

São Paulo, Brazil


Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.


My favorite TV shows and movies.


Below is our updated running tally of the films most frequently mentioned by individual critics on the year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 films, we will not include films ranked 11th or worse. (We do include unranked lists of 11-20 titles, though each film gets just one-half of a point.) In case of a tie for first or second, each film will receive the full points for that position.
Updated: 2022-01-23


Below is our updated running tally of the TV shows most frequently mentioned by individual critics in their year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 shows, we will not include titles ranked 11th or worse. (We do include unranked lists of 11-20 titles, though each title gets just one-half of a point.) In case of a tie for first or second, each show will receive the full points for that position.
Updated: 2022-01-14


Below is our updated running tally of the films most frequently mentioned by individual critics on the year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 films, we will not include films ranked 11th or worse. (We do include unranked lists of 11-20 titles, though each film gets just one-half of a point.) In case of a tie for first or second, each film will receive the full points for that position.


Below is our updated running tally of the TV shows most frequently mentioned by individual critics in their year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 shows, we will not include titles ranked 11th or worse. (We do include unranked lists of 11-20 titles, though each title gets just one-half of a point.) In case of a tie for first or second, each show will receive the full points for that position.


Chegou a hora da lista mais aguardada do ano são As 10 Melhores Séries de 2020, uma curadoria do coração que enaltece aquelas produções que se destacaram. Depois de conferir centenas da séries esse ano preciso confessar que não foi fácil escolher as 10 melhores séries de 2020. Tivemos The Boys, que se consolidou como a série mais popular do Amazon Prime Video, tivemos The Mandalorian que uniu os fãs de Star Wars pela primeira vez em 30 anos, tivemos a temporada final de Dark, um grande sucesso da Netflix… Mas e aí? Será que essas séries foram dignas de ocupar o posto mais alto? Quem levou a medalha de ouro? Vamos concluir o ano descobrindo quais foram as 10 melhores séries de 2020!


While the list above reflects how critics felt about each movie at the time of its release, opinions can change over time. So, to get a better read on the current consensus, we have also aggregated best-of-the-decade lists published by a variety of film and entertainment publications in late 2019.


One problem with TV reviews: For many shows, they only reflect the first few episodes of a given season, which makes it hard to get a sense of a season (or, indeed, series) as a whole after the fact. So, to get a better read on the current consensus and the staying power of each show, we have also aggregated best-of-the-decade lists published by a variety of entertainment publications in late 2019.


Below is our updated running tally of the films most frequently mentioned by individual critics on the year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 films, we will not include films ranked 11th or worse. (We do include unranked lists of 11-20 titles, though each film gets just one-half of a point.) In case of a tie for first or second, each film will receive the full points for that position.


Below is our updated running tally of the TV shows most frequently mentioned by individual critics in their year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 shows, we will not include titles ranked 11th or worse. (We do include unranked lists of 11-20 titles, though each title gets just one-half of a point.) In case of a tie for first or second, each show will receive the full points for that position.


O ano está acabando e chegou a hora de eleger As 10 Melhores Séries de 2019. Quais são foram as produções que mais se destacaram no ano? Quais séries realmente foram as melhores de 2019? Hoje é a clássica lista só com as melhores, as inesquecíveis, as que realmente marcaram 2019... Na minha opinião, claro. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: E se as suas séries favoritas não entram nessa lista das melhores de 2019 não se esqueça de comentar no vídeo e dizer qual faltou, qual nem deveria ter entrado ou se na verdade você concorda com a lista. Sem mais delongas, vamos para as 10 melhores séries de 2019.


Below is our updated running tally of the films most frequently mentioned by individual critics on the year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 films, we will not include films ranked 11th or worse. (We do include unranked lists of 11-20 titles, though each film gets just one-half of a point.) In case of a tie for first or second, each film will receive the full points for that position.


Below is our updated running tally of the TV shows most frequently mentioned by individual critics in their year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 shows, we will not include titles ranked 11th or worse. (We do include unranked lists of 11-20 titles, though each title gets just one-half of a point.) In case of a tie for first or second, each show will receive the full points for that position.


Agora é a vez de ficar por dentro do que teve de melhor na TV, com direito ao retorno de “Westworld”, o final de “The Americans” e até surpresas como “Barry”. Veja quais foram os sucessos das telinhas em 2018!


Chegou a hora de lembrarmos as 10 Melhores Séries de 2018, aquelas produções que foram destaque durante o ano. Para isso eu trouxe a Carol Moreira e a Mikannn, que vão reagir a minha lista. Será que a sua série favorita fez a lista? Assista até o final, pois além das 10 melhores, tem algumas menções honrosas no final.


The 70th Primetime Emmy Awards honored the best in U.S. prime time television programming from June 1, 2017 until May 31, 2018, as chosen by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
Outstanding Comedy Series: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Outstanding Drama Series: Game of Thrones
Outstanding Variety Talk Series: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Outstanding Variety Sketch Series: Saturday Night Live
Outstanding Limited Series: The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Outstanding Reality-Competition Program: RuPaul's Drag Race


Below is our updated running tally of the films most frequently mentioned by individual critics on the year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 films, we will not include films ranked 11th or worse. (We do include unranked lists of 11-20 titles, though each film gets just one-half of a point.) In case of a tie for first or second, each film will receive the full points for that position.


Below is our updated running tally of the TV shows most frequently mentioned by individual critics in their year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 shows, we will not include titles ranked 11th or worse. (We do include unranked lists of 11-20 titles, though each title gets just one-half of a point.) In case of a tie for first or second, each show will receive the full points for that position.


Vem saber quais foram as melhores séries do ano, na minha humilde opinião com comentários de Michel Arouca do Série Maníacos!


