naughty Entertainer


Omicron Persei 8


Really nice. Except for the director or the writer being a huge classical music nerd. I really enjoyed it. Good story. Good cast. But suicide squad was more op. But all things together it was really very good.

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Vikings: Season 1

I didn't like it. It was just directed well. That's all there is to it. It was nothing special. Nothing interesting. I wasted my time. But people will praise the shit out of it. Why though? because others have praised. A decent story.

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The Witcher: Season 2

A big improvement over season one. good story telling. While the season one was complete mess. This season was better from every aspect. Things were making sense. Decent explanation. So yeah. endure season one. Then enjoy season two.

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The Witcher: Season 1

This season wasn't too good. They simultaneously continued past and present story line. That made it a mess. You will have hard time to understand which one is past and which is present. Nothing was making sense. People doing things on whim. No strong characters. Nor inspiring. Nothing brilliant content. Too overrated. But I suggest to endure this season. The next season is better and edible. This season is a no brainer. There is a huge story. After completing the season 2. And I love superman (The witcher). That's all.

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Shadow and Bone

I love this great series. And yet it is just beginning. Just wow. Even though the budget wasn't sufficient enough. But this series is totally ninja. And have potential to be with same standing as GOT.

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Squid Game

I came for bronze but found diamond.

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I really didn't expect this much kick ass super hero series. It was phenomenal. The animation, characters were really good. Although there are a lot of gore and blood. But that's how it looks like.

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Banshee: Season 1

Oh the violence was intense. It is not like those cliche type where enemy fires bullets and they hit anything but the character. Or they hit like a mosquito bites. This is the real deal. All the fightings, mele combat, action, blood, wound, agony and other things were highly detailed and well directed. The characters are vivid. And well organized. I didn't fell bored for a single moment. Every actors were highly talented. The story was good as well. everything about it was really really good. So yeah I enjoyed the show.

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Dark: Season 1

This show reminds me of a great quote from kung fu panda that "There is no secret ingredients". To make something special you need to believe it is special. This show is just like that. Literally 75% of the show was silence, staring, walking, thinking nothing with annoying background music. Nothing was explained. Ends with a chiffenger. So no enjoyment at all. Every dialogue takes literally one or two minutes intervals to go to the next dialogue. Too much boring most of the times. Some hypothetical theories are shown to make things spicy. Very confusing but a little bit logic was shown. How blackhole and warmhole do stuffs. That didn't make any sense at all to me.first I highly suggest you to learn a few things about blackhole yourself. Then you will find how much pathetic this thing is. These things are so hypothetical that it turned into some sick joke. So please go learn science then rate a science fiction. It was good but too boring. This thing reminds me of TNET which was a complete joke. But this is good and there were some legit logic behind those phenomenal.

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The Umbrella Academy: Season 2

Worse than previous one. But there are some kick ass scenes.

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The Umbrella Academy: Season 1

The show doesn't deserve those budget. The characters were bad at literally everything except one. The direction was so good. But the story was mediocre. But there are some interesting things as well. After completing this is just a regular show. I didn't enjoy this that much.

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May I come in Madam?: Season 1

If you know hindi you gotta watch this. It is a masterpiece comedy show.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Season 1

It was a wonderful journey filled with emotion, joy, sadness, thrill, adventure and so on. A great cartoon series. Outstanding animation with a lot of fighting. Very well directed

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Ben 10

A very well animated series indeed. Brings back memories from childhood. Quite nostalgic to re re watch this. Good characters, animation, plot, action and very well directed. Not for everyone. Those who like hardcore extremely serious contents can't enjoy this one. Instead those who can appreciate a fun comfy series with lots a action and a pretty good plot. This show definitely deserve a try.

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