

Sun Village, CA

Will Trent: 2x10 Do You See the Vision?

The Bear Hug Diddler Killer LOL. That's the first time I've ever laughed after someone referred to a serial killer. That's odd to think about it like that.

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Will Trent: 2x09 Residente o Visitante

I've been taking note of tropical settings, wondering which are island and which are coastal, like Florida or Mexico, etc. In this episode, the setting included Puerto Rico, which seemed very beautiful. I enjoyed the setting, whether it was shot on the island or at a generic island-like shooting location. Neither here nor there really matters as much as the story.

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Almost Paradise

Once again, I decide that I like a show and find that it's a Dean Devlin production. Dean is part of my generation, being here two years longer than I each of us from the opposite coasts, and his tastes in films and shows brings to life some of my favorites throughout the years. Thanks again #DeanDevlin the work you've done and continue to do is greatly appreciated.

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The Long Kiss Goodnight

What a great movie! I don't know why, being a Geena Davis fan, I had not seen this film until today. Every once in a while I stumble across a treasure I haven't seen like this which always surprises the crap out of me considering the number of movies I've seen. Although this was quite over the top, it had some pretty funny moments, a lot of action, and some pretty well-known cast members, many being considerably good actors such as Brian Cox, David Morse, and of course Samuel L. Jackson, to name a few, each of whom seem to be in everything (if you spin the action movie roulette wheel, there's a good chance you'll land on a movie containing at least one of these actors). Over all, this movie was just a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did.

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Dark Star

Wow, 1h 23m that I'll never get back. I had to see it because I expected more from John Carpenter. He was only 26 years old and it was 1974, so a low budget really had to be stretched including an attack of a killer tomato, some corny items that shouldn't have taken up space, and could have been better spent by providing some razors to trim those beards. At least they had cigarettes and Tiparillos to smoke in their confined space, ugh. I assume that the hair would have been discarded into space and that there would be some giant ball of hair floating around out there. Really though, this is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. 2001 A Space Odyssey was made six years earlier and is still to this day considered a masterpiece where this movie is really a master piece of (insert colorful metaphor here). Sorry John, loved many of your movies, but this one... :-(

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Carnival Row
His Dark Materials

Superb! Let this be an example of how a story should be told. So many stories written in books lose substance when brought to life in motion pictures. After having to compress it into such a short amount of time to tell the tale properly, many details are left out that make a story special. It was wonderful to see a story that was given enough time to be told while not being over done as well in taking too much time as some are done when ending long after they should have ended just to milk them for more money, taking away from the magic of the whole telling of the story. After the final episode, I felt as if I was losing a loved one, yet satisfied with the closure I felt at its conclusion. In my humble opinion, I believe this to be one of the finest productions of which I have had the opportunity to experience. This is how to tell a story. Watching it again in the future is going to be a blast! Thank you for the adventure.

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His Dark Materials

Superb! Let this be an example of how a story should be told. So many stories written in books lose substance when brought to life in motion pictures. After having to compress it into such a short amount of time to tell the tale properly, many details are left out that make a story special. It was wonderful to see a story that was given enough time to be told while not being over done as well in taking too much time as some are done when ending long after they should have ended just to milk them for more money, taking away from the magic of the whole telling of the story. After the final episode, I felt as if I was losing a loved one, yet satisfied with the closure I felt at its conclusion. In my humble opinion, I believe this to be one of the finest productions of which I have had the opportunity to experience. This is how to tell a story. Watching it again sometime in the future is going to be a blast! Thank you for the adventure.

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Werewolf by Night

Awesome! I didn't know what to expect when starting this movie, and found it to be so much fun going through this journey. I hope others enjoy it as much as I did.

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Stargate SG-1

This show is still one of the great Sci-Fi series' aired. For us Stargate fans, the creation of the Stargate channel airing the entire Stargate franchise of shows has been a great addition to content we can watch at any time as they also did with Star Trek TNG. I haven't looked into other shows that have been endorsed by military officials as programming depicting fairly accurate protocols followed, and the positive light a show has made representing one of our armed forces, as Stargate SG-1 has been given. The show, and Richard Dean Anderson in particular has the honor of being endorsed by the U.S. Air Force, and even made R.D.A. an honorary brigadier general (Air-Force Photo: https://www.af.mil/News/Photos/igphoto/2000588556/). What a great honor that had to have been for both R.D.A. and the rest of the cast and crew of Stargate SG-1. IMO, just knowing that makes the show that much better!

