Joe Constantine



xXx: Return of Xander Cage

The decline of modern cinema in 90 mins.

Is this for kids or grownups? The sex, violence and f-bombs suggest the latter but the "plot", "dialogue" and cartoonish characters suggests otherwise.

Why do all these military expert-cum-martial arts masters go into battle dressed like they're in a hip hop video? And by that I mean the men are in leather jackets, vests and "bling", while the women are dressed like prostitutes. The main female characters are anyway. The female extras are prostitutes.

Garbage all round.

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Doctor Who: 8x02 Into the Dalek

Contains my favorite Doctor Who dialogue of all time:

Doctor: "This is Clara. She's not my friend... she's... another word--"
Clara: "I'm his carer."
Doctor: "That's right, she's my carer. She cares so I don't have to."

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Cobra Kai: 2x10 No Mercy

The extended fight scene was a bit too much and pushed the limits of my suspension of disbelief. If I'm being brutally honest it felt like watching an episode of Power Rangers at times. That said, the outcome had real gravity and pushed the stakes even higher for next season. Also, that phone notification!

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Lulls you in as a typical silly Sandler flick (complete with potty humour) but then does a sneaky on you half way through and goes for the sentimental overload that hits you right in the feels. I keep thinking I'll get through it without crying but I never do.

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Click & Collect

I was surprised how much I enjoyed this. Not sure why my expectations were low because both Merchant and Chaudhry have form for good comedy (I'm especially a big fan of Chaudhry). Perhaps it's the short runtime and the "TV movie" status, but that works in its favour. It's funny, well paced and feel good, just what Christmas needed.

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La La Land

Visually stunning, musically charming, emotionally disarming. I could watch this over and over again.

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Black Panther

I don't know what I dislike most about this movie: it's racist depictions of warring tribes fighting with spears played by Westerners affecting stereotypical fake African accents, or riding armoured CGI rhinos... Whichever way you look at it it's not good.

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The OA: 2x05 The Medium & The Engineer

This series is getting stranger and stranger, and I'm not entirely sold on it. At the moment it feels like a mish mash of Stranger Things and Twin Peaks, a show that isn't really sure of its own identity or direction (please don't go all Castle Rock on us OA), but I wait to be proven wrong.

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The Walking Dead: 7x06 Swear

Well that was 50 minutes of my life I won't get back. One of the worst episodes for one of the worst characters.

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Cheers: 3x01 Rebound (1)

The introduction of Fraser Crane.

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The Walking Dead: 6x13 The Same Boat

Thanks for the spoiler in the preview image trakt!

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Dark: 2x08 Endings and Beginnings

Our Rob or Ross? :wink:

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Stranger Things: Season 1

Stranger Things Season 1 set a new bar for how stories should be told. Not a single bad episode, spectacular writing, perfect pacing, awesome visuals and soundtrack. It really was a perfect serial of 8 episodes.

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Empire Records

Channeling the spirit of John Hughes and the 80s, Empire Records is a sort of Breakfast Club for Generation Z. It's a story of misfits and underdogs thrown together on one ordinary yet extraordinary day that changes things forever.

When I discovered this gem via a friend sometime in the very early '00s, I'd watch it on a weekly—nay daily—basis. Amongst our circle of friends it became a cult classic, with characters who are instantly quotable (none more so than Rory Cochrane's zen-like Lucas) and a soundtrack that was legendary (even, and in fact especially, Rex Manning's kitch 'Say No More').

Clearly all these bad reviews have been written by The Man. Damn The Man, save the Empire!

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Inside No. 9: 2x02 The 12 Days of Christine

It only went and made me scrike

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We laughed and we cried.

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Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

Wonderfully refreshing!

"They love blood. They love action. Not this talky, depressing, philosophical bullshit."


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A funny, heart-warming tale of tolerance that's as subtle as a sledgehammer.

Not a bad effort but not the modern classic being praised in other reviews. It's a reasonable, plot driven story that younger viewers will enjoy (but which older viewers may find a little predictable), with enough humour to raise a few laughs from both kids and grownups alike. The film's message - while honorable and entirely befitting of today's climate of fear and tribalism - was delivered in such a ham-fisted way as to risk removing the audience from the movie experience. There isn't really a lot else to complain about though, so it's a thumbs up overall.

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The enjoyment of Primer doesn't come from understanding the spaghetti mass of time travel threads, it comes from being in awe at them.

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The Martian
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x04 The Outrageous Okona

Pound shop Han Solo :see_no_evil:

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Spider-Man 2

Much better than the first movie. Not as camp for a start, though still a little dated. The plot thread of Peter Parker struggling with his responsibilities and the sacrifices he has to make as a young man elevates this above a simple action flick.

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This is a really long episode of Power Rangers!

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11.22.63: 1x08 The Day in Question

Shout by Joe Constantine
BlockedParent2020-12-19T19:32:25Z— updated 2021-01-19T19:55:19Z

Superb close to a great series. I cried at the end :sob::see_no_evil:

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Travelers: 3x10 Protocol Omega

Now that is how you end a show!

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I Know What You Did Last Summer

Re-watched this for the first time since its release in 1997 when I watched it at the cinema. At 18 I remember it being pretty good and of course it was probably the only Scream clone to make any lasting impact, but watching in 2020 it seems to me that most of its success was down to the cast (two in particular eh?) and a hunger for teen slasher movies, and yes, I'll concede that the villain was memorable but compared to Ghostface? Pah!

Its bad. Its badly written and the acting is terrible. Scream could get away with certain clichés and silliness because it was self aware and Craven knew how to tread the line between humour and threat, but IKWYDLS takes itself far to seriously so has none of the charm it's progenitor has. The jump scares aren't going to get anyone today.

We had more fun picking it apart than we did watching the film itself.

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The OA: 2x04 SYZYGY

Was this episode written by Stephen King? I mean a telepathic octopus seems like something he would think was a good idea.

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The Avengers

I was pleasantly surprised by this. The dynamics between the newly assembled Avengers was entertaining and the action was pretty good. Not sure I ever really felt any sense of peril, but I doubt I ever would. The super heroes are bound to win, of course.

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Iron Man 2

It's difficult to get behind a hero who is as unlikeable as Tony Stark. Why would practically perfect people like Rhodes, Potts and Hogan give their time to this self-centred, egomaniacal man-child? I hope they tone him down for the remainder of these movies (I've promised my kids we will watch every single MCU movie) because otherwise they'll be pretty hard to watch :-/

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The Wizard

"I love the power glove. It's so bad."

I enjoyed this movie as a kid in the midst of the home videogame explosion. It probably wasn't a great film in the grand scheme of things but it does have that classic (albeit cringeworthy) quote. Not a bad take on the underdog story either.

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