Jim G.



Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6x06 Inescapable

Enoch rescues Fitz and Simmons from a mind trap in a Fitzsimmons-centric episode that might have been the most brilliant hour of television I've ever seen. Great acting, great dialogue, terrific humor, wonderful callbacks. Just brilliant.

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Mr. Robot: 4x07 407 Proxy Authentication Required

Nothing whatsoever happens to advance the season hack arc, but this is an incredible episode that brings together a lot from all four years of the show and provides a ton of insight into both Elliot and what all has driven him to this point. Great stuff, and it will certainly drive his actions for the remainder of the season and series.

The actor who played Vera needs to submit this one for an award or ten. The rest of the limited cast here was terrific, as well.

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Mr. Robot: 4x09 409 Conflict

Wow. Just...wow. I have to imagine that Michael Cristofer read this script and then went out and bought the writers a nice bottle or ten of single malt. What an EPIC exit for a fantastic character. Every single moment of Phillip's verbal exchange with Whiterose in this one was terrific, and Wong was no slouch here, either. Phillip was stalling for time and used that time to taunt and mock Whiterose, who was just a step behind in figuring it all out for the entire hour. Just phenomenal.

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The Americans: 6x05 The Great Patriotic War

Philip is awesome. His character arc has led him to such a decent place that I'm convinced that he's gonna end up dying. I can only hope that I'm wrong.

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Mr. Robot: 3x08 eps3.7_dont-delete-me.ko
The Magicians: 4x05 Escape from the Happy Place

For a show that consistently has some of the best dialogue out there, this was even better than usual. An A+++ effort, and the talented cast did a terrific job of delivering it. The actor who plays Eliot, in particular, really did a fantastic job in this one.

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Black Mirror: 4x04 Hang the DJ

Great episode. An interesting story made even better by terrific casting. I was rooting for them all the way.

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The Magicians: 3x02 Heroes and Morons

An amazing episode. Great stories and plot development, smart and funny dialogue, great delivery of those lines, and the usual solid production values. This show is firing on all cylinders at the moment.

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The Haunting of Hill House: 1x05 The Bent-Neck Lady

Poor Nellie. Poor sweet Nellie. The spooky train is barreling down the tracks at full speed in this one as we learn more about Nellie's childhood experiences at Hill House and the mixed results of her adulthood. I was rooting for her and her husband, so that particular tragedy was a real bummer. But the way that they took her long-term nightmare and turned it in on itself was impressive, and both the young and adult Nellie actors did a terrific job. Also, this outing did a great job of revisiting various scenes and bits of dialogue that we were first exposed to in previous episodes, giving us a chance to see them from a new perspective. By far the strongest outing so far, both in terms of the fear factor and just the humanity of it. Again, poor sweet Nellie. At least the suffering and the nightmares are over. Now we just have to find out what really happened to her in that final scene since she was hardly a reliable narrator type at that point.

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Mr. Robot: 3x06 eps3.5_kill-process.inc

"I guess he didn't like my note." Heh. I didn't think that they'd ever match last week's episode and then they went and did it the very next time out. Amazing. The Angela and Elliot stuff was solid, and the subsequent alternation between the slow burn of Dom's discoveries versus the frenetic pace of Elliot's efforts was terrific. And seeing Elliot literally battling himself like that would have been hysterical in another context, but here it was just nerve-wracking. And in the end, it was all for nothing. So many people were played. So many people still have no idea what's going on. But Elliot and Mr. Robot are starting to understand. And now they would seem to be on the same side, which would seem to make all the difference going forward. Good stuff.

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Hanna: 3x06 Do Not Sleep

I'm going to miss this show...

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Midnight Mass: 1x02 Book II: Psalms

Mike Flanagan has another winner on his hands. I was already a big fan, so I shouldn't be surprised that this one hooked me early and hard. It has it all: great characters, a terrific setting, no shortage of interesting plot elements, slow burns juxtaposed with moments of intensity. And while I can't wish it on real-world Beverlys -- who are legion -- I can and will wish a slow and painful death in a fire on this one. What a horrible human being. All kinds of ugly, but clever enough to cover it up enough to avoid being outright accused of being the nasty, bitter and controlling piece of work that she is.

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Westworld: 2x04 The Riddle of the Sphinx

The way that the William and Delos story was tied to the Bernard and Elsie story was terrific, as were the revelations that came out on the Bernard front. And the way that the Man in Black and Lawrence story was tied to the Raj woman's story was a real surprise, as well. "Hi, Dad" indeed. Just an amazing episode.

