Marie Celeste.



Orange Is the New Black: 7x13 Here's Where We Get Off

I cried. A lot. I did it for both happy and sad endings, it felt like family somehow, because it's been a long time since I started watching Orange.

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Better Call Saul: 4x04 Talk

I'm absolutely loving every season of this show. I admit I abandoned it for a long while, and.. I don't even know the reason. Anyway, I feel soooo deeply identify with Jimmy's character in some aspects, since episode one.

BCS will be remembered as one of the most AMAZING spin offs EVER.

I love Mike, everytime I see him I think: "WHY, WALTER, WHY?"

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Peaky Blinders

My new fave show. It's just brilliant!!

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Locked Up: The Oasis: 1x08 Who was Zulema Zahir?

What a lame ending for such and awesome character. Sólo muere quien es olvidado.

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Orphan Black: Season 4
Orphan Black: Season 2

I bloody loved the dance scene at the last episode of this season. It was too funny to watch, and felt so real. LOVED IT!!

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Orphan Black: Season 1

It took me a while to decide and start watching Orphan Black. Even when the topic is very interesting to me, I thought it would be a little bit boring- but it isn't, at all. There might be episodes where you know exactly what's going to happen just by using logic, because sometimes, the characters can be SO DUMB. Whatever, I'm liking it so far and of course I'm going to continue watching it. It's exciting and also, I like all main characters, wich is weird to me.

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Orange Is the New Black: 4x13 Toast Can't Never Be Bread Again

THis BRoke MY HEART IN SO MANY WAYS. What an amazing season.

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Sherlock: Special 9 The Abominable Bride

As always, the quality of the episode was delicate, very good indeed. I'm almost crying because I must wait for the next season to come, I wish I had more of Sherlock. But this special was worth waiting for. The plot was great, and they mixed the past and present quite good too.

The drug part, I don't think it was completely necessary. But it worked. The cuts, and the past, and present scenes mixing, those were great because of their "effect." So, yep. It was a pretty solid episode, but it's lack of plot twists and real puzzles made me miss the actual season.

Still, I'm glad we got Shelock for an hour and a half. I missed him.

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Doctor Who: Special 148 The Husbands of River Song

It was so so sooooo good! the heart-warming look between River and the Doctor at the end was awesome. And now we know a lot of things like, the screwdriver, those stories... they were together a long time. I definetely liked it very much.

River's speech about the Doctor not loving her was heart breaking, she had no clue.

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Homeland: 5x12 A False Glimmer

Homeland is getting quite good at making dissapointing season finales. Even when they had an excellent season so far, they turn down the brainstorm and decided this season finale would be good. But it wasn't. The whole plot was over at the first 5-6 minutes. That's not cool. Then, they decided we still care about Carrie and her desperate need of love. I hope they don't kill off Quinn, but I think he already is.

Otto's proposal, no big deal. We knew it already.

Saul's last scene of this season was pretty good. Allison was looking for it.

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x13 AKA Smile

I really liked the whole series, it was different, funny in it's own way and Krysten Ritter was beyond amazing. David Tennant is always fantastic, charismatic and cool. He made me like Kilgrave more than I should but OH WELL...

No, but seriously, it was incredible how Kilgrave, at the very end proved that the only thing he wanted was Jessica's love. It's kinda sad, having all that power but being obsessed with something you can't have and that actually it's the end of you. Very solid, very clever show. I'm hoping for a second season.

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x11 AKA I've Got the Blues

Greaaaaat!! I think we mmight ave an awesome season finale

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x10 AKA 1,000 Cuts

This was the worst episode ever. The plot was pending on that stupid girl and now just like that, Jessica's free to do want she was meant to do since the first second she had Kilgrave in her possesion???

LIKE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GONNA DO NOW? COME ON. This episode was beyond stupid, too many people involved in something that must be a secret, Kilgrave has an incredible power and people tries to get him just like that. They're so dumb. I'm pissed off right now. I REALLY hope the last 3 episodes are worth watching, or I'll be MAD.

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x09 AKA Sin Bin

Shit, I shouldn't like Kilgrave this much.

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x08 AKA WWJD?

NICE!! Really liked the scenes in the house. Smart move, Jess.

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x07 AKA Top Shelf Perverts

My favourite so far!! Can't wait to see what happens next

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x06 AKA You're a Winner!

KILGRAVE WTFFFF??? Eternal love, really???

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x04 AKA 99 Friends

I'm loving the acting so far, Jessica, Trish and Kilgrave are actually my favs. But the Malcolm thing was waaaay too obvious. It's okay tho. This show is starting to grow on me.

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Homeland: 5x10 New Normal

Saul surprised me in this one. WOW, JUST WOW

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Doctor Who: 9x12 Hell Bent (2)

Clara ruined it for me. It was a kinda nice episode but inconclusive. I like that now the Doctor it's not going to remember Clara. it's a shame I will.

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Homeland: 5x09 The Litvinov Ruse

Beautifully done.

I can't say how much I liked this one, it left me speechless. Right from the first scene, I knew it was going to be a nice episode. Why? Carrie and Saul's hug was everything I was waiting for, It made me feel like I was watching the first seasons and it was good indeed. And they focused on Allison, they made us think she was dumb and was going to get caught easily, but no, WHAT A MOVE.

Also, I feel sorry for Quinn, he's such an AMAZING character that suffers so much. I really hope this ends in a decent way for him. Poor thing.

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Doctor Who: 9x11 Heaven Sent (1)

WOW- JUST... WOW! It was an intense episode, really clever.

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Gotham: 2x10 Rise of the Villains: The Son of Gotham

This season is sooooooooooo goooooooooood!! I love every single episode so far, It's getting better and better every week.

All the characters are awesome, and even when it's a bit predictable, I can't ask for more. It's just great.

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Doctor Who: 9x10 Face the Raven

AT LAST!! A GREAT EPISODE!! And Clara was finally killed off, or at least it seems to be the end of the worst companion I've EVER seen, so.. What's next? I'm looking forward to next week's episode, I want to know everything. I hope they (writers) don't disappoint me.

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Doctor Who: 9x09 Sleep No More

Boring. This was so boring.

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Mr. Robot: 1x10 eps1.9_zer0-day.avi

It was, in general, a solid show, or season, but the end doesn't feel like a season finale, it just looks like a regular episode, nothing outstanding.

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Mr. Robot: 1x08 eps1.7_wh1ter0se.m4v

I really don't understand the hype about the ending... It was good, yes.. But we kinda knew it already, didn't we? They actually gave us reasons to doubt about Mr. Robot's existence. He walk through very dangerous situations without being caught. He mocked Allsafe security and even the bartender ignored him. If you connect the dots, you have the answer, it's not that hard.

But the show took a good twist right there. Can't wait to see what's next.

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Mr. Robot: 1x06 eps1.5_br4ve-trave1er.asf

THAT ENDING SCENE is everything. I think this is one of the best episodes so far. WOW

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Doctor Who: 9x08 The Zygon Inversion (2)

It's a shame we can only get just a few GOOD minutes of Doctor Who now.

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