


Good Omens

I absolutely loved the book way back when, and this adaption is on par with the book...almost perfect you might say. Stunning cinematography and brilliant acting, especially by Michael Sheen and David Tennant, make Good Omens a clear candidate for Series of the Year. Highly recommended watch!!!!

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The Secret Life of Pets

You know that feeling when you see a new movie and you feel you have seen everything before?!?

Well...The Secret Life of Pets gives me that feeling in spades. It's not that it looks or sounds bad, it's not that characters aren't funny, but everything feels so damn uninspired...

The voices are the worst offender. Everything sounds the same, and you get the feeling the voice actors were very bored when doing this movie.

The animation gets a pass as it's not bad, but there's a whole lot of movies out there at the moment that does things better.

The story isn't all that good, but at least it wasn't all that boring. I actually laughed out loud at a couple of gags. The thing is...I've seen most of the gags in other movies.

I can't really recommend this one, but if you have someone around you that wants to see it, you won't die from watching it...

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Starship Troopers

How a gory, cliche filled, fascist dream can be so entertaining is beyond me, but entertaining it is...

This sci-fi romp is HIGHLY underrated. Highly entertaining and actually thought-provoking in its own way, Starship Troopers delivers a couple of hours of entertainment you'll not soon forget.

The script is loosely based on a book by renowned, sometimes controversial, sci-fi author Robert A. Heinlein, but deviates a lot from the book. If you have read it, you might be disappointed, but I doubt it...

Recommended to anyone with even the slightest interest in sci-fi.

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I'm one of those guys that loves the Uncharted games, and I was really excited when I heard about this movie. Then the cast and director were announced and...well...let's say my expectations weren't all that high when I sat down in my seat.

I ended up being a little surprised. Sure...the CGI is not really up to par, and there were, of course, some things I wanted to see, but didn't, but all in all, I came out at the end pretty satisfied.

A live action version of any video game will have to be quite different from the source material, and that makes the job for the writers and directors rather hard. I think Ruben Fleischer, and his people, solved this pretty good. They made it a bit more adventurish, and less violent, but it worked.

These kinds of movies will never be high art, but Uncharted were nonetheless an OK couple of hours in the cinema.

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Straight Outta Compton

Good Movie...really good movie...about something I don't really care all that much about. I'm a metalhead, and most metalheads barely recognize Rap as a music form. I'm not that hardcore and recognize rappers for what they are. Today's street poets.

I have heard of N.W.A., and of course Ice Cube and Dr. Dre, but not much more than that. Never really listened to any of the songs etc., but in the course of watching this movie I started to care a little more about the people and where they were coming from. I still don't like Rap mind you...but I can recommend this movie to anyone with an interest in music history.

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Enemy of the State

...and who knew that every fear in this movie would become a reality after a tragic terrorist attack in 2001.

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Mission: Impossible

With Mission: Impossible, De Palma made one of the most recognizable action movies of the 90s, and it has actually aged rather well. Just as fun as I remembered it.

Though...the one thing that STILL rubs me the wrong way is that they made a certain person a bad guy. That does not ring well with a fan of the old tv-series. If you read up on that, you'll know what I mean.

A classic still worth to spend time with!!!

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The Grand Tour: 4x04 Carnage a Trois

Shout by Greeneidal
BlockedParent2021-12-17T10:10:28Z— updated 2021-12-19T20:14:29Z

I can see the difficulties of making a show like this during a worldwide pandemic, but ...this was marginally more interesting than an old Top Gear episode. I love all three of these guys, and I really wish for them to continue doing these kinds of things, but if this is what we can expect from now on, they might as well stop it now and leave us with the excellent memories of what used to be.

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Galaxy Quest

Galaxy Quest is one of the best parodies made in the last 2 decades...if not THE best.

Many laugh-out-loud moments and a cast that knows what they are doing, makes Galaxy Quest really watchable even for people that usually don't enjoy sci-fi. The late Alan Rickman and Tim Allen especially.

And oh yeah...Sigourney Weaver's breasts make a good figure too (pun intended).

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You know those times when someone has some information you need or want, but for some damn reason they are incredibly slow talkers and can't seem to get to the damn point. Irritating as hell, isn't it? Invasion is that person. Trickles of information comes through, but most of the time it's gibberish or just silence. Ten episodes to tell what amounts to maybe two, two and a half hours of real content. Well done guys... Instead of making a movie, you made a whole TV-series, and for some unfathomable reason, you're apparently not done yet.