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The Magicians: 3x08 Six Short Stories About Magic

This was an amazing episode that was so densely packed with insights, information and interconnections that it was a blink-and-you'll-miss-something kind of deal. There was so much going on, in fact, that I'm going to have to watch it again to see what I missed on the first pass. All in all, another terrific outing for a show that's making that sort of thing the norm.

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The Exorcist: 2x10 Unworthy

A strong and beautiful finale. I hope to see more from this show, but if this was a series finale as well as a season finale, then it just went out on an extremely high note.

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Supernatural: 11x20 Don't Call Me Shurley

When this show nails it, as it does here, there's nothing better on television. And c'mon. God drinking from a World's Greatest Dad mug? That's the existential cherry on top of the Chuck sundae!

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Evil: 1x05 October 31

This show is turning out to be WAY better than I could have hoped. All three story lines in this Halloween-themed episode are great and the time spent watching it all goes by quickly. Still, though, how many times does Grandma have to prove what a crappy babysitter she is before Kristen stops trusting her with her kids?

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The Expanse: 3x06 Immolation

Another nearly perfect hour of television, with the only weak spots being in the area that Elizabeth Mitchell's character, Anna, was brought in to address. If the collective TV brainpower in Hollywood and Canada can't find a way to save a show of this quality, then the system really is irrevocably broken.

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The Haunting of Hill House: 1x10 Silence Lay Steadily

The pieces all fit together in the end. The Red Room provided each of them with what they needed, and perhaps with some of the glue to keep the pieces together. Other than that, can I just say that the Crain kids have the coolest dreams ever?

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12 Monkeys: 4x11 The Beginning (2)
The Expanse: 3x13 Abaddon's Gate

This show just keeps getting better and better. A great season finale, and I'm so glad that there will be more to come.

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Mr. Robot: 3x10 shutdown -r

A superb ending to a superb season. After an extremely disappointing second season, it was so nice to see the show rebound to this degree in season three. I'll definitely be back for more.

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Stranger Things: 2x08 Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer

Maybe I've seen a better and more exciting ending to a TV episode at some point in the past, but I can't begin to think of what it might have been. And then there's pretty much everything else that happened in this one, as well. Just a terrific outing all around. Bob would be proud.

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12 Monkeys: 4x09 One Minute More

"I'm the demon."

A superb twist on the maternity front, including how you-know-who became "Marion," which made perfect sense in that context while changing everything that we thought that we knew about Cole and his destiny. Next week's final two hours should be terrific.

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Westworld: 2x01 Journey Into Night

Poor Teddy. Poor simple Teddy. This one lived up to my expectations in every possible way, even when it was doing some fresh table-setting and rearranging a few things. Not much to complain about here at all. Well, they could have shown cute Charlotte changing clothes instead of focusing on Bernard's struggles at that point, but that's just me being a pig. And now that things are off and running, I look forward to seeing how a Bengal tiger and a bunch of corpses ended up where they did; and I'm also very much looking forward to learning more about the new game that William is playing...and how it's going to play out.

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Orphan Black: 5x07 Gag or Throttle

P.T. should have seen that coming.

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Scream Queens: 2x10 Drain the Swamp

Plenty of great lines and zingers in this one once again, with a decent wrap-up in case an unlikely third season doesn't happen. And plenty of stupid. The good kind of stupid. The kind of stupid that's actually making fun of stupid. In a stupid way.

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BrainDead: 1x13 The End of All We Hold Dear: What Happens When Democracies Fail: A Brief Synopsis

Shout by Jim G.

I'm going to miss this quirky, underappreciated gem. I'm assuming that the suits killed it back when they moved it to Sunday nights, but at least we'll always have this 13-episode season to revisit. And who knows? Maybe Gustav will get a spinoff show focused on his NSA duties. Because that would be awesome.

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Foundation: 2x10 Creation Myths

Birn deserves every acting award that might be coming her way after this one -- just an incredible performance on her part. But really, pretty much all of the primary actors in this one were impressive and brought their A-games to the party.

The story, too, moved forward at a decent pace and offered several characters some truly decent exits.

Overall, I have no complaints about this one.

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The Peripheral: 1x05 What About Bob?

This is a nearly perfect hour television, with a terrific narrative, fantastic dialogue, and incredible characters. The good guys, in particular, are really growing on me and making it extremely easy for me to root for them. I am enjoying the show tremendously.

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