

Omicron Persei 8

The Tomorrow War

A great movie if English is your second language, plot holes are your best friend, and logic is your worst enemy.

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I really enjoyed this. As a Battlestar Galactica fan, I'd say that Tricia Helfer makes the show for me. It also has an interesting story that hasn't really been covered before, I can see lots of room for development beyond the first 6 hours. It's rumored a multi-season renewal is planned if the series is successful. I didn't think the acting was bad, although hillbilly Stokes & the young girl sure do pull some interesting faces... this is a 'pilot' after all, given the chance to find itself I'm sure it could be a lot better than the likes of 'The 100' and 'Under the Dome'.

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The Zero Theorem

Weird as fuck. The ending wasn't really an ending. Not sure if I would watch it a second time around, 12 Monkeys was much better.

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Snoop Dogg's Father Hood

If you love Snoop, you'll love this show. I traditionally hate this type of 'reality tv', but as a big snoop fan it was a great indulgence.

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This is actually quite gripping, I do recommend it. I'm getting a black Heisenberg vibe. I expected it to be typical American single-season drivel and left it unwatched in my library for weeks - don't make the same mistake as I!

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Hobo with a Shotgun

Very 'WTF'. Something to watch with a confused smile.

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After Earth

I have little to say about this film, I can only hope I forget it entirely. It was awful. AWFUL.

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Two and a Half Men

How can anyone find this show in any way entertaining?

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The Breakfast Club

allison is far hotter when she's weird.

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The Fades

Felt really different, in a good way. A shame it's over.

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The Matt Lucas Awards

I cannot believe this shit airs on BBC1. Painfully bad.

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The Drunk and On Drugs Happy Fun Time Hour


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Trailer Park Boys: The Movie

Sorry to say I didn't enjoy this half as much as I enjoyed the show. Still worth a watch though.

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Being Human

Sad to see it go!

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Boring, removed from my sickbeard at the start of season 7.

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Upside Down

inspired by twilight, too many plot holes and nonsensical claims to count

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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2

This movie felt like one big monotone conversation, really not worth watching, even just for the sake of it.

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Has undoubtably become one of my all-time favourites.

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DMT: The Spirit Molecule

Really interesting and thought provoking - highly recommended.

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Seven Psychopaths

I thought this was alright watching it, but a week so later I don't remember anything about it - actors, plot, nothing. I'm not the kind of person that forgets a movie straight away either, some stories get stuck in my mind for weeks.

Your time is probably better invested elsewhere.

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It started off OK but it's just become unbearably facepalm. It's trying really hard to be gritty and thought out but achieves neither. Also does anyone know why Arrow feels the need to be topless oiled doing pullups during every conversation?

Deleted from Sickbeard, I don't recommend investing your time in this show. I doubt it will last very long.

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So sad that it's come to an end. One of my all-time favourites.

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Hotel Transylvania

Certainly no Pixar!

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The Big Bang Theory

this is a show made for stupid people to laugh at clever people.

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incredibly far fetched, trying too hard to shock the audience. i mean, why would the government deprive them of food? why would they not send care-staff in hazmat suits? semi-enjoyable if you can look past how unrealistic it is. a good ending i thought though.

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Cloud Atlas

you cannot make an asian and you cannot unmake one. terrible and distracting prosthetics.

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Resident Evil: Retribution

not really much happened, it was like a 10 minute scene bug dragged out... still great action though!

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Battle Royale

i was expecting to love this movie, but meh. kind of silly and over-acted, being shot with a machine gun dropping to the ground waving your legs in the air and then getting right back up sort of stuff. painful to watch at times - this is definitely not something i ever want to sit through again.

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How did I take so long to find this? Fucking awesome! Think inbetweeners but even funnier.

EDIT: So I discovered this show almost 3 months ago now and I quite literally haven't stopped watching it since. I'm not the sort to watch something more than once - in fact in the past I haven't understood how people do - but Workaholics is a completely different. I can put an entire series on whilst I'm doing something, working, or cleaning and laugh throughout. A total of 176 plays and there are only 32 episodes - some would consider me obsessed!

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The Fountain

the only possible response to this movie: wat

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