Heather T



S.W.A.T.: 7x11 Whispers

Shout by Heather T

It was great to see Tan in action, especially after he was just promoted to take over the SWAT academy and the SWAT commanders meeting up.

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Bodkin: 1x02 Who We Are

Shout by Heather T

Loving the dry British comedy vs. the American podcaster's perky personality. I thought the melancholic cow scene was brilliant and then they out did themselves with the tractor.

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Bodkin: 1x01 One True Mystery

"Did you just tell that girl to fuck off?!"
"Yes, you should try it sometime, Gilbert, it's very nourishing."

I'm sold.

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FBI: International: 3x11 Touts

Shout by Heather T

I was worried that this would be an episode with American actors playing British characters, but thankfully this show stuck to its history of using international actors. I did love the irony of a Glaswegian actor playing the English M15 agent, though.

Pippa Haywood was a gem as always, and brilliant as Smitty's mum. The scene with Andre and Smitty's parents showed the complete difference between British and Americans well without making a bit thing about it.

I grew up during the IRA bombings. I wasn't aware of what was happening or why, just that scary things were happening and adults around me were worried. I don't think a lot of international viewers understand what it was like for Brits during that time.

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NCIS: 21x07 A Thousand Yards

Shout by Heather T

A great 1000th episode that paid tribute to so many previous episodes. I think McGee telling Parker that 'someone gave me a chance' and paying that forward to help Curtis really sold that feeling.

I also felt Knight when she commented about being in Junior high. Although I wasn't quite that young when NCIS first started, I'm the same age (38) as Katrina Law who plays her.

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NCIS: Hawai'i: 3x07 The Next Thousand

Shout by Heather T

Fantastic episode. Watching Tennant take the guy down at the end was perfection.

The way Sam is taking the time to mentor each of the team is wonderful to see. He has so much experience and knows how to speak to them in a way they understand. Also, great to see Gibbs' rules being passed on to the next generations of agents by everyone who has ever worked with him.

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The Equalizer: 4x03 Blind Justice

In a lot of ways, this was a great episode, with the cast on top form and delivering some great lines with perfect cadence. It was also fantastic to see a blind character played by an actor with a visual impairment (Marvin “Krondon” Jones III has nystagmus due to his albinism).

But as a disabled person, I had to wince at the comic book feel of this, with the "echo-location" Daredevil style "superpower" heightened senses attributed to a blind person and the way a disability was used in the title of the episode uses ableist language i.e. the implication that being blind is negative. I realise it's playing on the saying 'justice is blind', but it's still making the implication and undermines the positive representation that the episode aims for by including a disabled character played by a disabled actor.

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FBI: Most Wanted: 5x10 Bonne Terre

Well done to the writers for showing the level of prejudice and ignorance towards disabled people, especially those with intellectual disabilities. As well as the flip side, where some people turn disabilities into fetishes and become obsessed.

This was heartbreaking to watch, but I hope some people took something away from it.

I love Abby and hope we see more of her! Not completely sold on Ethan just yet, he seems a little bit too perfect.

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Doctor Who: 1x02 The Devil's Chord

It's like people have never heard of the concept of a 'musical episode' before :rolling_eyes: and this wasn't even a full musical episode. Imagine if everyone had been singing and dancing, wow there really would have even more knickers in a twist.

For the unenlightened; TV shows, especially fantasy and sci-fi genre shows, often choose to do a novelty musical episode because it's fun and different! Yes, fun. It might have been a better idea to leave it until later in the season since there are so many people whining, but I think they knew that the whiners would whine no matter what, so they just went for it. I'm glad they did because it was an enjoyable episode, although I do have to admit the end was a bit random.

You also have to love the irony of all the people complaining about music in this episode, and the discussion of what would happen to a world without music. We can tell which people have music in their lives, can't we?

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Secret Society of Second Born Royals

Don't watch if you're an adult who only likes serious movies and critiques every movie like you expect them to win an award.

But if you like something a bit fun, can remember that this movie's audience isn't you, then you'll probably enjoy this just like I did.

Elodie Yung and Skylar Austin were great as the adult supporting cast.

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S.W.A.T.: 7x10 SNAFU

Shout by Heather T

Alfaro keeps impressing me more and more.

Just as Deac does the opposite. That was a cheap shot, just leaving his shield in his locker.

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Tracker: 1x09 Aurora

Shout by Heather T

The detective in this one was an absolute bitch, and due to her dismissive attitude to 'weird kids' that don't fit into neat little social bubbles, she completely dismissed a serious case. She seemed to care more about the predators and what happened to them as children because at least she could justify that as something that happened to them as children.

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FBI: International: 3x10 Red Light

Shout by Heather T

I'd have loved to have seen the look on Tate's ex when Andre showed up with Amanda's passport, but watching him slink out of the hotel in sulky defeat was a good second.

