


Sonic the Hedgehog

Immensely fun, would go see it again.
I've been a sonic fan since Sonic 1 and 2 on the Genesis, enjoying both the comics and some TV shows as well. This FELT like sonic to me. It captured his confident attitude and gave him a backstory that was really touching and a great character motivation. Fans of the Mobius universe will recognize more references to the franchise, but this film is great for casual fans or even newbies to the franchise too.

The most jarring element for me was Jim Carrey's Robotnik. He didn't feel like any iteration of Robotnik or Eggman that I know. He was a fun character all the same but aside from his final costume he felt maybe 5-15% Robotnik throughout the movie.

The jokes were well done and there were times the wpile theater was in stitches. Lots of dad jokes, but the kind that makes you actually laugh.
Over all this is definitely a 10 for me, one I want to buy when it comes out and I am sorely hoping we get a sequel.

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Good Omens
Lost in Space: 1x01 Impact

WTF, they butchered the characters and the family dynamic. Is it too much to ask to have a family that isn't totally f***ing dysfuncrional on TV these days?

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Godzilla Minus One
Ready Player One

As someone who read the book some years ago this film was a letdown. All of the key challenges were different and they made less sense. Being a gaming nerd myself I was able to figure out the clues along with the book but the movie they were so abstract it took huge assumptions and leaps in logic to figure out what they were.
The way they used the 1up token especially annoyed me. In the book it was very clear what it was, and that it would be useful but not how or when. In the movie it was a total mulligan and felt pulled out of the ass just for convenience.

The way they conducted IOI's activities as a whole was wrong and the whole movoe I just kept thinking "so where are the f***ing cops in all this?". Yet again, in the book it made sense, but in this film it was just ignored for convenience. They turned an intelligent antagonist into a bumbling shallow one.

It was pretty to watch, and the references were enjoyable. But as someone who originally read (and enjoyed) the book, this is one film I'm fine with not seeing again.

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Black Mirror: 3x04 San Junipero

With all of the hype this movie gets I was really very disappointed. The share were super predictable and cliche, the concept they were working with, astral bodies, wasn't super original but had some potential to it that felt squandered with the lackluster route they took.

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Over all a fine movie. Good for a one over, I think the rewatch-ability of it is very low.
- The communication element and focus on that element was neat and different.
- The effects were decent. Though this is more of the lower side of a pro though because I've seen video games with better looking CGI than they used during the climax. That was a bit jarring. They're decent, nothing to write home about.
- The alien language looked cool. Yes it's a shallow reason, so sue me.

- Super generic character behaviors. Unfortunately it couldn't escape the sameness that all alien encounter movies seem to share.
- Lots of useless people. If you're like me you will only know 2 of the characters names by the end. The rest are either functionally useless, or cliche "imma just get in your way" roles.
- and my biggest annoyance we never find out what crisis the aliens needed humanity's help with. That would have mades MUCH more interesting movie. Instead we're just left to wonder because like virtually all alien encounter films only the humans story gets too told.

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Z Nation

Another treasure by The mad geniuses behind Sharknado, The Asylum.

What sets Z Nation apart, and in my opinion makes it better than any other zombie show out there, is not it's comedy, it's that it has an objective and is going somewhere. In every other series I've seen, TWD being one of the worst offenders, there is no hope for a future for humanity. It's just buying time while each character is slowly picked off. Z Nation has an objective every season that revolves in some way around curing the Zombie virus and ultimately saving humanity. Meaning there's hope for this series to end in a satisfying way, not just killing everyone off.

If you're a fan of Asylum though you'll also enjoy little cameos and references to their other works that bring a nice chuckle on top of the already rich good humor the show brings.

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Designated Survivor: 1x15 One Hundred Days

"Gender pay gap" my ass. And "can t pass a background check" made me want to rip my hair out. I called it back in episode 4 this this "independent" is actually just a liberal.
These episodes are the WORST. It's not even suspenseful, smart politics like House of Cards, it's stupid politics thumping leftist agendas.

Enough of this crap, they need to get back to the conspiracy and give mire focus to the FBI chick. She is awesome, and really what's driving the plot at this point.

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Happy!: 1x07 Destroyer of Worlds

Looks like SyFy forget it wasn't HBO of a moment. O.o

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I'm not really sure why they lumped every series of Ultraman spanning from 1966-2022 under one series. That's a little odd and makes it hard to navigate. But that aside, Ultraman is awesome and wildly underrated in the West so I'm glad it's at least present here.

