


Incredibles 2

Finally, a good sequel. Good god the animation, it's so beautiful. And the action was so smooth. Also, Pixar better gives us a short movie about Edna babysitting Jack-Jack.

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How to Get Away with Murder: 3x08 No More Blood

The highlight of this episode: Asher shocked when he learned that Frank doesnt have beard anymore

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Sharp Objects: 1x01 Vanish

Amy Adams, come and get your Emmy

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 4x19 Your Honor

Never in my wildest dream I imagine Captain Holt say cowabunga, but here I am

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The Handmaid's Tale: 1x04 Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum

OH MY FUCKING GOD, DONNIE???? Where's the clone club?????

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x11 Holly

JUNE WHY DIDN'T YOU SHOOT THEM???? JESUS! I mean I know why, but still. That was such a tense moment.

Also, I really, really love the camera angle. The one where June was on the top floor and the Waterfords are fighting, that was powerful.

Imagine me not crying while watching the whole giving birth scene. And her mom came, oh god.

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Killing Eve: 1x07 I Don't Want To Be Free

This episode snatched my wig

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Santa Clarita Diet: 2x10 Halibut!

OK WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ENDING??? Oh God, such a rollercoaster of emotions. I didn't see that coming, f*cking plot twist. But I really, really love the Hammonds family dynamics, and I hope they would involve Abby more in the future, Joel is right, they would be dead without Abby. I know they were trying to give Abby a normal life, but after the finale, i think they can cross being normal cause it's not normal anymore.

Also I love how they handle they situation with Anne and Lisa's relationship, there's no a big reveal like "oh yea, I'm into woman", it just that. We know from S1 they attracted to each other and this is the next level. Just like any other relationship you see on TV or movie, although yes I love hearing the word bisexual being said out loud, lol

I can't wait for s3 cause we still need to find out about the mr.ball legs (?), lol and those weird couple that have tatoo on his arm? Still so many unanswered questions. And I kinda bumped because Ramona is moving, but at least shes alive!

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Altered Carbon: 1x06 Man with My Face

I'm not prepared for Dichen Lachman's badass entrance but hot damn

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 3x06 Josh Is Irrelevant.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 2x09 The Road Trip

"My immune system is too weak to fight off my smile muscles."

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The Handmaid's Tale: 4x07 Home

So June really raped Luke huh....

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The Handmaid's Tale: 3x04 God Bless the Child

MOVE THE FUCKING POINT SERENA, MOVE THE FUCKING IT UP!!!! AND ALSO PLEASE GIVE US A LAST NAME FOR EMILY ALREADY!!! God, her scenes were... God, I can't... I don't know man, I'm a wreck. This episode was hopeful, and it scares me because usually when we got some sort of hopeful episode, the next one is going to be a bitch. It's interesting to see Aunt Lydia crying because all this time we've always seen her as this some sort of "monster". God I do really hope Janine is okay tho

The cinematography of this show is a fucking masterpiece, good God. I would like to thank whoever is in charge, thank you

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Modern Family: 7x08 Clean Out Your Junk Drawer

Honestly, I think this is one of the best episode. Seeing everyone talking about their emotion. And the quote at the ending, man. I really, really love the quote. It's really represent the three main relationship in this show.

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The Favourite

Rachel Weisz's BDE really jumps out and dragged me

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 3x13 Nathaniel Is Irrelevant.

WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED???? I can't process this finale because oh my god, lots of things happened and the finale is really a fucking twist???? But one thing I can say, I love seeing how far Rebecca has come, and watching her ups and down really changed my life. Character development, bitches!

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Killing Eve: 2x06 I Hope You Like Missionary!

Cool, no more kebab for me then

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The Queen's Gambit: 1x02 Exchanges

Me, understand nothing about chess: "oh wow, that's a bold move right there!"

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The Handmaid's Tale: 3x08 Unfit

They dont do aunt Lydia's backstory justice. I expected more depth for aunt Lydia's backstory and that's what we got. Also I feel bad for Ofmatthew, fuck you June, you son of a bitch.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 3x02 Mary and Martha
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 3x11 Nathaniel and I Are Just Friends!

This is, um, I accidentally saw the spoiler for this episode, the one where Valencia is a bi, and I was like "HOLY F*CK THREE BI CHARACTERS?????* and even though she doesn't sing it out loud like Darryl, lol, but it's great and actually makes more sense, although yes I really want to see them sing the reprise version of gettin' bi. Their relationship also cute and I really love it because last time we see Valencia, she was in a tight place but then now she's happy and her business is booming! I'm so happy for her! We actually see how Rebecca and Paula are 'match made in heaven' because they're really quite the same, and I think this show is trying to make Paula acknowledge what a horrible friend she is. Also the part between Heather and Hector, that was cute. At first, I thought this couple won't work out or seems force, but then I remember the two of them are never actually have an 'adult' life, as in they still living with their parents, etc. So watching them being an adult together, it's actually quite heartwarming.


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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 4x18 Chasing Amy

Bless this show, I really love how they handle the issue and still being, well, Nine-Nine. Even the subplot with Gina and Charles is sweet in their own weird way, you know how the Boyle family is. Jake and Amy is really a relationship goal

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Supergirl: 2x12 Luthors

I still can't believe that Katie McGrath is real and beautiful and she wore a leather dress and a pantsuit and looking at chessboard like some evil villain master mind. Little Lena and Lex are cute, I can't. And you can't take away the headcanon that Lena was not a Luthor by blood from my hands, thank you very much.

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His Dark Materials: 1x06 The Daemon-Cages

That scene where Lyra and Mrs Coulter are yelling to each other? Mood

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The Act: 1x02 Teeth

"You know, I may not be a doctor..." no, you're not, so shut up.

God I hate it when people act they know better just because of few google searches

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Special 2 Yes, It's Really Us Singing: The Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Concert Special!


But all in all, I wanna say thanks to CW. For all the shits they pulled, they let this show aired for 4 seasons and get the ending its deserve instead of cutting it halfway. So, thank you for that

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Frozen II

Elsa is a horse girl and the avatar

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Killing Eve: 2x08 You're Mine

Never, ever, tell a psychopath that they're a psychopath. That's like, the first rule

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 3x01 Josh's Ex-Girlfriend Wants Revenge

Wonderful season premiere, can't wait for the next episode. God I wish all show could be like this

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How to Get Away with Murder: 3x06 Is Someone Really Dead?

If Annalise Keating told you to stay put, please do not move unless you're dying, someone kidnap you or you're already dead and the police need to autopsy your body. Seriously, sheees

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