Jay Kerr


England, UK

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

My all-time favourite film, and I doubt that'll change. It has a great soundtrack, tons of nerdy references, and somehow manages to be a novel adaptation that's almost as good as the novels themselves!

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Was It Something I Said?

Richard Ayoade is a god. I hope this gets more seasons just because he's on it.

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As someone who's been a major fan of many TV shows for years and years, and someone who only got into Lost a few months ago: Lost is the greatest thing to ever have been televised. Seriously. Nothing has ever been so immersive, atmospheric and ambitious as this show. It had me gripped from start to finish, and I was genuinely satisfied by the ending (it's incredibly misunderstood). There has never been a TV series as big as Lost, and there may never be again.

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I'm so glad this has its own personalised "Streets Ahead" for a 10/10 rating. One of the best things on TV that's not on TV.

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