



Pretty boring plot wise and the cinematography felt like a Succession vibe, almost like comedic reality show which I'm not sure is the right way to go for this movie. But Adam Sandler is amazing and so was Juancho Hernangómez which completely made up for it with their unforgettable performances.

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The Gray Man

Very cool set pieces but a very boring watch. Not much else to say...

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Day Shift

This is the Fast and Furious of vampire movies

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I watched this for a second time with my girlfriend after initially having watched this movie upon release in 2018.

The intensity and anxiety of mental illness was lost on me on the first watch but 5 years later and knowing more about mental illness really drove the point of this movie home for me on the second viewing. It's horrible and traumatic what happens in this movie and the cast did such a wonderful job portraying the anger, suffering, trauma, and struggle of their situation and the crew did some amazing work with the visual motifs, dark audio score and set design with the multi-leveled "house" of family trauma and how family history affects the present.

One of my all time favorites from Ari Aster who does such a good job at subverting typical horror and drama tropes. I highly recommend giving this one a watch.

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Bo Burnham: Inside

This special was executed very well. This is Bo Burnham at his most masterful when it comes to carefully constructed self-realized humor and societal commentary. However, most of the "jokes" just aren't funny and the whole thing felt tired and frankly boring. We've all suffered through so many terrible and depressing things because of this pandemic and we've all made the same jokes to our friends about the Jeff Bezos and Elon Musks of the world and the horribly divided country we all live in. I think as art this film is very good. I think as original comedy, it definitely misses the mark.

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Love, Death & Robots

This is what Animatrix would be if it was made today. Very NSFW. Good series but not great. Worth a watch, especially considering episode length. As someone said previously, novelty wears off in second season but still some amazing animations and unique presentations of the dystopian future trope we are all headed for.

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Well worth a watch for Ewan McGregor's performance.

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Call Me Kat: 1x01 Plus One

This was a rough watch. Definitely on its way to being cancelled which explains the 3 episode order by Fox.

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Great comedic leads with a overly dramatic plot. It tries to do both comedy and drama well but fails utterly on both. Jokes are unfunny and plot seems way too forced to feel real.

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Men in Black: International

Better than 3, not as good as 2 or 1. Tessa and Chris carried the crappy story and comedy. Honorable mention to Kumail's voice and (probably) mo-cap work. This is definitely a wait for it to come to Netflix movie.

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Angie Tribeca

I will never not find this show funny. I think for most people this is a show whose comedy you'll either like a lot or really not like, as the comments show.

This is an absurdist show in the same vein as Airplane! and Naked Gun movie series. Solid cast and even better guest stars! I won't go into too much detail because I think I'm in the minority here, but I highly recommend this show if you like this type of humor.

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The movie takes a bit to find it's groove but once it does it's hard not to be engrossed in this depiction of one of the most hated political figures in US history. The cast is phenomenal and the production is top notch. This is definitely a must watch for any Adam McKay fan and heavy recommendation for anyone even remotely interested in this subject.

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Better Things

It's a shame that this show was not really known about when it was airing and will probably get skipped over now with Louis C.K.'s name on it. It's a great show with a lot of heart and soul coming from Pamela Adion. Just like C.K.'s self-titled show, this show is about random stories and events in Pamela's life and how she deals with it. There is no overarching story or any plot to follow.

This is a recommended watch if you're looking for a heart-warming comedy about parenting, especially if you're a mom.

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The Happytime Murders

Shout by Nautilus
BlockedParent2018-12-01T06:32:09Z— updated 2018-12-06T16:44:53Z

This is not a good movie. It's not even a slightly okay movie. Don't get me wrong, its not the depictions of puppet drug abuse or the crude pornographic humor that makes this movie bad, its just flat out bad and not funny. I can't even go over specific bad moments because everything about this movie was unmemorable and boring. I like to think most people are over this type of shock comedy. You have to actually be unique and smart in your comedy, regardless of content, to actually get a genuine laugh. This movie is not that at all. This movie is the definition of cheap, trash comedy, which is a shame because the cast is composed of exceptional and accomplished comedic actors.

Not recommended not even in the slightest bit.

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This was quite bad. I'm usually pretty generous but this was a terrible mess. I do not recommend at all.

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Your Name.

Makoto Shinkai's is mostly known for his previous works, 5cm per Second and Garden of Words among others. Your Name continues his tradition of peculiar plots that are suited quite well for anime

.This was a truly fantastic movie. As many people have said before me, the animation, music, voice acting, backgrounds, story are all very well done. This film is a unique love story that will satisfy all types of fans, including people that don't normally watch anime.

Highly recommended.

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Final Space

It definitely has it's own brand of comedy that some might find "cringy" or "weird." Once you aquire the taste though, this show is great. Bingable animated comedy that is unlike anything you've seen before. If you liked the awkwardness and sheer strangeness of S1 of Rick and Morty, but enjoy a bit more cohesiveness, you should absolutely check this one out

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No reason to watch. Do not waste your time on this poorly produced, predictable show.

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This looks like it's going to be Rich People Shameless. I'll watch because of Adam McKay but it does look like it might end up being derivative.

P.S. This opinion is only based off the first episode.

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Game Night

Bateman carried this. Not a masterpiece of comedy but has enough originality and a surprisingly strong cast to make this a worthwhile watch.

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Army of One

Surprisingly warm at times but ultimately a waste of a movie. No focus and typical Nic Cage overacting makes this one skippable.

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I wanted this show to work. Adam Scott and Craig Robinson are both phenomenal actors, but almost everything about this show just doesn't deliver. The writing is sub-par and predictable. The humor falls incredibly flat. and the production quality is amateur at best. It feels like the entire budget of this show went to Scott and Robinson because the show just feels cheap. The show seems like something you would expect from an internet series, not a full fledged TV series from FOX. I gave it five episodes to win me over. I could barely make it past the second episode.

I would avoid this show. Not recommended.

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This movie is TENSE. It draws out that suspense incredibly well. It's like walking through molasses. Great performances all round with fantastic camera work and a score that truly gets palms sweaty, this is a fantastic movie and a must-watch!

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Eye in the Sky

This is a film about that morality. Choose between taking one innocent life to potentially save hundreds or saving that one life and risking the lives of hundreds of potential victims.

Its tense. Helen Mirren knocks it out of the park. It's a decent film that won't leave you bored, but it isn't outstanding.

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The One I Love

This was a surprisingly good movie. This is one of those movies where the mystery most reviews and comments mention is the main reason to watch this film. Try not to ruin the surprise and watch this movie. I would highly recommend this to anyone who likes romantic movies, romantic-comedy movies, and people who don't like either of those genres.

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Rick and Morty: Season 3

This season has been above and beyond the best one so far. I know Dan and Justin were feeling the pressure of following-up two seasons of a great show and believe me, they have succeeded. This season is a must-watch!

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Legion: 1x01 Chapter 1

Such and epic first episode. Shaping up to be one of the best series of the year

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Nine Lives

Why? Pretty much the only response I could have about this movie.

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Arrested Development

Lindsay, what have you done...

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