Lisandro Au Lune


Caracas, Venezuela

The Wheel of Time

Haven't read the book so Thought the season was really good, really Epic

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WandaVision: 1x06 All-New Halloween Spooktacular!

The episode is superb!! fantasy is fading in Westview, like fast!

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The Bold Type: 4x09 5, 6, 7, 8

This is a especial episode, for sure. I need my three girls together forever

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You: 2x10 Love, Actually

The season started super great, by the end of episode 8 It was great still, the two last episodes were too "easy". the end left me with an bittersweet taste.

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You: 2x01 A Fresh Start

A great way to start the new season, the binge begins now

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The Bold Type: 3x08 Revival

Sutton personality shines so bright. I love her more and more each episode. Over all the writing of the series is amazing, the way the stories entertains each episode and plays for the long run is really good

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

The Iron Throne no more

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x01 Brother

Just great, visually stunning and action-packed. The best way to start Season 2. That "race" to reach the asteroid have my heart pounding really fast

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Waiting a week for an episode is excruciating. The series is fast pasing, I´m loving it so far

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The Nun

Only a miracle could save this movie. It was just too simple, cute at some points, but not scary at all

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Sharp Objects: 1x08 Milk

Well, that was f*cked up!

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The Bold Type: 2x04 OMG

This episode was a blast. Jane and Sutton are a match made in heaven

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The Expanse: 3x08 It Reaches Out

This whole episode was so erractic and brilliant at the same time! Best one of the season yet!

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Shadowhunters: 3x01 On Infernal Ground

Finally, New season tonight guys!!

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