

Omicron Persei 8

Jersey Shore Massacre

Dumb. And not "good" dumb.

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The Grinch

What the hell... A mess.

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Boring fight scenes with stiff choreography and a pretty graphic rape scene. Lots of women get tortured. The acting was hilariously bad. I think the only thing this had going for it was how absurdly awful some of the outfits were.

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From Justin to Kelly
Hocus Pocus

I like this one. "Kiddie" enough that I can watch with the youngest, but with a bunch of older humor to still be pretty fun. And I always forget how dark this can be at times... Kids die! And early! I think this does really well at ratcheting up the tension quick (these kids could die too!) while being able to present the witches in a "fun" way to kids... but man, that opening is dark for a kids movie.

I love the scenes with the witches wandering around on the kid packed streets of Halloween. The scenes with the Marshalls gets me everytime, "Master" dancing in the dining room with Sarah Jessica Parker ("THEY call me Master!"). Mom dressed as Madonna and the parents joking about parties in L.A... Watching Sarah Jessica Parker soooo wanting to "play with" all the non-witches. "ICE". Yeah, the non-Bette witches themselves can be a little too idiotic / annoying at times, but overall I think the movie does a good job blending together a bunch of different fun moments.

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Nightmare Sisters
Equalizer 2000
The Lion King

Watched with the youngest. She's seen this many times, though it was the first time I'd sat and watched the whole thing in well over a decade. Such a great story.

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Watched with the guys, I liked this. We made a lot of "Raid" jokes early on (the premise is super close), but it was different enough... Definitely not great, but it was a lot of fun. I didn't really know anything about the Judge Dredd universe and this has me searching out graphic novels / collections. Loved the gritty "used future" style. Would be interested to hear suggestions on storylines or anything to search out or stay away from... there's a TON out there.

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Imagine they made a Batman movie where Batman is constantly whining/pouting about his lot in life and all the fight scenes were over-layed with nu-metal... That's this but for Hellboy. Hellboy is supposed to be dark and gritty (think Nolan/Bale's Batman) with a very dry sense of humor... While that definitely wasn't the case here, the fight scenes were fun and it was great to see Gruagach and Daimio (though Daimio's CGI was.. not nearly as good as anybody elses?). Glad to have seen it, but still waiting for an actual Hellboy movie. Something more along the lines of what Nolan did with Batman.

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A family classic. All of my girls have been into mermaids and the older girls wanted to introduce this movie to the youngest. We had fun laughing with the movie, and sometimes at the movie. I think the older girls realized that this "classic" they love isn't really "good", but could still be fun to watch.

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Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity

Watched with the guys. Late 80s sci-fi exploitation movie. Had to have been made on a shoestring budget... we had fun laughing at the special effects, set pieces, and "costumes". Not horrible.

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Spider-Man: Homecoming

Catching up... Was really fun and I liked it as part of the MCU, but doesn't hold up to Into the Spider-verse. I need to see Birdman as Keaton is just great.

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I'm a sucker for Paul Rudd and this was a lot of fun.

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The Others

Holds up. Watched with the family, less the youngest and oldest, as the middles wanted a scary movie for Friday the 13th. Definitely rewards a re-watch. If you haven't seen this yet then don't read anything about it... highly suggested.

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters

I'm a sucker for "big monster" movies when in the right frame of mind (I enjoyed Rampage). There was some cringy writing here that really bugged me, but overall it was a lot of fun. Looking forward to the inevitable Kong versus Godzilla... Curious if we'll ever see a Mecha-Godzilla in this cinematic universe.

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Lucio Fulci does Conan... If Conan wielded a laser bow and slightly phallic nunchucks. This wasn't good. Had a bunch of the Fulci signature gore with people getting either ripped apart in various ways or sliced up.... I'm pretty sure the "Beastmen" were wearing discount Chewbacca costumes. Fulci tried to hide these "special effects" behind heavily-vasolined lenses and/or TONS of fog. Seriously, I constantly thought my glasses were dirty or found myself squinting. Hard pass, would not suggest.

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Repo Man

Watched on Dude's Night, this movie is not good. It takes forever to get started, has awful dialog, bad special effects, horrible editing, and poor action scenes. Apparently the screenwriter completely disowned the movie after seeing the final cut...

Scenes go from daylight to pitch-black-night as someone gets out of their car... There's a "two-way mirror" that looks like it was made using construction paper and tinfoil... Even the action scenes were horrible. Sooo many issues. So unintentionally absurd.

The guy that picked this movie had read about how god-awful this was and thought it'd be fun to laugh at. He wasn't wrong. While this is definitely not a "good" movie, it deserves whatever cult status it has as a bad one.

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Paddington 2

Watched Saturday night with the family...

I have no prior knowledge of Paddington Bear, never read or heard the stories or even seen the first movie (the kids had). I found this to be a fun movie: heartwarming with an incredible cast. I was surprised at how many stars they stuffed into this movie... I'm guessing Paddington Bear is a lot bigger in the UK? I especially enjoyed the performances by the Hughs: Bonneville and Grant... And The Doctor! Of course he plays a gruff old man. It's great to see these big name actors not taking themselves seriously. Lots of humor aimed squarely at the adults in the audience.

