


Mad Men: 1x05 5G
Mad Men: 1x04 New Amsterdam

Sterling Cooper has more failed artists and intellectuals than the Third Reich.

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Lost: 6x17 The End

The plane clears frame, finally free of the Island. Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love, and been loved. He has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone. The end.

Those are the heavenly poetic last words Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse wrote for Lost. The parting words for the script of the final episode. And it was beautifully translated into images with Bender's direction, Fox's acting, the work done by everyone in the series.

Thank you Lost.

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Lost: 6x17 The End

I don't remember being this emotional during a movie, tv series, or any piece of art for that matter. I cried my eyes out, they took six seasons to make you love all of the characters so in the end you feel a punch in the stomach seeing them finally being happy.

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Lost: 6x11 Happily Ever After

I would die for Desmond

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Lost: 6x09 Ab Aeterno

Love when established series try fresh and new things, as opposed to the ones that always play safe. This episode is one of Lost's most unique and interesting ones, and made me like Richard even more. It's great that Lost cares about its secondary characters to give them really well-made episodes centered entirely about them.

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Lost: 6x07 Dr. Linus

Oh man the feels. It's impossible not to feel sorry and sympathize with Linus, even after all he's done.

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Lost: 5x08 LaFleur

Sawyer is one of the most developed and carefully written characters on the show. Still a con man with a big heart, but now unapologetically and finally moving on after becoming a better person, which only happened when he let go of the original Sawyer's shadow in his life.

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Lost: 4x13 There's No Place Like Home (2)

Lost's endgame is now nearer than ever. You can feel that there's a path being made that leades to the series' ending. The long three-part season four finale is a quase-action movie, divided by various parallel segments, one as insteresting and engaging as the other. Be the flashforwards, the battle between the Others and Keamy's mercenary team, the incredible duo of John and Ben (I love them interacting) or the Oceanic Six's journey to the outside world. The finale is meticulously made to grab your attention with its fast pace, blockbuster set pieces and beautiful scenes. There's no place like home and Lost is my home. I'm mixed with the feelings of sadness as the series' ending is near and happy that this rewatch of mine reaffirms my love to this series. Now it's season five time, and the feels are coming already...

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Lost: 4x12 There's No Place Like Home (1)

You know it's gonna be good when you're already crying in the first five minutes.

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Lost: 4x09 The Shape of Things to Come

So wild to compare this episode to the other seasons. The danger progression, higher scope and the stakes, and everything getting riskier by the time, with the risk being the writers don't delivering a good conclusion to that behemoth of a story. More twists, surprises and tragic storytelling that find ways to renovate itself when things appear to be already answered to us. Flashbacks now make way to flashforwards that must be insteresting and engaging while also don't revealing everything that's going to happen in the present, where the plot is focused on. This episode is a example of how the stakes are constantly changing and more risks are being taken.

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Lost: 4x05 The Constant
Lost: 4x01 The Beginning of the End

Does a pretty good job of taking of where last season's finale ended and planting the seeds of what's to come next.

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Lost: 3x23 Through the Looking Glass (2)


This is Lost's Avengers: Infinity War. Ambitious in its design and epic in scope, this grandiose season finale gives us a tragic death and an ending so startling, subverting our expectations and giving to us something we needed, even if we didn't knew that we did. It was genius and it changed television for better. The stakes were higher, the resolution of all the conflicts were gloriously done and in the end you can't help but hype yourself for what comes next, because you know Lost will get wilder and wilder episode by episode and season by season.

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Lost: 3x21 Greatest Hits

I love you Charlie <3

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Lost: 3x20 The Man Behind the Curtain

Michael Giacchino adds a lot to the dramatic/emotional weight of a scene with his genius soundtrack. 'Dharmacide', the melancholic seven-note melody, is so touching and fits perfectly in the scene where Ben kills his father and the Others enters the barracks after killing all of Dharma residents. And that shot of the face of Ben with the gas mask, focusing on his eyes, just beautiful and so revealing of Linus' twisted mind. What an episode, well directed and written, giving us a hell of a character study of the fascinating Ben Linus, with the bravura perfomance of Michael Emerson.

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Lost: 3x19 The Brig

The last episodes of this season of Lost are simply unbeliavable. The writers clearly knew from the get-go the way everything was headed, and they planned a resolution of arcs that are satisfying and smartly done. Sawyer's resolution has to be one of the best, and Locke's beginning of his new era is just as good. Lost let its characters evolve and change, and it also doesn't forget what was established. This is peak television.

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Lost: 3x17 Catch-22

Desmond wasn't my favorite character in my first watch of Lost, but now rewatching the character has grown on me. He first began as a plot device in season two, only there to do the exposition and explain the button to our losties. But in the end of season two the writers gave him characterization, a compelling backstory and a charming personality. Now in season three, he is the bearer of a concept that's so cool, and it's good to see a character this great being the center of a sci-fi story, one of the many things that I love in Lost.

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Lost: 3x14 Exposé

Lost going full on Twilight Zone

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Lost: 3x13 The Man from Tallahassee
Lost: 3x10 Tricia Tanaka Is Dead
Lost: 2x10 The 23rd Psalm

Fantastic episode. Mr. Eko and Charlie are characters I love so much, and seeing them interacting is just great, with the writing helping as it is beautifuly done and layed; Eko's flashbacks resonates with the main plot on the Island and gives us so much insight about Eko and show us why he is such a brilliant, complex and appealing character, much like the majority of Lost's characters to be true, but still, Eko has a uniqueness and a charm that remembers me of Locke, but still being its own thing. I just love Eko and this episode.

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Lost: 1x04 Walkabout

That's when Lost hooked me. Binging the series for the second time, this episode still holds even knowing the twist. And when it comes, the feels... John Locke is one of the best characters ever.

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