


Mr. Robot

ATM the first episode alone outdoes overrated shows like Scorpion, Homeland, Gotham, The Flash, Daredevil, GoT, (CSI Cyber)... in all aspects. It's like "keep a little boring stuff for mainstream, but still mainly focusing on the cool stuff";) Logical flaws are hardly to find. This I did not expect!

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Good scale and possibilities on paper, but uninspired in the realization - this show will be renamed from "Gotham" to "Gossip" next season.

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The Shannara Chronicles: Season 1

What can I do to get this show canceled and proper redone!? - running naked through the internet???

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What the Health

...including some lies and overreacting. the few facts are abused to make it appear this "opinion" or better "limited point of view" is the only solution.

No Question most people eat to big, unhealthy and to much meat.

But are animal-eating animals unhealthier than plant-eating animals? Are they​ extinct? No! It has more to do with exercise.

"Casein is addicting" No! All things you do (eat, move, learn, toilette...) trigger the same reward system in the brain for a reason.

An Egg containing all nutrients to create a new life - in their opinion egg yellow kills you. lol
It's 2017 and they still think cholesterol from food is harmful for the body.

What about insects animal protein? Why became the dominant species on this planet an everything eater?

... and so on.

propaganda movie which could have been perfected with a narrator voice of Putin or Erdogan. The same kind of movie could have been made for "only eat meat, plants will kill you"

learning sustainable nutrition not with this "documentary". you might want to go vegan for reasons, but not for this.

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Doctor Who: Season 9

Worst season since the reboot! U can easily skip it... No, u should to not thinking bad about...thinking bad about D*****... about Who?

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 1x03 Blood Ties

In 1975 the time-pace-ship wants keep undetected, that's why it cloaks AFTER landing - believable.
Also just another show in which it seems in every episode the villian catches the stupid heroes, but doesn't kill them, rather just talks and talks and talks...until the heroes get suprisingly rescued. Repeat in next episode. Just to keep the show running, but it doesn't get better.

The plothole list is endless, writing and acting is terrible. This show is just time waste.

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One-Punch Man: 1x04 The Modern Ninja

A show that makes fun of itself. "We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please Standby." Hilarious.

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The Librarians: 3x01 And the Rise of Chaos

If you like cliches, simplified characters, problems and solutions, then this episode reaches a new climax for you. The music in the "episode solution"-part is boldly stolen from "Doctor Who"', I wondered, but of course cannot compare to his stories. If you can't concentrate longer than 5 minutes you even won't notice anything bad, no stereotypes, and not even the always repeating same stories parts since the series started - all would be logical for you - - - if your life is not endless, try to watch the good things first.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x07 Light and Shadows

Just 1 example, because I'm lazy at writing, too. lol

Instead of Discovery launching the probe to the rift, they boarded the probe on a shuttle and launched(!) it from there anyway. So no reason to fly so close to the rift for anyone anyway. The whole reason that this filler episode dilemma (following plot) even could exist
Yeah, I buy it!.

The whole series is so lazy at connecting storylines believable and dialogs are underwhelming and stupid - focusing on fancy eyecatchers.

I get it, as good SciFi-writer I would also prefer working for "The Expanse".

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12 Monkeys: Season 3
Heroes Reborn: 1x11 Send in the Clones

So many things are already wrong with this show and now this! lol
Just for a headstart: Writing a scene for normal humans but forgetting about Matt Parkmans abilities...results in giving Matt a gun in a hostage situation, but then let him mindcontrol the clones, killing themselves with their own guns. What? Should a gun make the audience more thrilled?
Have I missed something? Thought the last writers strike was finished.
If the writers don't know their characters, maybe it's time for them to think about a occupational change. I'm sure their are many talented jobless writers out there for replacement.

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Tokyo Ghoul: 2x12 Ken

Although nearly nothing happens, 24 min flew ayway. Seems like they put the whole money & time of the season in the animations of this last episode. Very well executed.

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Fear the Walking Dead

So more of the same??? Why a Spin-Off? If they have so many plot ideas, why not putting it in the main series? The main series could need some fresh air.

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Minority Report

Finally, one of these rare SciFi-Shows focusing on crime. YEAAHHH! ;) - No for real, not again!!! - Make a second season of "Almost Human" if u have that money or leave it. - This seems to be an american cliche to the series "Pscho-Pass" - same as in movies, here now, too - Copy&(Bad)Paste

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Doctor Who: Special 1 The Star Beast

Thumbs up for bringing in the non-binary topic to the mainstream (although they won't understand - they only know "trans"). Haters gonna hate....