Some of the the plot points were pretty weak, really just set up for gags, but this is a movie about a talking bear living in London. You've got to go in expecting some of this...

The kids seemed to like it alright, there was a lot of laughter. My wife LOVED it. Me? It was fun.

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Somewhat Disneyfied documentary following the story of young chimp Oscar, narrated by Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor/Allen. If you watch the trailer a significant plot point in Oscar's story will be completely spoiled, but it's really no matter... Watching the story unfold was great.

The whole movie was beautifully shot, they catch some incredibly touching scenes. If you watch, stay for the credits as there's some great behind the scenes footage of, and commentary by, the film makers. I'm thankful there are folks willing to go through everything these folks had to go through to show us these images and tell these stories...

Should note that while mine and my wife's attentions were thoroughly engrossed, and although this is a short movie at only an hour and eighteen minutes, my middle kids' (mid- to pre-teens) attentions were lost pretty quick. My youngest (5yo) seemed to really like it though.

I'd suggest it if you're looking for something similar to Planet Earth, but with a little more emotion.

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Creepy psychological art horror, a failed "puppeteer" is forced to confront trauma. This was an uncomfortable watch. Not blood and guts uncomfortable, but mold, decay, and what-the-hell-is-going-on uncomfortable with a rather disturbing spider "puppet" (see poster) along for the ride. Incredible acting, though the ridiculousness of how dour the main character's face is throughout most of the movie verges on the absurd.

I didn't enjoy watching this movie, but it's a good movie and I'll probably think about for a long while. And because of that, I'd probably watch again. Suggested.

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Showdown in Little Tokyo

Typical late 80's early 90's buddy cop action movie mixing in karate and the Yakuza. This movie is squarely in the "so bad it's funny" camp. The other guys LOVED this one, I just didn't really care for it. We did laugh a lot.

Dolph Lundgren had some crazy ridiculous outfits and Brandon Lee has some lines that are so awful I felt bad for him... Also had Tia Carrere pre-Wayne's World and Al Leong as... another henchman (really want to see the documentary on Al, aptly titled "Henchman").

For a movie with both Dolph and Brandon Lee though, I thought the fight scenes were surprisingly mediocre.

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Alita: Battle Angel

Had some fun scenes and the cyberpunk universe is neat. Overall pretty "meh" though given the groan inducing dialog and the more emotional parts of the plot line falling completely flat. Visually though: hell yeah.

Crazy some of the big names they got. Christoph Waltz was great as was Mahershala Ali. Jennifer Connelly, though in the trailers was a surprise to me (didn't realize that was her). Also a surprise was REDACTED.

Be warned, I've read a few reviews from people really annoyed at not knowing this, but this is only part 1 of X. Related, this chapter ends on a fairly unsatisfactory note. You're left feeling like the real movie, the plot that's somewhat obvious from fairly early on, is just getting started...

I had fun. I'd watch the next in the series, though probably not in the theater.

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Watched with the youngest middle kid, T. Fun. Nothing special, but fun. We'd watched the original awhile ago and T really enjoyed it, despite the aged computer generated special effects.

I'd seen only bits of the plot to this in trailers and didn't know much beyond that the stars (from the poster) were in it. I was confused when the focus seemed to be on a bunch of kids... All got resolved hilariously, I really liked this bit.

I'm pretty "meh" when it comes to Jack Black (loved High Fidelity, liked School of Rock, HATED Nacho Libre), but he was perfect in this. Also really enjoyed the play between Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart (Weakness: Cake). It's still weird but great to see Karen Gillan in movies as she will forever be Amy Pond. I'm glad she's not being typecast (her roll in the MCU is awesome). My daughter laughed her butt off at one particular cameo...

We had a lot of fun watching this.

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Inside Out

One of the lesser talked about Pixar movies, we watched for a family movie night as my wife and youngest hadn't seen it yet. I had taken the middles to see it when it was in the theater.

I really like this movie and its smartly done commentary on the importance of emotions. Fun enough for the youngest to stay involved, but with an interesting enough metaphor to keep parents humored. LOVED seeing inside the parents' heads. Be warned though, and this seems weirdly obvious to say, but like a lot of Pixar movies this gets pretty emotional at times.

Also loved some of the casting choices. Amy Poehler as "Joy" and Louis Black as "Anger" were especially great.

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Chained Heat

Just godawful. Casual racism, homophobia, and transphobia mixed with brutal scenes of rape.

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Incredibles 2

Watched with the whole family less the oldest (who was at work). We all loved it. I really like how it just picks right up after the end of the first movie. Liked the dive into Dad's relationship with his kids while trying to "keep it together" so Mom could do her thing. Edna and Jack-Jack were hits as well.

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Decent Grindhouse horror. Exactly what you'd expect from the genre, though there's a lot better out there. Fun to watch with a group expecting the horrible. An unexpected "highlight" was the two hair-metal bands that made an appearance in the movie. The dream sequence by "D.C. Lacroix" was especially awesome (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X8PC6Tojf0 nsfw but not horribly so). The other band... not so awesome.

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