


Wednesday: 1x05 You Reap What You Woe

Catherine Zeta-Jones is amazing and still looks good. I don’t know why anyone complained about the casting of her and Gomez. They’re both great actors and they play the characters well.

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Wednesday: 1x08 A Murder of Woes

The mystery into the seasons bad guy was decent. It was never clear who was going to be exposed and right when I thought I knew who, they had very good diversions but it was always the same 4 people since the beginning.

I’m kind of sad to see Weems gone. I love Gwendoline Christie but this is a supernatural show they can find a way for her to reappear I almost thought she was going to show up when Enid and Wednesday were in her office. Speaking of Enid she totally kicked ass and i love to see it.

I expect to see Ricci back as an escaped prisoner to find another way to take down Wednesday and the outcast.

And most interesting what is the deal with Bianca and her mother? Need an answer in S2 or as Netflix will probably do, part 2.

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Wednesday: 1x02 Woe Is the Loneliest Number

Wednesdays drive for the humiliation of Bianca is great. I love to see a bully put in their place especially after that fencing incident.

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The Witcher: Blood Origin

The amount of negative comments on here is wild. The fact that Michelle Yeoh is part of this cast and they said the acting in this was bad is even wilder.

There were complaints that this lacked a story. It’s literally a movie broken up into pieces and follows basic story telling. You might not agree with the story but one was told. Yes I’m a bit confused to how this fits into the original lore about human witchers. Do I think this change ruins this limited series? No.

I can agree with some that mentioned time. I don’t know if this was days, weeks, or months from the moment we met the Lark to the moment she killed her love. Also their romance was the writers banking on us seeing them in proximity and assuming a romance bloomed. It was lazy and personally I couldn’t see the love. I understand why they would need to have some type of love but they could have done that better.

Loved the bards songs.

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Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

This was funny. Such a good mystery with decent twist. Acting was great and the characters were so good. A touch of social commentary never killed nobody.

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The Watcher: 1x04 Someone to Watch Over Me

the wife falling for Karen’s mind games, the daughter being a complete asshole not even understand the ramifications her actions for herself or the young man. All annoying but most off trying to figure out what the hell is going on is most annoying.

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Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Enjoyable. It was fun in a quirky kind of way. Kangs storyline is confusing because they’re multiple versions of him across the MCU so far that I wasn’t sure if this is the good guy or bad. Or if they’re all bad and we are supposed to pick the lesser of multiple evils? Who knows… definitely can’t wait to find out though.

I wish they’d stop casting hot actors to play a sympathetic villain. Just give me a villain like the Borg, no redeeming qualities there, no goal for the greater good either. Just complete selfishness. I want to root for the hero without doubt. :sob:

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The White Lotus: 2x04 In the Sandbox

I hate this show :sob: I don’t know who to root for.

I like Stanford. He might be the only one honestly. But maybe the point is to hate everyone because they are so flawed. So human.

I keep screaming at Ethan but also his wife. They’re supposed to be the ones that talk about things and get over arguments or whatever.


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Musical sequels never hit the same with songs like the original but Badder is a banger. I loved the acting and Idina can sing to me in every movie or tv show and I would love every minute of it. Love Power makes me want to listen to the Wicked soundtrack. I love how Disney is airing sequels like Millennials were hired and decided we needed sequels to all our faves and I love that for us.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x04 Memento Mori

I’m really liking the character development in this series. I don’t have to wait until season 6 to learn something important about someone on the bridge crew.

I don’t dislike this format especially with less episodes. That means less filler. Hopefully.

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Killing Eve: 4x08 Hello, Losers

Booo :tomato: :tomato:

I thought the season itself was interesting as we got to see a bit about Carolyn who I’ve always thought was fascinating but I’m still confused as to who created the 12. Their demise was anticlimactic too.

My main dislike about this ending/episode is why did Carolyn deserve to come out a winner? I liked her but the show could have ended with them embracing on the boat and Carolyn taking credit for killing the 12. This ending is very much giving Lexa/Clarke from the 100 and if this wasn’t already the end I would stop watching this like I did that. :rolling_eyes:

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x22 Natural Law

I love Tom being having to go back for a pilots lessons lol the entire show he has been boosted as the best pilot voyager has to offer and now he has to go back to school for being inadequate.

Chakotay and Seven on an away mission together after that fantasy :rolling_eyes:

He’s annoying and he always puts people in danger for his own curiosity.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x11 Shattered

:asterisk_symbol:erases rant about the doctor not feeling like part of the crew after that last double feature:asterisk_symbol:

I liked this episode even tho it doesn’t push us home. Liked seeing the old faces to remind us where we came from. Predictable seska and the kazon causing problems

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Nine Perfect Strangers

Definitely a binge worthy show. Everyone’s secrets were relatable. Some more outlandish than others but for the most part the guest were every day people struggling with trauma. It was tough watching the healing process for them all. The ending was not expected. I thought there’d be some big twist but there wasn’t and it was perfect the way it was.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x02 Ad Astra per Aspera

The Illyrian Annalise Keating. Loved it.
As a fan of legal dramas and Trek this episode was everything. The feels was strong. And I love social commentary.

