

Braintree, England


Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.


My favorite TV shows and movies.


Invasion! is the name of the third annual Arrowverse crossover event between Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow and DC's Legends of Tomorrow​. The crossover aired over four nights from November 28 to December 1, 2016.


Heroes Join Forces is the name of the second annual Arrowverse crossover event between The Flash and Arrow. It also served as a set-up for DC's Legends of Tomorrow by introducing new characters who would be featured in that series. The crossover aired over two nights from December 1 to December 2, 2015.


Flash vs. Arrow is the name of the first annual Arrowverse crossover event between The Flash and Arrow. The crossover aired over two nights from December 2 to December 3, 2014.


Crisis on Earth-X is the name of the fourth annual Arrowverse crossover event between Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash and DC's Legends of Tomorrow. The crossover aired over two nights from November 27 to November 28, 2017. It served as a set-up for the animated web series Freedom Fighters: The Ray.


Elseworlds is the name of the fifth annual Arrowverse crossover event between The Flash​​​​​, Arrow​​​​​, and Supergirl​​​​​. The crossover aired over three nights from December 9 to December 11, 2018. It served as a set-up for the television series Batwoman​​​​​ and revealed that CBS' The Flash​​​​​ was canon in the Arrowverse.


Crisis on Infinite Earths is the name of the sixth annual Arrowverse crossover event between Supergirl, Batwoman, The Flash​​​​​, Arrow, and DC's Legends of Tomorrow. Additionally, events in the Black Lightning episode "The Book of Resistance: Chapter Four: Earth Crisis" and a two-issue comic, Crisis on Infinite Earths Giant, tie into the crossover. It began over three nights in December 2019 from December 8 to December 10 and concluded on January 14, 2020.


Armageddon is the name of the seventh annual Arrowverse crossover event. The crossover aired over five weeks from November 16 to December 14, 2021. It served as a special five-episode event that kicks off The Flash's eighth season.
