

SPRINGFIELD, Massachusetts

The Office: 3x22 Beach Games

I love Pam. The moment that Pam became my favorite character.

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The Office: 3x23 The Job

The Dwight thank you gif comes from this episode.

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The Office: 2x09 Email Surveillance

The first time Dwight and Angela get together is at Jim's party

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The Office: 2x01 The Dundies

the first time that Jim and Pam kiss is after she wins her award

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The Office: 2x04 The Fire

Sings in the tone of Billy Joel "Ryan started the fire!"

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters

This is a big beautiful fun monster movies featuring the king of all monsters. It’s well shot, entertaining and engaging. The human elements isn’t the greatest but that’s not why people go to see these films. The action scenes get crazier and crazier with a wild battle for the finale. Middleditch and Whitford get the best lines with Watanabe getting the best emotional moment. If you wanted all the action that wasn’t in the 2014 Godzilla, then this is the film you are looking for. And it lays the groundwork for Kong vs. Godzilla while also doing justice to the Godzilla on-screen film history.

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The Perfection

This is one messed up film. It takes twists and turns I can't even explain. You will have to see. It's wild with a finale 10 minutes that is bananas. Allison Williams is a breakout in this. I hope she gets bigger film because of this. But I would be happy to see her in anything after this or everything. This is one film that must be seen if you are a fan of genre, twist thrillers, horror or all three.

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The Bird with the Crystal Plumage

Argento starts off his career with this interesting film that is very much giallo. The thriller which does have a bit of horror in it is very entertaining. Even when it slows down it’s still interesting where the film goes and how all of the things we who love Argento are on display for the first time. The story is comes together in the film moments where we follow this crazy journey to get to the end. I wasn’t sure what to expect only seeing two Argento films before this but I did enjoy this more than I expected.

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Harold and Maude

I’m so upset that I had my first viewing of this a few days ago. This is a hilarious dark comedy that oozes cult classic. The leads Ruth Gordon and Bud Cort are great. It because ridiculous with the stage death scene but in all the best ways. The relationship is believable, genuine, loving and heartbreaking. And that ending is a shock to the system leaving a lot in the air. This is a wonderful film that needs more love. I can see this slowly becoming one of my favorite films of all time.

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Humanoids from the Deep

This is a goofy sci-fi horror movies that would play like a fun creature feature if it weren’t for some triggering issues. It definitely pushes some buttons in the early days of 80’s horror. The first kill does something most horror films don’t do. And then why do they have to kill the dogs?! But the sci-fi horror elements are fun. The monsters are interesting and the film is gory. But there are quite a few triggering issues that happen with the film. And that places the entire film in a bad light. It would be a entertaining midnight monster movie if it didn’t have the triggering issues (racism, monster rape). Because the finale is a madcap bloody sequence at a carnival on the water.

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I saw this last night and laughed constantly. This is well shot, smart, heartfelt and very 2019 (which can be a bad thing but isn’t here) film. The two leads are fantastic. I love the representation (lgbtqia characters that aren’t used as a trope) and some of the camerawork very not seen a comedy like this. I can see all the connection to Superbad. Superbad is a full played where the leads are “the losers”. Booksmart plays everyone as mostly equal. I see this as a good companion piece with that film. They would play awesome together as a double feature or a drive-in tandem. I hope it hits big but with all that is out this weekend, I can see it getting lost. But this full is just that good and as of right now, this is my favorite of 2019.

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Ant-Man and the Wasp

This is a fun sequel to the first film and a nice palate cleanser after Infinity War. Everyone is good with Lilly, Pena, and Pfeiffer (even though she doesn't get as much screen time as I hoped) standing out. The action scenes are fun, the comedy works most of the time. Laurence Fishburne and Michael Douglas are screen together is really good. It sets up Ant-Man story well for Endgame.

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Pet Sematary

Hollywood just needs to stop making Stephen King books into movies. Because they clearly don't get him. This is just a Blumhouse kind of film, no paper-thin characters, no real intense gore, no atmosphere or dread. The switch in the twist of the story would work if the film felt like a fully fleshed out character drama that delved into horror territory but it doesn't. Everyone seems to be phoning it in other than Jeté Laurence who plays Ellie. It's a waste of John Lithgow. I had such high hopes but this film fails. And now I'm worried about IT Chapter 2.

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DC has made their best Marvel movie. No, that's not a knock on this film. It's a fun family adventure with a lot of heart. Levi is great as Shazam and Mark Strong is the 2nd best DC on-screen villain. They dive right into the magic elements of the DC universe and also tell an origin story lead by heart and family. This was a fun ride with some funny moments. It seems DC/WB is on a streak now with this Aquaman and Wonder Woman.

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This is a wild fun vibrant action movie ride. James Wan is the best working action director at the moment. He creates great scenes, give the actors enough push to dive into these characters. This is the 2nd best DC film in my opinion but the most fun. Momoa, Heard and scene stealer Abdul-Mateen II are great. All comic book fans and DC fans need to see this film. Wan even gets to dive into his horror roots in a terrifying and bloody action scene in the middle of the film.

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High Maintenance: 3x02 Craig

This episode is wild. You never know where it’s going and it takes a few out there left turns. But that final moment during the credits is so damn good.

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Captain Marvel

I have been waiting for this movie for a long time. Being a huge fan of Captain Marvel I had high hopes. I was not let down. The film is fun, action packed and really funny. It starts off slow but it kicks into high gear about 15-20 minutes in. Brie is a spot on Carol. Sam Jackson seems to be having a blast. Ben Mendelson is excellent. And Goose the Cat steals every scene he’s in. There are some great twists and explanations to certain things in the MCU.

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The Fate of the Furious

This is a fun and entertaining eight films in the franchise. There are two action set pieces that standout both featuring either Dwayne Johnson and or Jason Statham. That sequence on the plane is pretty much the best moment in the movie. You can see what these two are getting their own spinoff. When they are on screen the film pops. Charlize Theron, makes I think one of the best villains in the series.

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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: 1x08 Princess Prom

This episode was great. It gave good character dynamics for each of the main characters. I got a very Buffy vibe from it as well. It seems to play on normal cartoon stereotypes while still being entertaining in a story we've seen before. It's a very good beginning to a two=pat episode that pushes the series into pretty awesome territory. With every episode, I love this show even more. And even though there are any out and out LGBTQIA characters I get a lot of vibes swinging that way from this episode.

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