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Stargate SG-1: 9x03 Origin (3)

Revisiting this episode just reminded me again how great this show was, and how amazing it was to have people like Beau Bridges, Louis Gossett Jr., and Julian Sands on the show.

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Ms. Marvel: 1x01 Generation Why
Moon Knight: 1x06 Gods and Monsters
Legacies: 4x18 By the End of This, You'll Know Who You Were Meant to Be

It appears that this airing is of episode 13 instead of the listed 18th. Keep an eye out for changes. Bummer 4 now. I was looking forward to seeing the big showdown, however it unfolds. Until then...

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x26 Time's Arrow (1)

Riker to Data: "It's just that 'Our neural pathways have become accustomed to your sensory input patterns.'"

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This was a fun one. My favorite scene had to be the last minute.

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Supergirl: 6x15 Hope for Tomorrow

After the last couple of episodes, I was feeling a bit let down, coincidentally much like influences of the totems; however, this episode, S06E15, Hope For Tomorrow, did what the title says, giving me hope for the next episode of Supergirl. I think that I enjoyed this episode the most so far this season, and Esme is just adorable.

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The Outpost: 4x13 Nothing Lasts Forever

All good things, and all that. I especially enjoyed this final season. Fun show, nice wrap-up!

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Lucifer: 6x10 Partners 'Til the End
Zone 414

Well, I see I'm not the only one to think that this film had a Blade Runner feel to it. I enjoyed the movie.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x26 The Best of Both Worlds (1)

"Get us out of here, warp 9, course 151, mark 330, engage!" I love that line!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x26 The Best of Both Worlds (1)

"Get us out of here, warp 9, course 151, mark 330, engage!" I love that line!

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WandaVision: 1x04 We Interrupt This Program

It was definitely a ramp-up but delivered a big pay-off. I do love Marvel and what they continue to deliver, sometimes unawaringly so until that instant where things all fall into place. Just wonderful, guys!!!

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Stargate Universe: 2x09 Visitation

This episode made me think, darkly, "Ah... Comtrya! Comtrya!" ~Harlan: Stargate SG-1 S01E19 - Tin Man

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x01 That Hope Is You (1)

Very cool seeing David Ajala join the cast. It is rather refreshing to kick off the third season with so many funny moments while still keeping the direction always in view.

Being a drooler at under 2yo when STTOS aired, there hasn't been a Star Trek I haven't liked, which include television, movies, Internet independents, reboots, and novels. Star Trek Discovery just takes us in a different direction than the other Star Trek series' have, but then again, wasn't each unique in their own way, trying something different, with maybe TNG and Voyager being closer to each other after polishing off the rough edges that both Enterprise and Discovery intentionally have to still try to show older tech while our own real and movie tech make advanced de-evolved show tech.

Season 3 of Discovery looks like a lot of fun. I hope most enjoy it as much as I'm sure I will. Onward to what the future might hold, considering that there is a future... a future in which to watch the episodes to come.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x01 That Hope Is You (1)

Very cool seeing David Ajala join the cast. It is rather refreshing to kick off the third season with so many funny moments while still keeping the direction always in view.

Being a drooler at under 2yo when STTOS aired, there hasn't been a Star Trek I haven't liked, which include television, movies, Internet independents, reboots, and novels. Star Trek Discovery just takes us in a different direction than the other Star Trek series' have, but then again, wasn't each unique in their own way, trying something different, with maybe TNG and Voyager being closer to each other after polishing off the rough edges that both Enterprise and Discovery intentionally have to still try to show older tech while our own real and movie tech make advanced de-evolved show tech.

Season 3 of Discovery looks like a lot of fun. I hope most enjoy it as much as I'm sure I will. Onward to what the future might hold, considering that there is a future... a future in which to watch the episodes to come.

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Fridays: 3x13 Tab Hunter / KISS