



I was close to stop watching the show after the first three episodes. Everyone seemed to be a self-absorbed rich asshole, the show itself seemed to be going nowhere. But I'm so glad I didn't stop watching. Episode five was the first one where I thought "Oh, maybe it isn't so bad after all." It only improved afterwards. With all the schemes, backstabbing, and generally horrible people it's basically Game of Thrones set in 2018 New York. Succession is probably the best show on TV at the moment. I can't wait for season two.

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The Crown: 3x06 Tywysog Cymru

Man, the two Charles-centric episodes—the one in season two and this one—are just heartbreaking.

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Game of Thrones: 6x10 The Winds of Winter

Runtime for this episode will be 69 minutes—which makes it the longest episode in the entire series. I cannot wait.

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Riverdale: 2x05 Chapter Eighteen: When a Stranger Calls

This has to be the dumbest, most unrealistic, ridiculously over-the-top show on TV at the moment—and I love it.

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Big Little Lies: 1x05 Once Bitten

Nicole Kidman is so unbelievably good in this show.

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Succession: 1x01 Celebration

And I thought that Roman guy was the only likable character. And then comes the the baseball scene... The whole family seems to be comprised of assholes—except Marcia, don't know what her deal is yet. Did enjoy the episode nonetheless, let's hope it doesn't get cancelled like Here and Now.

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Westworld: 1x10 The Bicameral Mind

This episode will be 90 minutes long instead of the usual 50-60 minutes.

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Bodyguard: 1x01 Episode 1

The first 21 minutes have to be the most intense in a TV show this year. Very promising start. Let's hope that Sergeant Budd doesn't have to attend a wedding...

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Succession: 2x03 Hunting

Buckle up, fucklehead: We're renewed for season three! :raised_hands:

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The Wire: 5x08 Clarifications

Damn... That FBI description of the "killer"...

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Designated Survivor: 1x18 Lazarus

Well, that was one blatantly obvious product placement.

This comment is brought to you by the all-new 2017 Ford Fusion.
Ford. Go Further.

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The Fosters: 5x22 Where the Heart Is

The Fosters was a truly great show. Granted, it hat some dips in quality—some storylines in season four were unbelievably ridiculous. But overall this was such an important series for me. The portrayal of LGBTQ themes in such a normal/realistic way (non-tragic/troubled gay characters) was amazing to see. I'm sad to see it end but better to end on a high note. Thanks to everyone involved in the show. It will be missed!

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 4x19 Your Honor

Renewed for Season 5! HOT DAMN!

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Pose: 2x10 In My Heels

What a great finale! I'm so happy that the show's already renewed for a third season :black_heart::heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:

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For All Mankind: 1x10 A City Upon a Hill

Really enjoyed the show. The after-credits scene could set up an interesting season two.

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Lost in Space: 1x03 Infestation

For the love of god... Stop these stupid one-liners!

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x15 Will You Take My Hand?

While I have to agree that the final resolution to the conflict/war seems a bit too easy and convenient—especially when you consider the lead-up from the past couple of episodes—I really enjoyed this "updated" version of Prime Star Trek. The last few minutes were a nice homage to TOS. I wonder if they leave it at that or come back to it in the second season.

I also really enjoyed reading all the "negative" comments from people that hate this show so much yet still watch fifteen episodes of it. I guess I see you all when season two starts. Live long and prosper!

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 1x01 Pilot

The first half of the episode was a drag but after the husband left it got significantly better.

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House of Cards: 5x05 Chapter 57

Holy Shit! Those last five minutes and then Claire's breaking of the fourth wall... I guess it's her turn now.

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Superstore: 2x15 Super Hot Store

Dina made a really good Glenn imitation :D

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Veep: 5x08 Camp David

I can't stop laughing! By far the best episode this season.

"Ma'am your daughters dazzling eyes could start a fire themselves."
"Yea, Well that's terrifying."

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House of Cards: 6x05 Chapter 70

The last scene was so good.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 2x06 Jake and Sophia

Probably the best opening skit ever.

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Designated Survivor: Season 1

Shout by Jan

Strong start but incredibly boring and at times painful to watch from the middle to the end of the season. The show does not know what it wants to be: The West Wing or 24. It tries to be both at the same time and is neither one nor the other.

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Room 104: 1x01 Ralphie

Shout by Jan

Genre Comedy? Yeah, I don't think so...

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Pose: 1x01 Pilot

Pull up. Work harder. Triumph! If not today, maybe tomorrow. I LOVE THIS SHOW <3

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Promising Young Woman

Based on the trailer this comment section is going to be a shit show. Trailer looks good, reviews are also good. Excited to see the film.

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The Bold Type: 1x01 Pilot

Really enjoyed the pilot. Looks very promising!

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Designated Survivor: 1x19 Misalliance

Shout by Jan

I don't know if I like this mashup of governing ("West Wing" lite) and conspiracy (24) because neither one is very good or particularly engaging at this time in the season. The show would be much better if it concentrated on one aspect instead of this half-baked attempt to combine two entirely different type of shows. I'd wager that a shorter season of 13 episodes would've helped the show enormously instead of this dragged-out 22-episodes-mess it is at the moment.

At this point I'm too invested to quit three episodes before the end of the season but one shouldn't expect any form of real conclusion.

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Selling Sunset: Season 4

Season 4 drinking game: Take a shot every time someone says: "I can't believe you had a baby X days/weeks/months ago…"

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