Confira as 10 melhores séries de 2017 na opinião do PIPOCANDO!
Como já virou tradição aqui no Pipocando, a gente fala das séries que tiveram as temporadas de maior destaque durante o ano. Desde novidades que chegaram com tudo como The Handmaid’s Tale e American Gods, até os retornos mais esperados como Stranger Things e Mr. Robot, vai ser impossível não perder umas horas de sono com essas séries que foram um sucesso de crítica e audiência em 2017.


O ano está chegando ao fim, e muito filme cumpriu o hype altíssimo, como “Logan”, enquanto outros chegaram de surpresa entre os destaques, a exemplo de “It: A Coisa”. Passando por filmes de heróis, ficção científica e terror hollywoodianos, também sobrou espaço pro cinema nacional. Confira agora nossa lista e comente quais foram os destaques pra você!


A lista com as 10 melhores séries de 2017 já está no ar e agora você vai ficar sabendo tudo de mais imperdível que teve no ano. A Carol Moreira veio participar da conversa e opinar nas minhas escolhas e eu retribui o favor, então não deixe de conferir a lista no canal dela com os meus pitacos.


The 69th Primetime Emmy Awards honored the best in U.S. prime time television programming from June 1, 2016 until May 31, 2017, as chosen by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
Outstanding Comedy Series: Veep
Outstanding Drama Series: The Handmaid's Tale
Outstanding Variety Talk Series: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Outstanding Variety Sketch Series: Saturday Night Live
Outstanding Limited Series: Big Little Lies
Outstanding Television Movie: Black Mirror: San Junipero
Outstanding Reality-Competition Program: The Voice


Below is our updated running tally of the films most frequently mentioned by individual critics on the year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 films, we will not include films ranked 11th or worse. (Beginning this year, we do include unranked lists of 11-20 titles, though each film gets just one-half of a point.) In case of a tie for first or second, each film will receive the full points for that position.


Below is our updated running tally of the TV shows most frequently mentioned by individual critics in their year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 shows, we will not include titles ranked 11th or worse. In case of a tie for first or second, each show will receive the full points for that position.


2016 está acabando, mas os vídeos especiais do Pipocando só estão começando. E como sempre, fazemos compilados das melhores e piores coisas que assistimos no ano.
Então fique agora com as 10 melhores séries de 2016!


2016 tá acabando, e com ele se vão muitas tristezas e até algumas alegrias. E como é de praxe, o Pipocando revisitou o ano inteiro, e fez a lista dos 10 melhores filmes de 2016!


Mais um ano se foi e agora chegou o momento de olharmos para trás e analisarmos: quais foram as melhores séries de 2016? Quais produções televisivas estouraram nossos miolos, nos emocionaram ou nos divertiram?


Below is our updated running tally of the films most frequently mentioned by individual critics on the year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 films, we will not include films ranked 11th or worse. In case of a tie for first or second, each film will receive the full points for that position.


Below is our updated running tally of the TV shows most frequently mentioned by individual critics in their year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 shows, we will not include titles ranked 11th or worse. In case of a tie for first or second, each show will receive the full points for that position.


Faltando poucos dias para o fim do ano, chegou a hora de coroarmos as melhores produções de 2015. Os colaboradores do SM se juntaram, debateram, votaram, argumentaram e defenderam com unhas e dentes aquelas séries que não poderiam ficar de fora dessa lista.


Below is our updated running tally of the films most frequently mentioned by individual critics on the year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 films, we will not include films ranked 11th or worse. In case of a tie for first or second, each film will receive the full points for that position.


Below is our updated running tally of the TV shows most frequently mentioned by individual critics in their year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 shows, we will not include titles ranked 11th or worse. In case of a tie for first or second, each show will receive the full points for that position.


Em clima de final de ano, a equipe do Série Maníacos se reuniu para eleger as 10 melhores séries de 2014. A lista leva em conta todas as produções exibidas durante os últimos 11 meses e meio, independente de estar na televisão há anos ou de ter acabado de estrear. Confira.


Below is our updated running tally of the films most frequently mentioned by individual critics on their year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 films, we will not include films ranked 11th or worse. In case of a tie for first or second, each film will receive the full points for that position.


Below is our updated running tally of the TV shows most frequently mentioned by individual critics in their year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 shows, we will not include titles ranked 11th or worse. In case of a tie for first or second, each show will receive the full points for that position.


Faltando poucos dias para a conclusão de 2013, chega a hora de olharmos para trás e avaliarmos o que de melhor a TV teve para nos oferecer. Para isso juntamos o time de colaboradores do Série Maníacos e listamos as 15 melhores séries do ano. Algumas tiveram suas temporadas completas exibidas, outras apenas estão de férias. O que importa nessa lista é o que cada uma dessas séries mostrou em 2013, independente de ter sua temporada concluída ou não.


Below is our updated running tally of the films most frequently mentioned by individual critics on their year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 films, we will not include films ranked 11th or worse. In case of a tie for first or second, each film will receive the full points for that position.


Below is our updated running tally of the TV shows most frequently mentioned by individual critics in their year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 shows, we will not include titles ranked 11th or worse. In case of a tie for first or second, each show will receive the full points for that position.


Below is our updated running tally of the TV shows most frequently mentioned by individual critics in their year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 shows, we will not include titles ranked 11th or worse. In case of a tie for first or second, each show will receive the full points for that position.


Below is our updated running tally of the TV shows most frequently mentioned by individual critics in their year-end Top Ten lists. Note that if a critic ranks more than the standard 10 shows, we will not include titles ranked 11th or worse. In case of a tie for first or second, each show will receive the full points for that position.


A nossa lista com As 10 melhores series da década gerou tantos comentários, que resolvemos estender o assunto nesse super podcast. Quais séries faltaram? Quais séries poderiam ser substituídas? Ou a lista é perfeita?