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Superman & Lois: 1x01 Pilot
The Orville: 2x03 Home

My gosh, Picardo was fabulous in this episode, and it was so cool to see a cameo from my favourite Trek character growing up.

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Naked and Afraid: 10x05 Threesome

Hippie girl is SO IRRITATING! She doesn't understand animals or the natural world at all. If they could and/or needed it like humans do animals would 100% be using fire and would use as much of their environment as they wanted/needed to be comfortable. That is survival, and it's not limited by species. The ability to achieve it is the only limitation holding them back. When she said "I'm vegan" I was honestly hoping she'd have a malnutrition tap. Humans are omivores for a reason girl.

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Pretty standard transformers film. I go for the visuals and Cybertronians, and just sit through the mostly uninteresting mid sections of human drama. I found these human characters mostly unlikable, it's a large step down from Mark Wahlberg, the military guy's writing in particular was meme levels of horrible. The deus ex machinas in the story are really heavy handed and obvious.

The biggest redeeming quality of this film is that it has some wonderful returns to G1 Transformers, a sweet appearance by Soundwave for the older fans, and had a really nice view of Cybertron for the audience in general.
Now if we could just do away with the cumbersome humans and do a whole movie there I'd be ecstatic.

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Black Panther

We wuz Kangs, the movie.
Action scenes were at least fun to watch.

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The Flash: 3x17 Duet (II)

Omg, the Flash series just pulled a Buffy. I knew I loved this series.

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Designated Survivor: 1x06 The Interrogation

I'm getting extremely sick of this show painting any who's concerned about terrorists piggy-backing off of "refugees" as some kind of bad guy. The look it was phenomenal but from there on it seems to be just this slide in to liberal propaganda.

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Five Nights at Freddy's
Ultraman: 1x10 The Mysterious Dinosaur Base

Playing matador with the monster's own bloody severed frill this was probably the most awesome and most gruesome fights I've seen yet from this series. I love it, will definitely remember Jirah.

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ThunderCats: 1x04 Song of the Petalars

Holy s***, I was not expecting something this profound and deep. This is one of those kinds of thought provoking episodes that I am used to seeing out of classic Trek and TNG, I did not expect it from Thundercats, and I absolutely love it. This just entered one of my top ranked episodes of any animated series.
Man, this show totally got done a dirty by only getting one season.

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Restaurant: Impossible: 15x03 Caribbean Catastrophe

Holy $hit that's my town! I've been by that place while my husband and I were out looking for the similarly named Olga's Kitchen. O.o

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MasterChef Junior: 7x10 Girl Power

I feel bad for that Sadie girl. Her parent(s) have made her insufferable with her "I'm a feminist" zealousness. So much cringe the whole challenge.

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Kitchen Nightmares: 5x16 Amy's Baking Company

Woah.... That's all I can really say to this one is Woah. O.o
I knew the woman was insane at $
"we have 3 kids in cat bodies" but I was not expecting the route this episode took at all.
(Super glad to see there's a follow-up next season. Off to watch that now.)

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Human elements more or less sucked, aside from Ken Watanabe (as expected), the humans are painted cardboard. The Kaiju though is MUCH improved from the last installment, and has me looking forward to what they'll do with them next. There's a lot of Easter eggs and setups for fans of classic Godzilla to pick up on.
Definitely plan to buy this one when it comes out on DVD

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Kitchen Nightmares: 1x09 Campania

All I can say about this episode is "Oh, New Jersey". There's a reason the rest of America has a stereotype of this little state.

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Last Man Standing: 7x11 Common Ground

This one had me in stitches many times throughout. I'm really enjoying this new character, Jen, too. It's almost a shame she's foreign exchange and we know she'll be leaving before long. The dynamic is so great, I can't wait to see what we get while she's here.

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Dr. Phil: 17x112 The Controversy Over Hate Crimes

Sally Kohn is just insufferable. She ALWAYS appeals to emotion and foregoes logic or facts to uphold this worldview she has that America was a horrible and racist place and is exactly the same as it was then.
It was funny to each Ben with his thinking face when it wasn't his turn to talk, and then his mouth opens and words explode out at 100 miles a minute.
It was cool to see Dr. Phil's body language and psycho/behavioural analasys as well. This show is super click bait much of the time, but Phil really does have some underappreciated skills.

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Dead Ring

All in all, enjoyable. A well executed story and no complaints about the acting or cinematography. A very satisfying ending too, some cliches bit not enough to hinder the enjoyment. Definitely worth a watch.

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