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The Blacklist: 10x22 Raymond Reddington: Good Night (2)

Just woke up out of my sleep to ask this…

Are we supposed to believe that after these last episodes of Red getting rid of his possessions and getting his affairs in order making sure his employees were retired, and it was all to end like this?? They built up anticipation of him retiring off the face of the planet to live a life of solitude somewhere out of the game all for him to be gored??? He could have been gored while still a crime lord if that was the case. This was anticlimactic and a let down

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The Blacklist: 10x22 Raymond Reddington: Good Night (2)

That’s the ending?!? Did we even get clarification on who Red was to Keen or were we still supposed to assume her mother?? I forget where we stand on that.

I’m okay with his death but it could have been saving Dembe or not shown at all, left to the imagination but TV has really been punishing the “bad” guys lately. Like they all die after whatever character development we’ve journeyed through the years. Granted Red’s wasn’t that net positive but still. And then Dembe doesn’t even get to keep his legit job. It should not have been written that he called Red at all. It was unfair to ask the task force to even search for him and unfair to even threaten them for doing the job the government assigned them to for Tom and Harold.

This is about as bad as Scandal’s finale.

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The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster

Gory, suspenseful, and a decent film. I liked the acting. My favorite scene was definitely the father with the teacher. :fist_tone4:

I think this was an interesting Frankenstein take on a story but I wish it ended happier lol Yes it ended happier than Frankenstein but I wanted Vicaria to have everyone in the end including her brother.

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Silo: 1x02 Holston's Pick

I’m putting my money down right here on poisoned suits. I know why it’s plausible but I’m also like 80% sure the screens they are watching is like augmented reality and not just reality reality. You know? I hope past that hill is a flourishing society of people that have escaped

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The White Lotus: 2x05 That's Amore

Shout by MamaSaucy
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-01-03T11:33:51Z— updated 2023-01-12T17:42:23Z

Chaos at its finest. One word. Harper.

I knew they wanted her money. Especially with her pointed comment of finding people who didn’t want it. Because there’s no way her character is likable. Also where is her husband?!? Hasn’t it been 2 days lol or did I miss a “and don’t come back” scene?

I’m glad Valentina got laid. 1 time for the birthday bitch. 2 times for the bitch. 3 times for the birthday bitch. Fuck it up it’s your birthday bitch! Ayyye

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The Christmas Chronicles

This is being added to my Christmas rotation. It was fun and different. Santa wasn’t your typical cheesy Santa and the music was nice. The message was good too.

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Darby and the Dead

Aww this was cute. Loved seeing Nicole again after Supergirl.

Simple and familiar premise but I thought it was done well for 2022. Loved the diversity. The music was also good.

Not bad Hulu.

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Warrior Nun: 2x05 Mark 10:45

Why would Lilith do this!?! This makes me cry because she could have been a great ally for Ava but now she’s a pawn for some horrible thief. Ugh. He didn’t even give us any real answers into what’s going on with her. So we don’t even know if it’s effecting her decisions or if she’s doing this on her own.

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Wednesday: 1x01 Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe

This immediately gave me season 1 Sabrina vibes. I would say the shows are the same if Sabrina was forced to go to the school with witches. Thing is Salem.

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The Watcher: 1x07 Haunting

That ending soured it for me. Learning it’s based on a real unsolved mystery kind of eases the burn this left but this is fiction let’s not leave things unresolved for my sake

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x09 Force of Nature

I understand this is a nod to something in the real world but why would it end without a solution considering it was about the very way they travel also they gave such a short time for total collapse because of using warp

While I haven’t seen the rest of this season I know I’m DS9 and Voyager they didn’t question hitting warp 9 over and over and I think if I watch Picard it’ll be there too soooo what gives

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x19 Q2

Ooh fun! And pretty cool they used his actual son.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x18 Human Error

Ehhh chotay seems like an odd choice for this. And while I would love to see Seven explore her emotional side more I don’t think the end made this episode necessary. Instead the doctor or Janeway should have showed her how to balance personal and work life as that’s a skill she should have.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x10 Flesh and Blood (2)

Janeways doesn’t take blame everyone is mad. Janeway takes blame and everyone is still mad lol Sure she gave them the technology with good intention and it backfired but that’s literally life.

The only fault of this episode is that the doctor continues choosing people over voyager then realizing he was wrong the entire time. We’re trying to see the doctor as something more than a hologram but he can’t even learn the lessons he’s taught like an actual program.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x09 Flesh and Blood (1)

Why do we keep seeing the doctor revisit this problem over and over. He always has a hunch and it’s wrong. At some point he has to learn his lesson :upside_down:

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