

Valyria, Essos

Baby Reindeer

Starts slow, but stay with it. Episode 4 is such a switch in mood. You think it's "just" gonna be a story about a guy being stalked, but it goes so much deeper.

Absolutely loved this, but it was definitely harrowing to watch.

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Baby Reindeer: 1x03 Episode 3

This shit is terrifying. I hope this acts as a cautionary tale for people. Don't just go along with this shit to be polite, call the fucking police if they won't leave. Please. Don't be a "nice" person and let people push your boundaries.

Also, obviously please don't stalk people.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x01 The Boy in the Iceberg

Finally getting to this show! Never watched it as a kid but I've heard so much great things about it. I'm in for a ride, I bet!

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From: 2x10 Once Upon a Time…

I actually enjoyed this show. I feel like people hate it so much because they had huge expectations. I went into it thinking it'd be a messy ride with no clear answers and that's pretty much exactly what I got, so I'm content. It's like a less interesting version of Lost, basically. Definitely gonna come back for season three.

I did see that ending coming from a mile away though, and I wonder how they're gonna connect it all next season.

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From: 2x07 Belly of the Beast

So is everyone seeing the music box now? Is it because they hung out with Boyd or the dead monster or what? I honestly still like this show, it's not the best I've ever seen but I'm still intrigued. Feels like a baby version of Lost, just hope it ties stuff together in the end but I'm not betting on it.

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From: 1x10 Oh, the Places We'll Go

I sincerely hope the writers actually have an answer to all this shit and aren't just making stuff up on the spot. I'm liking it, but I just can't get myself to be too invested because I lived through Lost lol.

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Twin Peaks: 3x16 Part 16

Is the rest of the season had just been this, it would've been one of the best seasons of television ever. Too bad it took SIXTEEN EPISODES to get to this place. Felt like a relief now though, like everything is finally in its right place. The music, Cooper, everything. Feels like home.

Btw I just KNEW something was up with Audrey. All of her scenes felt off, and they were fighting for like a week before venturing out of their home while she kept being confused. Interested to see if that plotline leads anywhere.

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Twin Peaks: 3x13 Part 13

This show just feels like a bunch of random scenes edited together. Most of them don't even seem to have any purpose. I sincerely hope they end up making sense soon and that most of it is connected. I'm just constantly waiting for shit to happen.

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Twin Peaks: 3x10 Part 10

This is getting so boring and drawn out. I'm really losing interest. But I'm gonna finish it, albeit slowly... It better not be slow episode after slow episode up until the last two or something.

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Twin Peaks: 3x08 Part 8

I'm generally not a fan of art house films, so I can't really appreciate this. I get that it's representing the birth of evil and therefore the birth of Bob, but I feel like it could've been told in 15 minutes. It's so drawn out. I get that that's kind of the point, but I just can't enjoy it that much. At least the editing was nice and some of the shots were cool. But overall I just waited for it to be over.

Also, if I wanted to see a NIN performance I would've just looked it up on youtube. Idk why we had to sit through the whole goddang song.

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Twin Peaks: 3x03 Part 3

I actually loved this a lot. Cooper's return was hilarious. Also, I love that the special effects look like they come right out of the 90's, the jankiness is still present in the best way.

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Twin Peaks: 2x22 Beyond Life and Death

Wait... that's the ending? I mean, it was great as a stand alone episode, but there's no resolution to just about any plot point. Must've felt so frustrating watching this as it aired, wondering if there was an episode missing or something. At least we got more to watch now. Overall, the series should've ended with Leland's demise. The rest of the season felt like filler except for the last two episodes.

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Twin Peaks: 2x20 The Path to the Black Lodge

Shout by Jessica

Finally something's happening again. The past 5+ episodes could've all been one tbh, so much filler. Excited to see Bob back!!

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Twin Peaks: 2x19 Variations on Relations

It really does feel like a different show than what it started out as. This second half of S2 should've just been a third season to make it feel more like a natural change of pace.

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Twin Peaks: 2x11 Masked Ball

Pleasantly surprised by the show's treatment of Denise, feels pretty progressive for its time. Especially since the characters just accept it and move on without making any bad jokes.

