

Graz, Austria

American Dad!: Season 15

episode thumbnails are mixed up, they're one episode ahead

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The Titan

the premise was interesting but the focus was all over the place, jumping from one theme to another, but never fully expressing what they wanted to tell us. reaching the final 15 minutes I thought the movie was going to go for another hour and half cause they've spent all that time on stalling and not proper buildup. all in all, the movie was written as a rushed B-list TV series pilot.

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Stunning visuals and great acting makes this a nice horror flick. Actually felt chills in some scenes.
The movie as it is, however, is heavily criticized for its logic flaws.

But after watching the deleted scene where the Engineer speaks to the crew the ending made a lot more sense. The Engineer got angry over the fact that Wayland had wanted immortality and claimed to be a god, alike to the Engineers who had lived over 300,000 years. The lone Engineer looked concerned about Dr. Shaws questions and when she got hit. He realized that humans were flawed and that Waylon was an arrogant creator with a god-complex. Had they been more humble, the ending could have turned out a lot differently and a lot more answers would be answered.

Also I think we often forget that people act irrationally if they are afraid. Geologist pro-mapper got lost in a cave he made a map of? Sure, why not. Stress always does that.

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Fantasy Island

this movie was made to launch the upcoming 2021 series remake. what can I say, the movie as a standalone was entertaining, I really enjoyed it. However, there were so many plot points it was a bit difficult to follow the story, too many loose ends, new island "rules" were dropped randomly without any explanation. I really hope the series don't let us down.

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The Boys

The Boys is a new refreshing series in an oversaturated market of superhero comic adaptations. The non-canon goofy insecure main character, a Superman parody with a megalomaniac god complex, layered character traits where no character truly falls to black or white zone, but rather grey makes the show even a lot more interesting cause this is a scenario that most superhero movies tend to avoid. There are a few changes to the comics but they are not overdone and even the gender-swapping doesn't feel forced. Brilliant actor team makes everything perfect. Well done.

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Westworld: 3x08 Crisis Theory

style over substance. that's what the season 3 has become. character motives to "save the world" / "destroy the world" change by the minute and there doesn't seem to be any clear direction. humans getting replaced by hosts just for the sake of it felt stupid, why'd you have to kill off poor William when you invested so much in his post-Westworld character development. season 3 definitely left some ground for season 4 to cover but how they can save this mess of a plot is mind boggling to me

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Westworld: 3x04 The Mother of Exiles

this episode reminds me of the original Westworld movie about the Gunslinger and it's core desire to kill all of the humanity.
in contrast with season 1 where you could resonate with Dolores' quest to find herself and her intense emotions which felt incredibly life-like, these episodes feel cold, "robotic", there is no more desire to find themselves, just revenge. I think that's why some people are saying this show has lost its magic, because the viewer can't connect to the characters anymore

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The Twilight Zone

had hopes up for the revival. big disappointment. only watched the pilot episode and realised they're trying to pull off a "Breaking Bad" atmosphere but forgot to add in the story. plot was bland and predictable, you could have told the whole story in 10 minutes but decided to stretch out to a whole hour.

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Locke & Key: 1x08 Ray of F**king Sunshine

this episode was much better than the last trainwreck one

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Locke & Key: 1x07 Dissection

this episode made me facepalm so hard. The story was unconvincing, too much time wasted on useless drama, too many logic flaws, didn't even feel sorry for the guy in the end. And way to go, dumbass kids used every chance to lose every single key they had. They could have just hidden them but noooooo, had to flash them around the bad guys

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Locke & Key: 1x06 The Black Door

is this a teen drama or a comic book-based horror show for adults? you can't have both at once and expect a wide audience if you keep shifting your focus with lazy writing

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The Outsider

it certainly does give off a True Detective atmosphere but doesn't live up to it first three episodes tell too much and then later in the season the story telling is too stretched out. too many filler episodes. it was too easy to tell which characters would end up being killed off in the finale

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this action flick was great during its time, a true tribute to Marvel comic fans. however, it didn't age so well, even though there were a lot of badass moments it felt drawn out and the plot wasn't captivating enough for someone who never read the comics.

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Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2

not as entertaining as the first movie. no clear sense of direction and the plot feels loose all the way over. felt like watching a bad tv show pilot. I heard there's a recut version of this movie that's supposedly better.

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Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

it's refreshing to have this movie in nowadays dominated world of remakes and superhero movies. a lot of movies are full of mediocre scene and only save the best for climax, here every scene felt genuinely well made, with a lot of detail and character development. the plot may not have been continuous, in fact, it did not have a clear direction like "save the world" or "escape the haunted house" like in other movies. but that's exactly the beauty of it, not following cliches at all.

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Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

it was a rather good action flick. they managed to nail Lara's look, scenography and fighting scenes were taken out of the classic games. so visually it was perfect. the plot would fit the game much more than a movie, for a movie there's not enough depth.

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

it feels as if writers are bluffing in our faces trying to pass the 80 minute long fights as "quality content". the show has become an outer shell of what it was, there's barely any depth. the script as it is now feels like an outline that was supposed to be filled in with subplot and details from G.R.R.M. but that never happened. and that's why the fans are crazy

another reason why S8 is exceptionally bad is because there is no more emotional connection to the characters. their motives are unclear, arc endings are unjustified, 8 years of character building are thrown out the window with stupid decisions. the character deaths shown in S8 are fake, they've been dead since the show departed from the books. what we are seeing is bad fan fiction.

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it's an "okay" kinda movie. at times it felt like a Supernatural episode. there were over 100 rooms in the mansion but we only got to see a few of them. Helen Mirren's acting is probably the best thing about this movie

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The Conjuring 2

it wasn't that scary. at times it felt as if I was watching a family movie with horror elements. first film was carried out better, this just felt lengthy and desperately trying to use horror movie cliches.

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The Haunting of Hill House

I loved this show because it had great build-up and kept that general tension with minimum jumpscares. It gives off a Hereditary atmosphere and it was brilliant.

The plot and the characters, however, felt a bit far-stretched, e.g. every character had an occupation that resulted from the house, and in the finale every character had a dream with unnaturally long dialogues. The finale was not as good as expected, but the story wrapped up nicely. There's still material for further seasons.

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