


Under Paris

Seriously absolutely terrible unwatchable crap. Though I did watch through to the end somehow.

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Hit Man

It was ok until she appeared and the “love story” started. I had to turn it off before puking my guts out at their cheesy romance. Plus I can tell the plot will have no surprises… or does it? Maybe she’s actually a bad guy? Please let me know if that’s the case and fast forward through the romance parts. Thanks.

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Dawn of the Dead

I saw this when it came out and it blew my mind. Such a great Zombie movie. I grew up in malls so it really hit the spot for me. What a dream to be living out the zombie apocalypse with your buddies in your own private fortified mall.

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The Girl with All the Gifts

One of my top three favorite Zombie movies along with the Dawn of the Dead (1978) and I am Legend. People seem to be very polarized on this one so it’s likely you’ll love it or hate it. Either way it is incontestably a well made film.

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Eric: 1x02 Episode 2

Don’t understand why he would not take the check from his mom. Who cares where the reward money is coming from if it has even the slightest chance of helping find his son… plus his mom could post the reward herself as grandparents often do. Sound track is pretty good. Love they played a forest as closing song.

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Eric: 1x01 Episode 1

Great first episode. Excellent production value. Unlike some other commenters, I did not find it boring at all. Not usually a big Cumberbach fan but he’s very good here.

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What You Wish For

Not a bad little film. Nice suspense and tension. Stupidity of characters actions frustrating at times.

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I agree with negative commenters it's not very good at all in many ways (acting and dialogue lol). However, some of the action sequences and pretty ferocious and lovely to watch. To bad they are so completely unrealistic in terms of the outcomes - ala hero shoots blindly and kills 100s bad guys while bad guys all miss... So many plot problems like the 10 highly trained rangers taken down by a small team of bad guys while our hero (untrained newbie scientist) is indestructible... I wish they had shown the battle with the rangers - that would have been fun to watch. The movie is definitely worth seeing if you are a Sci-fi fan. I think you'll be a bit disappointed but also a bit satisfied...

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Resident Evil

Good little show with great production value. Acting is good, sets are good, score and soundtrack are great. A little bit too much girl teenage drama. Only two episode in so hopefully they won’t ruin it…

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Outside the Wire

Decent little film with some not bad action scenes. Particularly love the various robot soldiers. Goodish acting nice and moody score. SPOILER COMING UP The end is a bit weird but I’ve seen worse. First time for me to see a plot where AI kills himself and the government AI program to save humanity from AI. Wait does that make sense?

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Terrible production value. Weird heavy metal danger music is particularly hilarious. I’ll never stop loving you Jackson (as an actor) but it’s time to hang up your hat. A couple of your scenes in here including the one in the car where you’re supposed to be drunk could win you the Oscar for worst leading man… Vincent is also in particularly poor form. Never heard of the other lead so I presume he’s always pretty bad. OMG the end is so terrible! Who made this? I’m looking up this director.

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The Brokenwood Mysteries

Very light comfort style mystery TV ala Murder She Wrote. Pretty slow and boring with mediocre mysteries at best but production value is quite good.

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Murder in Suburbia

Very mediocre but good enough to pass the time if you have nothing else to watch.

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Cheesy, bad sets, bad lighting, bad acting, annoying score. Lasted 21 minutes.

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Just the description “Wealth, lust and betrayal set in Britain…” makes me want vomit my gust out. What’s wrong with people?!?

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Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

Wow that was sh*t. Effects were terrible. Did they do it on purposes to make it look like bad 80s special effect or do they just suck. Characters are also super annoying. I wanted to slap Paul, Finn and particularly MbKenna the whole time. I would have turned it off had I not passed out from boredom half way through.

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New Life

95% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes?!? Seriously? This movie is amateur grade turdola. It’s watchable, mildly entertaining and pace is ok but acting, dialog, plot, score are poop.

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Unbelievable: 1x01 Episode 1

I believe all the high grades and positive reviews but me and my gal only lasted 4 minutes with this show. Seeing a girl describe her rape in brutal detail while watching the reenactment of it is not my idea of a good time.

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The Stranger

Completely, totally unwatchable. Lasted 15 painfully bad minutes.

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Baby Reindeer

Probably pretty good but not for me…

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Under the Bridge

Show starts off ok but by episode 3 it becomes unbearably cringy. There is not a single likable character here. It may be based on true events but those events where not that interesting, original or captivating…

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Under the Bridge: 1x04 Beautiful British Columbia

I don’t care about her parents love story or her back story when she was a baby. Don’t care to watch the cringy dinner. Turned it off. Hard to watch a show when you dislike every single character and you’re constantly on the verge of cringing to death.

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Dead Boy Detectives

Bad acting, terrible action, super annoying background music. Not sure who the target audience is for this?!? Turned it off 10 min into first episode.

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Under the Bridge: 1x03 Blood Oath

Super cringy episode. Almost stopped watching the show.

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Susie Searches

Decent little film with good acting and great sound track. A little cheesy and teenagery at times but worth watching. The movie works well for a younger audience since the heroine herself seems very young, the pace is quick and it’s all about popularity and social media etc. I put it on and my 13 year old son was definitely captivated. There is a scary moment however that might be too intense for younger viewers.

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Fallout: Season 1

It was obvious from the first scene that this was going to be the awesomest show.

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Bob Marley: One Love

Huge Bob Marley fan. Terrible film. The commenters who said the acting is good must be smoking some good sh*t… ooh and let’s use the word biopic.

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Cult Killer

They’re tracking someone whose cellphone number they have and on which they chat on a daily basis. Phone tracking anyone? Banderas is such a terrible actor it’s always a treat watching him humiliate himself on screen. The movie is definitely positively bad but not entirely boring or unwatchable.

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Slightly too uninteresting and corny to be watchable unfortunately.

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