Invasion could have been a high point this year, but from reason they chose to squander some quite good actors time on a script that could have bored the hell out of a tortoise. Too bad the few minutes of each episode that actually made some sense made me want to see what happened next, so I guess I'll skip my way through another season when it comes out. I had no idea I had masochistic tendencies before this show came out...

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Foundation: 1x02 Preparing to Live

When the first episode is promising, and the second episode leaves you wanting more, I'd say someone is doing something right. There's always something to nitpick about when you know the books as well as I do, and it's by no means the same as the books, but that doesn't really matter. I'm just glad that more people than ever will know this universe.

Looking forward to more...especially if they can keep the high quality of the first two episodes.

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WarGames is a perfectly fine little gem of a thriller. Well...not exactly a thriller, but it gets rather exciting at the end. Great performance by a young Matthew Broderick as the protagonist, John Wood as the "wacky professor", and Ally Sheedy as the "love" interest. The story is even more relevant today than back in the cold war...WHEN will technology make us extinct?!?

Should be viewed and collected by everyone!!

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They Live

Being one of my favourite Carpenter outings, They Live is one of the late 80s movies I keep pulling off the shelf when time permits. It's still an hour and a half of pure fun and when Piper delivers one of the best one-liners in movie history, I'm transported right back to my childhood when my friends and I terrorized our teachers with that very line. If you haven't seen yourself a favour and do.

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Around the World in 80 Days

Shout by Greeneidal
BlockedParent2022-01-02T19:02:49Z— updated 2022-01-07T09:54:20Z

I have yet to understand why the entertainment business always feel the need to “update” the literary classics when they try to dramatize them. It's been a few years since I last read the Jules Vern classic, but I seem to remember that Fix was the name of the Scotland Yard Detective that was hunting Fogg because he thought he was a bank robber, not a woman journalist traveling companion. What I can't seem to remember is a black Passepartout. Nor was it all this political commentary that this "version" have in each and every episode. I also believe that the fellow Fogg wagered the 20k with was named Stuart, not Bellamy. To be honest, there's almost nothing in this series that Mr. Verne actually wrote, apart from a few names.


Why not change the names of the characters and call it something else?!!!?

...because this is certainly NOT Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days.

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FBI: International

I'm not ready to pass any judgement on this one...yet, but there's one thing that annoys me to no end with the first couple of episodes. The behavior of this “FBI team” is atrocious. The arrogance is just freaking unbelievable. I really hope, for international law enforcement cooperations sake, that this is just awful writing, and not even just a little like how these teams work in real life. I get that this is fiction, but if I was on one of these teams in real life, I would be really pissed...that's for sure.

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Thunderball, being my least favourite Sean Connery era James Bond, is not a bad movie, but it lacks severely in pacing. Most of that comes down to those gorgeous, but so incredibly slow, underwater scenes. They tend to drag on and that ends up hurting the flow of the movie. Thank God we have all the eye candy. Thunderball is filled to the brim with incredibly beautiful women and makes it a tolerable watch...for those of us that lean that way of course.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Fast Times at Ridgemont High

One thing I always ask myself when I'm finished watching Fast Times is why this movie is so well liked. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this movie more than most early 80s comedies, but it's not exactly a timeless classic. Except for the one contribution to movie history that everyone remembers (Yes...THAT scene. Thank you Phoebe Cates), Fast Times has not much going for it these days.

If you are looking for a trip through mastr...err...nostalgia lane, Fast Times might be a good way to spend an hour and a half, but there are more interesting choices out there.

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The Equalizer

We all knew on some level that Denzel Washington was a badass. The Equalizer was just the movie that hammered it in. That, and the fact that Home Depot can be a dangerous place at night...especially if you got evil intentions.

The story is the standard revenge(ish) affair, but Denzel Washington makes it much better. Probably a bit better than it deserved to be, but who cares. It's exciting, the pacing is almost perfect, and the music and cinematography borders on brilliant.

I tend to like movies with Denzel Washington quite a lot, so my rating will probably be rather high compared to others. Though...Don't make that dissuade you from checking the Equalizer out. It's really a good me.

