

Omicron Persei 8

Andromeda: 2x16 In Heaven Now Are Three

One good guest star performance, but otherwise there's nothing here of value.

Stop me if you've heard this one before-- "Team of White adventurers with loyal trickster aliens/elf/tiefling prove virtue to win McGuffin ~relic~ from hunter-gatherer guardian natives through triumph of will (implied mortal combat melee weapon brawl)".

Perhaps the tropiest episode of Andromeda, if not one of the most banally eye-roll inducing episodes of sci-fi television of the era.

  • cringy college girl fanfic writing
  • No Harper
  • 30 seconds of Tyr
  • No Andromeda or Rommie
  • bad FX
  • cheap soundstage

Laura is always great, though, and the guest star alien is played delightfully by Brendan Beiser, and it's fun to watch them play off of each other. Just skip to watch both scenes they're in. Timecodes: 13:28 and 35:09

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Andromeda: 2x15 Dance of the Mayflies

Don't read the synopsis if you didn't already. I had forgotten what initially happens after the opening, so it was a surprise.

This works a lot better than you would think from the main action trope in play. This episode feels like it actually had a fairly decent budget; despite mostly taking place onboard the ship, there are a good number of space CGI scenes. The voice effect is a bit hokey, but the fight scene between redacted and redacted was much better than the average fight scene on this show; and what's more, it was directed and edited so well that I couldn't even spot the stunt doubles despite knowing there must have been extensive stunt player work.

But it's the main character moments, dialogue, and direction/cinematography that make this one great. The ending is weighed down by some sappiness about love being everlasting, but Rommie's internal conflict is enjoyable to watch, and the way Andromeda (Hologram) teases Tyr about not being entirely bloodthirsty is the closest thing to sexual tension that you could ask for between the two, and Lexa's eyebrow work is amusing and tantalizing in equal measure.

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Andromeda: 2x14 Be All My Sins Remembered

I'm getting the feeling that women who wrote science fiction episodes around the millennium had nothing but terrible exes. Anyway, the dialogue and intrigue in this was as good as the cyborg prosthetics. Bad. What I'm saying is that it was bad.

Still, the command hand-off scene to Tyr with Rommie and Dylan was great. And Lisa looked good in the flashback wig. Also, Trance is in this for all of like 30 seconds, which is kind of a tip off of how good the episode is gonna be.

I'm gonna make a pairing list.

Tyr & Rommie= A++
Tyr & Harper= A-S
Tyr & Rev /+Harper= A++
Tyr snarling/flexing/walking with a big fucking gun= Bwaaaarrrh!
Tyr & Dylan (scene) = A
Tyr & Dylan (episode) = C
Tyr & guest star= C-A+
Tyr, Dylan, & Rommie (scene) = A
Dylan, Bekka, Harper, Trance, Rev, Tyr, Rommie= A/A+
Harper & Trance= B+/A+
Harper, Trance, & Rommie= A
Trance alone: A+
Rommie alone: A/A+
Rommie & Trance /+Harper= A+
Bekka, Harper (episode) : A
Bekka and guest star= B+
Tyr, Dylan, & Rommie (episode) = B
Dylan and Rommie= C/F
Dylan and guest star= B-D
Dylan, Harper, Bekka= B/C

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Andromeda: 2x13 Lava and Rockets

Filler, and only mildly offensive, with some cheesy dialogue and Dylan getting a romantic subplot (blech). Tyr gets some character development, and it's always fun when he gets paired with Rommie.

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Underworld: Awakening
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
The Replacement Killers
The Artist and the Model

I love music, and film scores, but it's a refreshing change to watch a film without one. It lets the imagery and humanity of the performances breathe and show in naked relief in much the same way as monochrome photography does. And the photography is lovely throughout.

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The Batman
Fallout: 1x02 The Target
Fallout: 1x01 The End
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Dollhouse: 1x06 Man on the Street
Andromeda: 2x12 Ouroboros

Just watched again after three years, and this episode has so many quotables and great character moments. It may have a serious premise and conclusion, but there's a lot of action, and I find myself smiling and laughing throughout whenever I watch it, mainly with Harper and Trance. Laura Bertram is absolutely delightful. I don't know why she doesn't do voice over work, since she'd be so much better and more convincing than a lot of VA playing younger characters in animation and video games. I'd cast her in a heartbeat.

