking forward to an episode.

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The Chi: 4x01 Soul Food

man, I see they came back with some in your face action. sadly, this is reality.

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Superman & Lois: 1x03 The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower

these are the most ungrateful children. your dad is super man and your a douch

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