Carlos Fernando Ibarra


Toronto, Ontario


Never gets old. One of my favorites. The social satire, with the ultraviolence and cool sci-fi story is just the perfect mix of fun. Plus all the great character actors and kick ass designs... I love this movie.

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Darkest Hour

Gary Oldman is fantastic in the part, but the movie did very little to keep me engaged or entertained, unfortunately.

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The Thing

I don't think it's possible for me to get sick of this movie.

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Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives

Easily one of the best in the series. It's where Jason stops being a scary threat and starts veering into unstoppable badass territory. It's also campy and takes the piss out of the series. Sending up the whole genre a good decade before Scream came along and did it. Jason looks cool, there are some inventive kills and Alice Cooper plays on the soundtrack. This was the height of the series.

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The Bad Batch

It's got great visuals and endless style, but there's not much substance. It's an interesting and original movie with a unique premise, so it gets points for that, but it feels self indulgent and like it's trying a little too hard to be cool. It's also far too long for its own good.

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One of, if not the best horror films of the 90s. It's class, style and ideas outshine. It features one of the best scores for a horror film period. And a bogeyman that is not only able to compete but outshines the best of them. If all that weren't enough, the social commentary, that's still relevant today, puts this film on another level.

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Pearl Harbor

It baffles me how a movie like Titanic is universally celebrated as one of the most important and successful films of all time, yet this movie is derided as strongly as it is. It's basically the SAME movie! I'd like to hear a good argument for the difference of opinions on these films, and not one with just childish defenses like "It's just terrible!!!". It's a little bloated, but it has an effective, tragic love story, as sappy as it may be. And it features an impressive, bombastic recreation of that tragic disaster. It works well enough for what it is.

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Police Story

Wow! Just wow. The way Chan is able to balance martial arts, with crazy stunts and slapstick humor is insanely impressive and always proves why he is regarded as such a master. This movie is pure entertainment. Probably the best in his filmography. It's easy to forget (because we've become so immune, due to years of over-the-top cartoon action with CGI, safety nets, and padded sets) that there was a time where we were thrilled, and even cringed at some of these types of bone crunching stunts that these people would put themselves through for our entertainment. Bravo Jackie Chan.

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Coming to America

Still holds up as such a classic, feel good comedy. Murphy plays the fish-out-of-water story earnestly, rather than the typical, oblivious goofball. It's probably Eddie Murphy's best movie.

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Cars 3

Surprisingly good for a franchise that has been worn out for a long time. The themes of aging and adapting to new generations and ones lot in life is pretty poignant. It's easily the best of the series to me.

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Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Heckerling and Crowe construct a totally timeless and authentic window into high school life and the trials and tribulations adolescents go through. It shows the deeper problems teenagers face while also showing the lighter side of things through being fun as hell.

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Predator 2

Damn good sequel. Why is it fans like to toss this one off as some inferior piece of crap? Is it just because of Glover and how he's the opposite of Arnold? I think that was the whole point, and it works... It's got tons of great action, some good scary moments (arguable some scarier than the first) and it expands the mythology. What more could you ask for? Was there just not enough ripped, topless beefcakes for you guys...?

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You Were Never Really Here

Another impressive performance from Phoenix coupled with an artsy aesthetic makes this a work that you should see. I felt uncomfortable watching it, and not many movies leave me with that feeling anymore. It's also vague enough to keep you asking questions and dissecting it long after. I'll definitely be watching this again.

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The Hustler

It's not a happy film about a pool shark that hustles folks for the big triumphant win at the end. It's a dark, kind of depressing look at the addiction a lifestyle like this can cause, an addiction that can ruin your life and those around you. Paul Newman deserved the Oscar that year.

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Police Academy

Ridiculous slapstick fun. It's a classic comedy that still holds up. Even if it could never be made today without offending everyone.

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Batman: Gotham by Gaslight

A very good adaptation of possibly the first elseworlds comic. Where Batman is placed in the Victorian era to square off against Jack the Ripper. It's dark and a refreshing take on this character. Again, why can't the live action movies be as good as these animated ones...?!

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The Love Witch

Quite a genuine and affectionate throwback, yet it's not quite as "stirring" or funny as I was lead to believe, nor does it have the horror elements the genre was known for. The visuals are impressive though, as the 70s aesthetic is captured lovingly.

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I Know What You Did Last Summer

One of the only Scream-clones to come out of the 90s that was pretty good itself. Not Scream good, but there is a cool killer, likeable cast and a solid revenge plot. I may be biased though, 'cause I was just the right age when it came out.

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Street Kings

Predictable, typical, by-the-numbers cop thriller. Nothing really unique about it, but it's done well enough and if you're in the mood for this kind of movie, you should enjoy it. The grittiness helps, as does a handful of tough guy scenes with Keanu.

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Collateral Beauty

Wow. The reviews of this are ridiculous. I'm so tired of the armchair "critics" out there today, and the nonsense they whine about. Sure, there's nothing all that noteworthy here, but it's a pretty good weepy with some good performances. If you're in that kind of mood or dig these actors give it a go.

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Hilarious. It's funny how much of this still holds up. The end does drag on a little tough. I still think it should have ended at the graduation ceremony...

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Drag Me to Hell

A great return to form for Raimi. This movie has it all to get me going: dark as night, a twisted, goofy sense of humor, a great score and some damn effective jump scares. The premise may be silly as hell, but it's solid. It is one entertaining horror flick.

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One of my favorite movies period. But also one of the best damn Christmas movies ever. I try to watch it every year, and it still never disappoints. Sure some of the effects are dated, but it doesn't stop the whole thing from being mischievous, looney toons fun.

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The Incredibles

I still think this is my favorite Pixar movie. It holds up so well, and it just delivers such solid family fun with some genuine laughs and actual impressive action sequences.
How is it Pixar able to get a Fantastic Four movie done soo perfectly, but Marvel can't...?

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Unfriended: Dark Web

Wow. I don't know if it's because my expectations were low, or I was just in the right mood, but that surprised me big time. The characters were grating on my nerves at first, but once it really started going, I found it really unsettling. I was tense throughout most of the movie, and that doesn't happen much with even the best of horror movies for me. The format takes some getting used to, and that will be hard for certain audiences to get into (especially older crowds), but I found it damn effective.

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Game Night

It was okay. There's some genuinely funny bits, and the story works well, but it's just not a laugh out loud comedy. It's more a movie you watch for a few chuckles. It has a really likeable cast though, that share great chemistry.

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Brilliant satire. It skewers media and the heights it goes to for ratings. It's both sad and scary how timely the movie still is. It just goes to show that we really haven't changed that much...

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Fried Green Tomatoes

Very obvious with its attempts to pull at the heartstrings, as such it can feel overly sentimental and mushy at times, but the backstory is genuinely interesting and the cast is solid, making you care about these people.

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Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay

Once again the animation department at DC shows how these properties SHOULD be handled. Why can't these people be the ones in charge of the films...?! It earns it's R rating, with some gruesome violence. This is definitely an adult cartoon. It's over-the-top, ridiculous and fun.

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In the Heat of the Night

An excellent film noir with great performances by the leads and a social commentary that not only was potent for the time, but still resonates.

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