


The Lobster

For the life of me I don't understand why this movie gets so many positive reviews. It made many critics' top ten lists for the year. And it is terrible. Just awful.

Yes, it is very different, weird, and creative... but that doesn't mean it's good or entertaining. Its a dystopian future that has absolutely no basis in any logic or coherence, the characters are totally unlikeable, and it's unnecessarily cruel.

Sometime I think people say they like weird, artsy movies just so they look like they get and appreciate artsy things, not because they actually enjoyed the movie.

Don't waste your time. One of the worst movies I have ever watched.

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The Power of the Dog

Beware. Boring, artsy, long, and mostly pointless. Kind of movie critics say they like to have artsy cred, but is terrible. It was well acted. That’s it.

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The Ritual

Good horror flick! Very pleasant surprise. Well acted, great tension, scary monster. Nothing groundbreaking here, but just a good old fashioned scary monster movie. If that’s what you are looking for, you won’t go wrong here!

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The Wailing

Maybe if this movie was 45 minutes shorter it would have been good. It was way too long, with some pointless stories and scenes. I do not understand why so many critics loved it. Not worth the 2.5hrs.

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Star Wars: Andor

Ok. So the Rogue One creators need to do all the Star Wars now. Andor is outstanding. Best of the shows, even topping The Mandalorian. Dark, gritty, compelling. Outstanding characters and development. Truly capturing the early days of rising galactic fascism and those who would resist. Highly recommend.

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The Siege of Jadotville

Very good movie that tells a story that is deserving to be told. Really worth your time.

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The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

I haven’t been as pleasantly surprised by a movie in a long time. Incredibly creative, fun, brilliantly acted, self-depreciating and flat out hilarious. Cage and Pascal are brilliant. This movie deserves to be more known than it is.

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Everything Everywhere All at Once

It was visually stunning, extremely creative and original, well acted, and also completely nonsensical. Just became too goofy and lost my interest. Yet another best picture nominee (possibly winner as this was written pre ceremony) that I don’t get at all.

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The Lighthouse

Eggers is the Terrence Malick of horror. Like Malick, his movies get rave reviews. And I don’t get it. The movies are terrible. I’m missing something. I couldn’t get through first 30 mins of this movie. Unwatchable.

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Independence Day: Resurgence

Ugh. What a terrible movie. They could have done so much with this sequel, but instead went with a nonsense story, horrible acting, bad casting, and awful dialogue. I really liked the first one, so despite the bad reviews, I wanted to enjoy this movie. They made that impossible. Nothing but CGI effects that don't blow us away anymore, and paper thin characters doing idiotic things. What a waste.

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Very Boring and totally unrealistic.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

This is the Star Trek we’ve been waiting for! Best series since TNG. Back to its roots. Enterprise exploring the universe & getting into adventures with its crew of great characters. Very enjoyable!

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Top of the Lake: Season 2

Did not enjoy this season. Plot was slow. Characters poorly developed, and some were just ludicrous. Just about every male character was a horrible misogynist. Real step backwards from season 1.

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Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

Meh. Seems more like a mediocre made-for-TV movie. Do yourself a favour and watch the Netflix Documentary series instead.

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I went in with low expectations based on the critic reviews, but was pleasantly surprised! I rather liked it. Visually stunning, and an interesting concept. Well acted with great chemistry between leads. There is a big flaw in that [spoiler] the movie asks the audience to forgive one of the leads for the unforgivable. If you can’t get past it, then I can see why some may not like it.

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Little Evil

This movie was bad. I put it in my list because it was 80%+ on Rottentomatoes. Don’t be fooled. I don’t know what movie those critics were watching, but this was a feeble attempt at horror/comedy.

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Other People

Wow. Was this ever boring. Don't understand why this was reviewed so highly.

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Mostly negative reviews here, but I actually liked it. Thought it built a sense of dread and delivered some good thrills. I have watched much worse than this one! May relate to it more because my family has a remote cabin.

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The Witch

I can see why many critics and viewers liked this movie. It's very well made, acted, and does create a slow atmospheric climb of creepiness. I just didn't find it particularly scary or entertaining. I think it's worth the time for those who appreciate more nuanced horror... but it is not your typical modern horror by any stretch.

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The Hallow

Average horror flick. Not great, but not terrible either. Worth a watch if you have 90mins to kill.

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Get the Gringo

Ok. I admit it. I missed Mel. Good to see him back in fine form. But he is still a schmuck offscreen.

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Insidious: Chapter 2

Nonsensical. Not scary. Not good.

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Society of the Snow

Excellent movie. Much better than the 90s US version. Bleak, but also uplifting. Very worth your time.

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I’m not a fan of scenes in movies where animals are harmed.

After an hour of constant skinning and killing of animals, I turned this POC off.

Don’t bother.

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The Batman

Dark. Gritty. Action packed. Classic villains. Everything a Batman movie should be.

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Visually stunning. Great cast. Well acted. True to the book. One of the best Sci-fi movies in some time. Highly recommend.

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Midnight Mass

It’s not for all tastes. A slow build. Lots of religious content. Some excessive monologues. But it’s worth it. It’s building to something, and it pays off. It’s high quality, thought provoking horror. If it was 2 episodes shorter with less of the excesses that slow it down, it would be exceptional horror.

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Spirited Away

I can totally appreciate the artistry and creativity of this film. It is beautiful and unbelievably creative. But it was just so bizarre and disjointed I couldn’t connect to it.

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Pretty good little thriller. Interesting story. Well acted. SPOILER: Misery meets Munchausen.

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Interesting story, very well acted, but alas..... so very boring.

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