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Patriots Day

I do NOT understand the hate for this movie. Technically very well done and except for a few moments of not all that good acting, the movie works very well. It also succeeds in what I think it was made for...It relays the horror and heroism of that day, and the days that followed, brilliantly.

If you have a chance, pick this one up and watch it...

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Basic Instinct
One Shot

Part of my 2022 Action Wednesdays

Now One Shot was a surprise. Some rather intense and realistic action, that never really lets up during the one and half hour runtime. The acting is decent enough, and the story, the little of it there is, is pretty clear and easy to follow. The shaking camera is a bit annoying, but apart from that, this actually works quite well.

One Shot is not a masterpiece, but if it's some decent close combat action you are after, this is your film.

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The Mummy

It's been a while since I last took The Mummy off the shelf, but it hasn't lost any of its charm. Neither has Rachel Weisz for that matter. She made quite the impression back in 99 and still does. Anyway, The Mummy is probably one of the best adventure films of the 90s, and it still manages to entertain. Worth a rewatch now and then...that's for sure.

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Conan the Barbarian

I'm not sure what it is with Conan the Barbarian.

On one side, I'm back to when I was a kid collecting Conan comics, loving sword and sorcery in general and specifically this movie.

On the other, as an adult, I feel this movie is incredibly stupid, and apart from the excellent sound and visuals, I shouldn't really care for this at all.

Well...I choose to side with my kid self. Conan the Barbarian is one of the best sword and sorcery films ever made. End of story!!!

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Is Tranformers great art?!?
Not at all...

Is Transformers, by any means, a classic?!?
Not really, no...

Is it fun?!?
Hell Yes!!!!!!!!

You can say whatever you want about Michael Bay and his military fetish, his obnoxious explosion and slow motion, and love of beautiful people, but no one can deny that the man makes engaging and fun movies.

Transformers is one of those...

It might make me simple, but I enjoy this one. I take it out sometimes and make jokes about Shia LaBeouf, enjoy the explosions, and just have fun.

You may call it one of my guilty pleasures...

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Mission: Impossible - Fallout

I now have a new favourite M:I!!!

There's not much else to say really. The action, stunts, effects, and cinematography is excellent. The story and screenplay work very well and tie the some loose ends up very neatly.

Though...there is one thing...

Prepare for the longest 15 minutes you'll ever experience. Trust me!!

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I sooooo didn't want to watch this movie, but when your significant other is a Katherine Heigl push through.

Killers is not a good movie. End of discussion, but...when your better half decides she wants to watch it with you, will you fall over dead because you watched it? Well, no...I'm here...aren't I? So...take my it, laugh when your girl laughs, and agree that it was fun. Then, when she isn't watching, take the disc, or whatever medium you used...burn it, give the ashes an acid bath, and bury it in the landfill. Then at least you don't have to endure this particular travesty ever again.

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The Great Mouse Detective

Let me tell you a little story about this movie and why I'm rating it so high...

In Norway...there's been a Disney Special shown every Christmas eve called (I believe) From All of Us to All of You. It's a run of shorts presented by Jiminy Cricket, and the last one is always a clip from one of the newest Disney productions. One of those clips made such an impression on me that I bugged my father all Christmas long to get to see that movie...and when he finally relented and I got to see it, I was blown away. The excitement, the mystery, the chase at the end. Everything was perfect.

To me, The Great Mouse Detective is one of those childhood memories that has burned itself into my mind and I will probably never be able to view this movie with any objectivity again.

So...what can I do...but rate this one as perfect?!?

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Don't bother with this one...probably the least interesting show in the "highly unrealistic millitary/romance show" category I have ever seen... :P

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Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day is something special!! Both to me and just...period.

Almost flawlessly executed, Groundhog Day is probably in my "Top 10 Comedies of All-Time" list...if I had one. The script is heartwarming and funny and the actors manage to convey this in a very convincing way. This is very high praise coming from me, as I'm no Bill Murray fan, but in this one he is great. Andie MacDowell also manages a very, very convincing love interest.

I also suspect that Harold Ramis had something to do with the excellence of Groundhog Day. He not only directed this one but co-wrote the screenplay with Danny Rubin. And we all know that Ramis at his best is really good.

Anyway...if you haven't seen this...shame on you. Go grab your significant other have a rather pleasant one and a half hours with Groundhog Day.

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