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The Equalizer: 4x02 Full Throttle

Fantastic to see autistic representation played by an actor who is actually on the spectrum!

Well done to Delilah for calling Aunt Vi out on her actions.

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FBI: Most Wanted: 5x08 Supply Chain

I'm with Scola on this one; Nina was spiralling and the way she reacted so defensively, throwing everything back in his face, shows that there was a real problem there. The scene at the end of the episode with Barnes was a great perspective on the whole scene at the start. I'm glad the writers de-escalated the issue rather than making it into a whole drama issue because couples have these little arguments, especially when they're new parents and communication is the key. Not enough shows focus on that.

I've also only ever seen Dylan McDermott play strong roles, so seeing him play a weaker role even for a brief time showed his talent as an actor.

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Death and Other Details: 1x09 Impossible

Shout by Heather T

I love how practical Teddy is; just whips out the lipsticks when Imogen asks for a marker pen.

I had it down to Hilde or Rufus, but most likely Hilde as Rufus would have just been too cliché.

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Death and Other Details: 1x01 Rare

I love Mandy Patinkin as an actor and his character, but oh goodness that accent is bugging me so much. It sounds like a cross between Pierce Brosnan and Anthony Hopkins, and so fake.

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The Equalizer: 4x01 Truth for a Truth

Shout by Heather T

The sword fight was horrible to watch, that is now how you use those swords.

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Granite Harbour

Love this show! Season two was brilliant.

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Doctor Who: 1x01 Space Babies
NCIS: Hawai'i: 3x03 License to Thrill

Shout by Heather T

I love having Sam on the show, the scene with the three bad guys was brilliant.

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School Spirits: 1x02 The Fault In Our Scars

Shout by Heather T

"Take out your phone" - in the middle of class to pretend to talk to your ghost friend.

Or maybe use pen and paper and write a note???


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Quantum Leap: 1x12 Let Them Play

Science fiction, like horror and fantasy, emerged as genres at a time when people needed a way to talk about how the world was changing around them during the Industrial Revolution, a time when science was clashing with religious views. It's perfecting on form for a science fiction show to be discussing prevalent topics in society, such as the transgender community.

To all the people who are whining that a science fiction show is doing that, perhaps science fiction isn't for you. I'm sure there's a reality TV show or something mindless for you to watch.

For the people saying this wasn't well done, I have no clue how else you wanted it done better (other than showing bigots as "nice people"). It includes multiple trans actors - one of which WROTE and DIRECTED the episode. One of the main cast is also non-binary. The representation for this episode is off the chart, which is amazing to see.

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Quantum Leap: 1x08 Stand by Ben

I am loving the music of every episode, but this one in particular, as it was the soundtrack of my childhood.

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NCIS: Sydney: 1x05 Doggiecino Day Afternoon

A fantastic episode that focused on some very serious subjects.

To those who mocked this episode and the characters, I seriously pity you.

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NCIS: Sydney

Shout by Heather T
BlockedParent2024-05-02T16:22:29Z— updated 2024-05-07T17:00:09Z

I'm only on episode three right now and to be honest, if Mackey was a male character people would have no issue (just look at House, Sherlock, etc.). But as soon as a female character comes along that doesn't smile and fit into the perfect little box, oh no! Honestly, I'm finding Cooper to be much worse than Mackey when it comes to attitude (whose back story is explained in episode one and shows why she would act this way), but apparently everyone just overlooks her rudeness...

I'm enjoying that they're making this show unique to itself, just as the other NCIS shows have done, and look forward to seeing how the team develops further.

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NCIS: Sydney: 1x04 Ghosted

So many complaints about Mackey, yet there's Evie Cooper being a moody cow, stealing people's lunches right in front of them and constantly being rude to Jackson. At least Mackey has a backstory that explains why she's got an attitude, Cooper just throws hers around constantly.

It was also extremely obvious why Mackey was angry and upset during this episode, considering her military background.

It's very disconcerting that one is getting a pass and the other isn't from commenters.

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NCIS: Sydney: 1x03 Brothers in Arms

The "misfits" scene had me chuckling.

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Dead Boy Detectives
Law & Order: 15x14 Fluency

The doctor character that testifies about how the flu vaccine works is incorrect. Each year, scientists have to work out what flu strain is going to be prevalent that year. The problem is the flu vaccine mutates a lot, and if they choose the wrong one, the vaccine is not as affective - unlike what the doctor character states. I know this because this happened to me one year and as someone with multiple chronic illnesses, I developed ME/CFS as a result.

Saying that, I still have the flu vaccine every year and urge others to do so. I just wanted to make this point because not everyone recognises that what is said on a fiction show isn't fully researched.

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