Overall this episode felt a bit like a soap opera though, especially with that ending. Feels like a twist coming out of nowhere and without substance. Feels like the season should've ended at Laura's case being closed and the rest should've been polished and perhaps made into a third season, because now it's just droning on without a real goal.

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Twin Peaks: 2x09 Arbitrary Law

Holy shit, what an episode! This stuff is exactly what I'm here for! Feels like the show is really ramping up now, with supernatural (?) stuff happening all around, nothing is for certain.

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Twin Peaks: 2x07 Lonely Souls

Shout by Jessica

I knew something was up with Leland!! But how the hell can there be 10 or so episodes left? Can't be that simple, can it? Super excited to keep watching and see what fuckery is coming.

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Twin Peaks: 2x01 May the Giant Be with You

Shout by Jessica

I can tell it's getting weirder already. Some of the characters seem to have been altered from the last season... like, what is up with Donna? She's suddenly a completely different person. I'm excited though. Seems to be continuing on the same track, and I assume we're finally gonna hear from Ronette!

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Twin Peaks: 1x08 The Last Evening

I'm surprised this first season was that... normal? It's quirky and fun, but not off the rails like I've always heard this show is. But then again, the second season is apparently where it amps up and gets overboard surreal. I can't wait! This season felt more like a character study from all angles than a murder mystery though. It was pretty obvious who the bad guys were from the start, but we'll see... Great cliffhanger anyway, just about everyone is in danger/hurt or about to be in a sticky situation. Interesting to see how it all ends up.

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Twin Peaks: 1x06 Cooper's Dreams

Audrey's dad is really involved with everyone, huh?

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Twin Peaks: 1x03 Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer

Laughed through the whole episode and then the dream sequence had me in shock. This is exactly my type of shit.

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Twin Peaks: 1x02 Traces to Nowhere

Liked this more than ep 1, which I still enjoyed, but this just felt a bit tighter thanks to the shorter runtime. Overall I just love the weird vibes. Odd characters all around and I'm here for it! So curious about how the rest of the season will unfold.

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Stranger Things: 4x07 Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

At least stuff happens in this episode but it's still TOO LONG. I was relieved once it was over because it felt like an eternity. Still liked it, and the 001 thing is great. Predictable, sure, but I do like it.

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Stranger Things: 4x06 Chapter Six: The Dive

This season really is... boring. It could've been great if they had just cut the episodes in half and skipped most of the filler dialogue. It's just dragging along so slowly. There's also so many plot holes. There always used to be some, but they're abundant this season. I really hope the fifth and final season makes up for all of this.

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Stranger Things: 4x05 Chapter Five: The Nina Project

This might be the most boring episode of the series. It's just too long. It didn't need to be 1 hour. Honestly, most of the episodes of season 4 don't need to be that long, but this one especially. Too much filler. Still love the Hopper monologue, that's the main takeaway from this episode for me.

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Stranger Things: 4x04 Chapter Four: Dear Billy

Sadie really acted the hell out of this season. Insane.

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Stranger Things: 4x01 Chapter One: The Hellfire Club

I remember being kinda indifferent to this season on the first watch, but I kinda get it now. It's a different vibe, but I dig it. It feels more like proper horror than any of the other seasons ever did. Not scary per se, but they're leaning into it a bit more. I remember Vecna being a brilliant character, but the rest of the show kinda went by in a blur, so I'm curious to see how I enjoy the rest of it the second time around.

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Stranger Things: 3x08 Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt

After rewatching this again I still think this is my favourite episode of the show, it's so good. I always cry for the last 20 or so minutes, without fail. But I honestly think Hopper should've actually died here. Yes, it would've been sad, but him magically being alive when we've all cried for half an episode about him feels like such a shitty move. I love this show but the way it has no stakes for the main characters is the worst thing about it. We all know they'll survive no matter what. Basically, Hopper is my fav character, but that should've been the end of his run.

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The Mole: 1x04 Bank Heist

If Joi isn't the mole, she's def good at acting like one lol.

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The Crown: 6x10 Sleep, Dearie Sleep

Honestly, was expecting a bit more for the ending. The whole last season just felt a little flat. Maybe the death of the actual queen made them go a bit too soft? It just didn't feel as grand or intricate as the past seasons, and the constant use of "ghosts" speaking to characters got a bit ridiculous. Overall however, it was a great series that I will probably be rewatching at some point in the future.

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