

Toronto, Ontario

Hillbilly Elegy

A really good story of the complexities of family and coming to terms with your past and reconciling that with your present and future. The struggle of loving what you are and who your people are while realizing the deep flaws of humanity.

A really, really good movie.

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The Shadow in My Eye

Retitled The Bombardment on Canadian Netflix. The docudrama is so well done and really makes you wonder how many other terrifying stories of friendly fire exists for World War II. At a time when Putin’s military leaders flat out deny the human carnage they are inflicting on Ukraine’s people, realities never to be owned up to by the perpetrators. At least, finally stories like this, that show the unintended civilian cost of war. are being brought to light.

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The Power of the Dog

Wow, what a waste of time!

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Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things

"Love people and use things because the opposite rarely works." Words to live by. My goal for 2017 will be to minimize the stuff in my life. To keep only what makes me happy, that is used regularly. All the rest must find a new home.

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Weaving down a path toward love with all its tragic twists and turns to find that you are where you should have been to start with. A good story. Well cast.

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She was such a captivating human in film. I wasn’t aware of her history as a child during world war 2 nor of her work with UNICEF. It takes her from captivating to inspiring.

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This is actually my 3rd viewing and each time it gets better as I unravel the layers and become more aware of where the characters are in the levels of dream. I will say that Ellen Page’s character is becoming more and more annoying which each viewing. Her constant vocalization of the worry she has about Cobb’s relationship with Mol is really unnecessary after the first couple of scenes. It would have been far more interesting to see her creating the architecture and merging that into the visual somehow, maybe showing her describing the design of the air duct system. Anyway, still an awesome movie, even on the third viewing.

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Guy Ritchie's The Covenant

Very good movie. Gripping all the way through especially for such a timely topic in North America. All that dispute to offer these interpreters asylum should be forced to watch this movie. I would bet there are many, many more stories like this. Dar Salem’s performance was incredible and I hope to see him in other movies!

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The Interpreter

Aside from the annoying and misplaced attraction of the main characters the movie was quite interesting.

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Penguin Bloom

Wow, reading the previous comments it seems I’m the only person that liked it. While I won’t say it was great as that standard for me is very high, it was an engaging true story that shows that even the smallest thing can change a person’s perspective and turn the focus of depression outward so that the light has a chance to grow. It’s a story of hope, hope and perseverance.

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Seven Years in Tibet

I’m not sure why I’ve never seen this movie before now but, wow, that was not a great movie. Pitt’s fake accent is so bad, it’s distracting. The story of this arrogant, narcissistic individual that is only ever redeemed in the last few minutes of the movie and to what end? Only to mould his son into a mini version of himself. Really not learning the lessons of Buddhism or the Dalai Lama.

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Tell Me Who I Am

Sadly the deep dark secret is exactly what you think it is but the movie is so much more than that, exploring the power struggle that happens when one person has knowledge and the other is totally dependent. Very interesting.

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Midnight in the Switchgrass

Started promising .. slowed in part that were irrelevant and then rush the conclusion. Wasn’t bad but wasn’t great either.

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The Unforgivable

A really beautifully moving film. Sandra Bullock was excellent. She walked the line between brooding and damaged and redeemable perfectly.

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The Father

The simplicity of this movie makes the complexities of the mind in Alzheimer’s all the more heartbreakingly clear. Both Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Colman play their roles with such care. At once emotions of love, confusion, hurt and pain fleet across their characters’ faces in juxtaposition to each other as they navigate this cruel disease. Words meant simultaneously to defend and cut are thrown about as carelessly as you’d expect which makes them all the more poignant. If you’ve ever watched someone go through Alzheimer’s this movie will be an emotional roller coaster of a time you want to forget. If you haven’t it will seem horrifically unbelievable. It isn’t. This is what it is. Exceptional movie.

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If Anything Happens I Love You

Poignant and something that every person who doesn’t believe in gun control should be made to watch. You don’t have to have children to understand this type of profound loss.

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9/11: The Falling Man

This documentary is really very hard to watch. Underlying the obvious tragedy that is/was 9/11, examining our relationship with death and the stigma that is placed on people who make a decision to take their own life says a lot about our discomfort with self-determination. Not just the ability to decide how we live but how we die and not to be judged for either. While the conclusion of the documentary is that it’s not important to know who he is, but that the picture is a perfect representation of what happened that day ... I see it differently, in that not knowing who the person is allows us to accept that unless and until we are in these impossible situations where one is forced to deal with their own mortality, no one, not even God, has a right to judge the decision. And for me, this includes suicide that is more likely provoked by mental health scenarios. I’m not sure what I would have done but one thing I can imagine is that I would have been terrified and all options would have been on the table between fight or flight.

