Didier Canovas

1 follower


Death Note

I think there are enough comments about how much of a disappointment this adaption is. If you have come to see the epic mind battle between the psychopath and charismatic, freak control and cold hearted Light versus his alter ego L, You will be disappointed..

This is a story in the world of Death Note, but not Light's and L's story as we know it, even if they bear these names.
We often make jokes about how Japanese movies/animations are stuck with some stereotypes - this movie is the same for America.

After writing this I really feel compelled to remove another star from my rating. Because WTF.

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Alien: Covenant
Come Back to Me

The first part might be too slow, but the reveal makes it worthy, so does the twist. I find the "barely over the average" notation a bit hard.

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Blade Runner

It's very rare, but the movie is better than the book in my opinion. Sure it doesn't talk about the religious aspects and doesn't lasts long on the animals' rarity and its social impact. But still, the atmosphere, the image, the characters, are all great and supported by an excellent OST. One of the few Ridley Scott's real masterpieces.

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So bad it hurts. You know these movies where you cannot help yourself and shout at the screen when you see the movie's characters, whom are supposedly trained into being careful, do stupid things. Or take ridiculous decisions? That's it. All the time. So much frustration. Situation.
You are on a deserted world never explored yet, you are one of the best biologist/scientist. You see a strange and threatening organism before you, you;
a) try & pet him like a little doggie
b) get back, analyze the situation and contain the bloody monster
They choose a). ALWAYS. If there is something stupid to do, they will do it. It doesn't feel like they are good at what they do. It feels like a regular teen slasher movie. It feels like we should add "Prometheus" to the "Alien universe movies which did NOT happen", right next to Alien 4.

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Surprinsingly entertaining Marvel movie, considering the last Avenger was pretty disappointing. This is fun & clever, with of course some exageration but that cannot be avoided with comics adaptation. Good momment.

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The Martian

Good holywood SF entertainment. Otherwise largely overrated.

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Classical non-sense. Somehow the militaries put together all sorts of unfit people into a team to perform a delicate mission. Not one person - with a single exception - is focused on the objective, all wanting something else. Behavior of main protagonist is beyond stupidity with zero survival instinct. Seen better "infected" too. The first person POV during action scenes are not a success and very confusing.

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