But the forced combining of this and explanation to the "Doctor Powers" and "Story Solution" and dialogues are brain dead bad and the worst I have ever seen from , now returning, Russel T. Davies. You could do better. The Rest of the Plot is uninteresting and has a boring plot twist. Surprise: The cute looking pet hasn't always to be the nice guy - what a shocker (not) ! And it's illogical that the damage to the city is undone after the start of the spaceship is stopped - there is no time travel involved! so why fixing the streets? It's lazy writing, not wanting to deal with consequences of actions that happened.

Acting and directing very good, though.

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12 Monkeys: 3x10 Witness
12 Monkeys: 3x04 Brothers
12 Monkeys: 3x03 Enemy

both story arcs are terrible. The striking women alive and untrustable, still they believe her. Torture without doubt. Suddenly endless energy for the time machine therefore. Obviously getting only lies, still believe her. She tells them that she was that child in the cell by that doctor. But using the time machine saving her, solving all problems, finally ending the series - No! It's needed that she is crazy and the bad girl, because the witness as enemy is only a distraction. obious. lazy writing, again.
deacon arc worst copy and worst acting of this kind of story - noone gives a shit about his dad and why he has become this deacon version, has no meaning for the small influence he has on the story change. And the rest just happens for the not suprising truth in the season final. It is really bad writing if the audience could know the whole time to which end it goes. The guardians and the witness meaningless in the end.

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12 Monkeys: 3x02 Guardians

The "bad guys" travel trough time all the time fixing their mistakes/resetting time, but same time the "good guys" aren't allowed - lazy writers.
The season would normally end here only if killing their son would be the solution. So it's obvious the writers know and telling you, that it is not and in fact a meaningless story arc. So no real danger here, doesn't matter what the main characters do or not do, season final is ever way inescapable.

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Elementary: 5x01 Folie à Deux

getting an award for "Worst Special Effects Explosion in an A-Series-Premiere" isn't a great start for this episode. looks like there was no time to finish this effect. but the episode isn't bad at all.

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Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

New Season 2017 - Code Geass: Lelouch of the Revival R3

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Sleepy Hollow: 3x18 Ragnarok

trakt.tv has no such rating. time to invent it. 0/10 aka "Painful"

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The Expanse

Not disappointed! A real scifi show, not seen in years, unexpected to come from the (current) syfy channel. But to be fair, it's based on a book series.

The style & CGI reminds me on "BSG (2003)", but "The Expanse" is something new and different. Starts a bit slow, but delivers a deep complex and atmospheric story. Very, very, very good and unknown actors, what a viewer won't notice from the start.
The superb screenwriting alone tells a story, but not alone creates this milestone.
The cool thing is, it changes the genre and setting a bit during the 1 season. So not just the story alone changes things and makes it interesting. - Spoiler! - As viewer you may first think it's Pre-"Aldnoah.Zero"+Belters (boring...), but through new completely different plot-lines changes to be more mystery and horror.

Thanks! That I did not skipped this show!

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The Revenant

oh, how dramatic...fighting for survival, crawling and rather eating raw meat. But in background more than one campfire, and cooked meat would give the body more calories. Also near death cannot move & cannot do anything about the killing of the other guy and attemped murder on himself in the beginning, later as he is alone no problem with walking and such stuff. The movie is trying too hard to impress the audience instead of being realistic dramatically.

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Doctor Who: 9x07 The Zygon Invasion (1)

Once in a time "Doctor Who" was good. But this is generic shit.

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Babylon 5: 5x22 Sleeping in Light

Best ending for a tv show (next to Code Geass) I have ever seen!

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Sonic the Hedgehog

Great Movie.
But if you are german, do yourself a favor - watch the english syncro!
The german dialogue book is terrible and "Julien Bam" did a horrible job with the sonic syncro. Just got the job of his popularity.
Even if you don't speak the language and compare english audio with german audio you will get the quality gap. It's day and night.

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Great Movie.
But if you are german, do yourself a favor - watch the english syncro!
The german dialogue book is terrible and "Julien Bam" did a horrible job with the sonic syncro. Just got the job of his popularity.
Even if you don't speak the language and compare english audio with german audio you will get the quality gap. It's day and night.

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Project Shadow

English voice acting of the blue dressed girl is annoyingly horrible, voice sound effects of English dub are terrible - all the rest is superb.

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12 Monkeys: 3x09 Thief

back story of the witness. just a side story for the next final episode. best episode of the season, still not done very good. have seen better on such kind of story. still meaningless distraction, clear after(!) next episode

makes no sense they trust Olivia more than Jennifer Goines.
Suddenly travel back to the same time event again and again by the witness is allowed, because the writers say so. Stupid!
No explanation, why "traveling back in time saving his girlfriend not resulting in: not having the need to traveling back in time to save his girlfriend in first place"-Paradox (the paradox conflicting with his own timeline) takes not place. But it's logic, because the writers say so! Lazy writing and stupid!

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