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Stargate SG-1: 9x05 The Powers That Be

This was fantastic on a rewatch. Claudia Black is delightful (and more ravishing than ever), and her comedic line delivery is perfection, with several delicious sound bites from just the first 20 minutes. Along with Lexa making puppy dog eyes, and the Katesh performer, it's a buffet of beautiful dark haired women.

As a cheap sci-fi show, it's still remarkably affecting despite technically being a "villagers of the week" episode, and Claudia Black deserved an Emmy nod just for this one episode. I didn't quite tear up, but I did gulp in sympathetic response to her reactions later in the episode. Prior dude isn't isn't Julian Sands, and doesn't get the dramatic set lighting, but he's still creepy.

Really cool shot with the suspended P90 bullets. I didn't even think about how they did it, and I still don't have an idea. Pristine effects work.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 2x06 Halloween

Shout by LNero

Everything works here. Prime vintage Buffy, and such a comfy retro TV episode.

First time watch after skipping it to save it for Halloween, and it's so satisfying coming back to season 2 and its extra campiness and 90s TV charm. That's not at all to say it's bad—it's not. The script is a laugh a minute, and the character moments—both pre and post transformation—are delightful.

I'm more of a spandex over frills man, myself (for myself, even), but that dress really was a matched choice for Sarah. Plus, every time they put her in a wig my jaw drops at how gorgeous and cute she looks with each new look. It was of course hilarious to see the change of character, but also genuinely adorable to see hapless aristo Buffy. And I couldn't help but squee a little as Angel carried her.

Nice bit of Xandelia foreshadowing, too.

Spike and Giles also get some great closeups. Giles' doesn't even need dialogue, and it goes harder than Army Xander on pirate Biff.

I'll definitely be watching this on seasonal rotation.

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Mad Max: Fury Road

Visually sumptuous, funny, humane, and heartwarming. There's a lot of Léon in this, while also being entirely its own work. I could have stood for a more bittersweet ending, but the final scene was still amazingly climactic, and had me tearing up for at least the second time while watching.

Absolutely gorgeous cinematography from Thierry Abrogast, and camerawork that gets creative without being distracting. The black and white was a perfect choice for the story, and really gave it a textured humanity, providing extra emphasis and focus on the great performances. Rie Rassmussen and Jamel Debbouze were perfect for their roles.

The whole thing oozes style without it getting in the way, down to the DJ aesthetic edits during the credits, whith chromatic aberration lens effect on the credit text—except for the use of so many English language songs— which, to a native English speaker was perhaps more distracting than for the intended audience. You could tell this was a personal work of passion at every level.

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Warm Bodies
Hail, Caesar!

An absolute riot, with some truly exquisite photography. Whether or not one can enjoy it seems to be predicted by literacy.

Brolin is a solid anchor lead, and I actually found the cameos to be the weakest part of this. Clooney would have ideally been replaced with a true character actor; with Clooney it felt like an ironically meta, self-indulgent act of posturing self-effacement. Same with Tilda Swinton. Regarding the casting choice, it felt the same with Scarlett, and this is some of the best acting I've seen from her—I can't imagine Scarlett being self effacing, as I can't imagine her having a personality. Ralf Finennes and Alden Erenreich were straight out of the alternate reality, version: perfect of this film. I can't believe Howard/LF made that awful "Solo" film. Disney is a plague, whereas this film feels like something straight out of the mid-late 1990s golden age.

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Foundation: 1x10 The Leap
Andromeda: 2x10 The Prince

Shout by LNero
BlockedParent2023-12-05T04:51:44Z— updated 2024-05-12T23:53:50Z

Could'a been better; could'a been worse. Tyr was, of course, made for a literary Machievellian plot.

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Andromeda: 2x09 Into the Labyrinth

It's kitschy, and feels like fanfiction, with kind of cliché "POV character gets some" scenes, but the main plot elements are interesting in concept, and Trance and Harper get to be their cute selves, and I personally thought Harper's temptress was insanely alluring, and the Faustian bits worked, sympathizing with Harper. She's either a really good actress, and/or there was some serious chemistry on set, cause those lip locking scenes were pretty stimulating to watch.

Unfortunately, the rest of the goon squad looked like they were in Halloween makeup and costumes, but Lexa and Marsters get some fun sassiness, each, mainly in response to one another.

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Foundation: 1x09 The First Crisis
Foundation: 1x08 The Missing Piece
Foundation: 1x07 Mysteries and Martyrs