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#AnneFrank. Parallel Stories

Taking time to remember gives a voice to those that lost everything. 75 years is a life time, a mother’s lifetime, a grandmother’s lifetime yet when I look out the window at all the hate and intolerance it’s a wonder that any time has passed at all. I don’t understand how one human can look at another and see something less then themselves. How is it that hatred is left to breathe and breed. Is encouraged to breathe and breed. What is it that is meant to be gained by such animosity. I fear that if things don’t change substantially, and soon, we are destined to repeat this horror as the last of its witnesses fade into memory, no longer around to show us, tell us, how bad it can truly get. I hope I’m wrong.

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After the Wedding

I’m not sure I buy the timeline. I’m not sure real people could reconcile themselves to this level of discovery and forced change. That said it is an interesting story and watching the juxtaposition of these two women characters played by these two dynamic actresses was intriguing. If I had any suggestions, I would say to drop all but the essential plot points and let the relationship between these women breathe and pulse. That would have been an awesome movie.

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Marriage Story

I guess it’s a statement on the current state of marriage that to tell the full marriage story one also has to talk about its dissolution. I think it amazes me that when people are married that they are able to stay together through all the change that a human goes through just within their own lives... dealing with our own change as we age is hard enough, doing it alongside someone must be harrowing. . An interesting premise that I haven’t seen previously.

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A Star Is Born

I love Gaga and I was happy to see her out of costume and au natural ... it’s the only way that the masses will truly appreciate how talented she really is. The acting was also quite good. The movie was just too long. I felt like I was being hit over the head with what a douche this guy was .. it’s fine I got it in the first 10 minutes. Also I wish that they hadn’t turned her into a dance music star. They started her as a chanteuse and he then called her a ‘songwriter’ but she became a bubblegum pop idol, I fear trying to appease the teen crowd. Too bad. Movie was fair at best.

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The Immigrant

The premise of the movie was interesting and Marion Cotillard was well cast although I don't think she was as good as everyone seemed to be going on about her at the academy awards. Joachim's portrayal lacked an honest build of the character's obsession and conflict. It was okay.

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What We Started

Being an 80s club kid I never really got into rave or edm. My club days were quite selective by then. It was really interesting to see how it rose up but I’m sad that they neglected how other scenes outside of disco, like new wave, new romantics, ska, Manchester, britpop etc all contributed as well. U2s career didn’t start at zoo tv certainly and there was much of what surrounded them that kept the dance club scene alive after disco through the rock era so that when the rave scene hit in the 90s there was an appetite for it. The documentary ignores it by jumping from disco to rave almost stating that nothing happened in dance clubs between 1979 and 1989. This is definitely not true. I agree also that not talking about the underground scene, with bands like prodigy, kraftwerk, Chemical Brothers etc is a disservice to the scene as well. And beyond not mentioning how EBM the harder cousin is working to further bring harder edge rock / metal together with electronic.

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When They See Us

American law enforcement and American justice is just so despicable. Honestly I don’t know how it became touted the greatest country in the world.

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Janis: Little Girl Blue

Documentaries like this makes you really take stock in the absolute talent that the world has lost. What would music history have been if 1970-71 hadn't taken Hendrix, Joplin and Morrison? If these phenomenal artists had survived through the 70s, 80s and 90s.

I wish that the documentary had slowed down through the time leading up to Woodstock through to her death just over a year later. I also would have liked to see an assessment of how these deaths impacted the music scene in the following years.

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I remember the first time I typed #metoo in Facebook. It was a situation that I never told anyone about but still, many years later, think about ... am triggered by scenarios that bring me back there. It’s such a hard thing to be brave enough to face how things like this can ruin your life in so many ways. The pain of the incident, blaming yourself, betrayal of friends, not feeling safe, just wanting it to be like it was the day before ... and knowing it never will be. The movie is good. It taps into all of that and better still doesn’t pretend to have the answer.

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There are so many things to think about with this movie. On face it seems so easy to understand, even rationalize, but the ending turns it all upside down. Christopher Plummer is incredible in this movie. It will stay with me for a while.

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The Lady in the Van

This was recommended to me. I really liked the story. Maggie Smith is excellently cast as the lady in the van and does a great job at making this character really hard to like. If anything, I'd say that they belaboured her situation a tad too long and could have leaped to her back story much sooner.

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I've seen this movie a few times over the years and always enjoy it.

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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

I liked this more than I thought I would. I hadn't watched it because I'm not a huge comedy genre person and don't necessarily enjoy Tina Fey as a comedienne but this isn't a comedy. There's not a lot funny in this movie. I guess there are comedic moments as there are in life but this is not a comedy. Gives me new respect for Tina Fey. I won't purposely avoid her next film.

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