Jim Sterling

1 follower

Boise, ID, USA

Job Dongsan

335k watchers right now, huh?

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Puella Magi Madoka Magica

A very pleasant surprise! Really unique art direction during the action scenes, and a very interesting and unexpected twist on what seems like a generic premise ("magical" protagonists). Music is also phenomenal.

I would definitely recommend it, especially since the short 13 episodes (+ OVA) are watchable in a day.

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Yes, God, Yes

Good movie. Feels similar to Eight Grade in tone and subject matter (although not as good).

It's well directed, and the acting & casting is phenomenal - everyone acts like an awkward Catholic high-schooler. Critical of the hypocrisy of religion without being too overtly anti-religious.

Overall, worth a watch if you have an hour.

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It's Such a Beautiful Day

An inexplicably emotional film. I couldn't look away, and it was truly a uniquely thought-provoking experience from start to finish.

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