


WWE Royal Rumble 2019

Nia Jax made it 8/10. Without it, it was 5/10. A woman among men in Royal Rumble was on of the most shocking and memorable moments in the whole WWE history. And of course i know it was 4th time!

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Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw

We used to watch F&F as a racing movie. What was that? Terminator? Black panther? Star Trek?

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Toy Story 3

That moment Andy was looking at the toys and said "Thank you guys", That was us!
Thank you guys for being a part of our childhood until now that we are grown ups but whenever we look at you we see our childhood.
So Thank You Guys...

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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x07 Still Standing

Welcome to the Fear of the Chernobyl!

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A good example of humanity, politicians, government and the whole world.

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The Big Bang Theory: 12x24 Unraveling the Mystery: A Big Bang Farewell

The Big Bang Theory has been ended like The GOT. 2 memorable series have been finished but despite the GOT, Big bang had a wonderful ending. I think no fan could resist on Sheldon's speech and it made us cry. That was the best possible way to be the last scene of this show. Good job guys and we will miss every character of this show...

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

The writers were in a hurry and wanted to finish it quickly!! The best series of history till now had the worst ending ever. Maybe they wanted to tell a message that power changes people and people will do differently when they take the power so do not get killed for making someone the governor. I think so but we hadn't watch this show to get a message!! Another season could complete this by writing a longer story, a bigger war between dead and alive, a better death for night king, better war between north and capital and so. However the show has been finished and talking do not make any changes. By the way 20/may is my birthday and GOT has been finished after 8 years exactly on my birthday.

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Family Guy: 17x19 Girl, Internetted

The best episode of the 17th season. They've really posted that photo of Peter in that fake hospital and those stories on Instagram of Peterpumpkineater69!!!

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Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night

Full of stress and horror! Completely unpredictable! What en episode!
Only if you turn on some lights dear director!

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Again like "The Fury" like always, American soldiers which are so nice and gentle and help women and kids and do not want to kill anybody! American troops are experts and they can easily kill 100 silly germany soldiers just by a knife!!

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Mortal Engines

Nice try to make a new Star wars and another Death Star!!

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The Walking Dead: 9x12 Guardians

A love story between people of 2 groups of enemies + War between humans + Dangerous Zombies not that easy to kill ones + Niggan. That's why The Walking Dead is enjoyable once again which you can't wait for the next week.

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The Simpsons: 10x14 I'm with Cupid

Today is Valentine's day and i saw this episode which is about Valentine's day!! What a coincidence!!

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Family Guy: 17x12 Bri, Robot

Shout by Mahyar

Has Lois just started to see other men?!

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The Walking Dead: 9x09 Adaptation

Shout by Mahyar

I can't believe I've waited 2 months for this shit! I thought about evolved zombies but all we got was men wearing masks!!

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The Simpsons: 9x13 The Joy of Sect

That's what all religions are about

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The Simpsons: 9x11 All Singing, All Dancing

Do not need 5 words. GARBAGE!!!!

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The Simpsons: 8x25 The Secret War of Lisa Simpson

The season 8 was the worst season so far. Not a single good episode

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The Simpsons: 6x19 Lisa's Wedding

This episode has predicted the world in 2010. This is 2019, some predictions like VR gaming or video calling has become true. But some others like virtual trees or human like robots are not. How people in 20th century thought of technology for 2010 but the world has no robots or magic cars!! Just some smart phones and internet that's all!!

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So confusing and complex and boring!!

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Family Guy: 17x11 Trump Guy

I like the comedy of this episode. Making fun of the president of US by an American show is something you would like to see so much.
I like Obama like Peter does but idk why US people has chosen Trump? He is an animal like Saddam Hussein and i hope he does not start the next war in middle east.
" ... but we can't turn you off ... ", this was the best part for me.

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Public Enemies

So confusing and boring. Bad story. Terrible ending. I think the ratings are for Johnny Depp's superb acting not for the movie.

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Johnny English Strikes Again

The VR part was hilarious

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The Simpsons: 3x15 Homer Alone

Homer said the name of Trump here as a rich man but now he is the president of US!

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I want a wolf. One wolf please :|

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The Simpsons: 3x07 Treehouse of Horror II

The first one was so much better

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The Simpsons: 3x23 Bart's Friend Falls in Love

Funny for me. I was born 11 days after this episode. I'm 19 may 1992. How fast life goes

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Mission: Impossible - Fallout

So unrealistic and so long

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Westworld: 2x06 Phase Space

Do the Hosts have internal organs like heart?!

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The Walking Dead: 9x08 Evolution

If this is an evolution and dumb zombies which a man could kill a herd of them by a knife are getting smart and intelligent, i will love this show again and i will love this evolution thing. But if that man was a man with a zombie mask, c'mon!! cancel this show!!

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